The Last Gentleman

Chapter 297: warm up

  Chapter 297 Warm Up

  Catherine pushed aside the six tentacles dripping with black liquid in front of her eyes, and stepped on the small leather shoes to the front of Yi Chen.

   "William, have you ever had nightmare-related experiences before?

   Otherwise, no matter how adaptable you are, you can quickly master the essence of the nightmare I shared with you, and you won’t be able to use it proficiently so quickly.

  Even evolving such a [nightmare body] on your own body, it’s really incredible~”

   "I had a nightmare for a long time before, but I don't remember much because of the long interval. Just now, because I swallowed Catherine's sugar cube, I recalled it."

   "Everyone has a natural affection for you, it really comes from the similarities between us.

  Since you have self-awareness and a certain understanding of dreams, I will no longer teach the basics.

  Okay~ Let's start the game quickly... That's right! There is one thing I want to remind you in particular. Although it is stated in the contract, I still have to emphasize it to you.

  In order to ensure fairness, you, William, are absolutely forbidden to directly or indirectly reveal your identity in the Nightmare game, let alone join forces with outsiders to do the kind of despicable behavior that allows them to score points.

  Once I find out that you use the identity issue to cooperate with the dreamer to do some tricks, I will be very angry. "

   "Hmm... wait a minute.

  Since I finished [Nightmare Transformation] so quickly, there should still be some time, right? Although I understand some nightmares, I still have something I want to ask you. "

   "Okay ~ hurry up and ask! You human gentlemen are much more capable than I imagined, and even the penetration speed of ordinary teams is faster than I expected."

   "Why are nightmares expressed in this octopus, tentacles? Why do people affected by nightmares show the characteristic 'smiling'?"

  “[Octopus and tentacles] is one of the boss’s personal favorite elements. I will be in charge of making octopus **** at picnic parties in the circus or some dinner parties on weekdays.

  After I was formally selected as the core team of the circus, I was given the ability to turn nightmares into diseases. Its physical manifestation is such an octopus form, just because the boss set it so.

  Everyone in the circus has a type of food that they are best at, so that everyone can participate in the important cooking process and enjoy the best food supply. "

   "The circus... boss... everyone is good at or corresponds to a kind of food?"

  Yi Chen got a lot of information from these words,

   He can even deduce a rather terrifying morbid force in his mind. It is very likely that it is a new type of force that is different from the old world's source of disease.

  At the same time, Yi Chen also recalled that when he tried to eat tentacles for the first time, it tasted really delicious.

  Catherine seemed to realize that she had said too much, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands crossed.

   "Hmm~ I seem to have said something that shouldn't be said.

  As for [smile], this has something to do with my career in the circus.

correct! This is my identity card. If I lose the game and go away, I can still get in touch through this card in the future. "

  Catherine reached into her dress and took out a special black and white reflective card from the gap.

   There is a portrait of Catherine on the front, holding a black and white umbrella made of human joints and leather in her hand, her buttocks pouted, and she leans forward to greet the people outside the card.

  The back is printed with a strange black and white smiling face,

  When Yi Chen saw this smiling face, he could immediately think of all the people in Zion who had ever smiled at him, whether they were friendly or malicious,

  It seems that this smiling face is a collection of all the characteristics of smiling.

  There is also [JOKER] printed on the upper and lower corners of the card, just like the joker card in poker, but the simple black and white colors seem to only correspond to the little joker card.

  Yi Chen did not refuse, and accepted the card decisively.

  This kind of things directly related to Catherine should be preserved as much as possible, even if it will be useful in the future, and it may even be used to touch the mysterious circus behind it.

   "Alright~ let's get started."

  Catherine stretched out her right hand, creak~octopus tentacles immediately grew out of her palm, carrying ink to draw five doors on the side wall.

   "First use these five ordinary teams as a 'foreplay', let you get a little familiar with how to use nightmares, and then officially start our game duel.

   Be careful~ Although it is an ordinary team, they are all at the same level as William. Don't be killed by them because you are not familiar with the usage of nightmares. "

   Facing the five doors constructed by Catherine, Yi Chen did not choose any one, but learned from the other party's methods, using his own tentacles to draw a [door] leading to the area where a certain team is located.

   Learn what you have learned and use it now, and it is quite stable,

   "William, you... are you learning too fast?"

  Yi Chen didn't answer at all, and quickly walked into the black door he created.


   In a blink of an eye, they came to a scene similar to a power station, but there was no one there yet, and the dreaming team needed to create another dream ladder to reach this floor.

  Using the remaining time, Yi Chen began to transform the space as a nightmare,

   Like a dream builder,

  First try to use the tentacles to move the position of the safety door,

  Try to stretch the length, curvature and bifurcation of the channel, create a new channel and interactive intersection, and complicate the original simple loop structure.

  Finally, a complicated [maze] with a high degree of regional similarity was transformed. The maze structure here also refers to the design of the orphanage to some extent.

  Once the team comes here, Yi Chen will be able to take the absolute initiative on the terrain.

  He also used his tentacles to tear apart the wall, hiding in the environment, waiting for the arrival of the dream team.

   Not for a while.

  In the center of the dream space, a nightmare staircase was created.

   Walking down is a team of five,

  Yi Chen, who was hidden, locked on the 'death row criminal' in the team at first glance. This person had a clear gap with other members of the team, and he himself exuded a strong aura of anxiety.

  The projection of the other party in the dream is actually a butcher dressed only in an apron. He is not a gentleman at all, but he is fat and oily in the real sense. The mixture of oil stains and sweat is constantly oozing out of the gaps between the fat and meat of his body.

   He seems to be very hot, leaving a footprint with every step he takes.

   Or is this body heat coming from the restlessness of his inner desires,

   It is an urgent desire to kill others. After all, it has been encapsulated as a "condemned prisoner" for such a long time, and it has been too long since there has been no chance to move freely and release the desire.

  『In the process of browsing various books indiscriminately and trying to improve [intelligence], I seem to have read about this person in a magazine that studies fallen gentlemen.

  ‘Farmer’ Blakelyn

Born in a peasant family in the small town of Leibus, Branklin, who grew up raising pigs, was unexpectedly spotted by a passing gentleman when he was fifteen years old. Without any systematic training, he just helped raise pigs at home As well as the butcher, he passed the examination with a high score and became a gentleman.

  When he broke through the limits of human beings and got the title of "Pork Maker", he suddenly left Zion on urgent leave,

   Returning to his hometown - the small town of Leibus alone, he spent more than ten days slaughtering all the people in the town, and stitched a huge human-pig totem in the center of the town.

   is a ruthless person... Let him be separated alone~ The aura emitted by this guy is obviously stronger than other gentlemen, and the use value is also higher. 』

  (end of this chapter)

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