The Last Gentleman

Chapter 312: double education

  Chapter 312 Double Enlightenment

  Macrof unconsciously followed Yi Chen to look up at the starry sky,

  For a while, his brain actually calmed down slowly, and the state of anger he had been in was slowly disappearing.

  He even gradually figured out why he got the trick. It was because he was too angry and too eager to win just now, and he wanted to kill the opponent without shaking his brain's defense line.

"how did you do it?

   Actually dragged me to such a real surface of the moon... Before, your illusion was just 'projection'. How much have you grown during this time, Lorian? "

  Yi Chen didn't give it and went back directly. He was still looking up at the starry sky, following the movement of the stars and muttering calmly:

   "What is true and what is false?

  The so-called true and false is just the definition given by our brain...Why are you so sure that your so-called [life] is real, and the [dream] every night is false?

   Is it possible that your so-called life is a memory randomly programmed by your brain after falling asleep every night? And your experience in the dream is your real life in the previous period?

  There are a small number of people in the world, they gradually realize this, they no longer deliberately distinguish between true and false, but treat everything equally.

   There are even very few who gradually understand the truth of the world in this cognitive process.

  Unfortunately, most people in this world are like you, Dr. Mycroft, who are used to taking the life identified by consciousness as real, and everything else is false.

  Most people label such a narrow cognition as [normal], and even conversely imprison a few people, using nerve-blocking drugs to suppress their thinking and prevent them from exploring the truth.

  Nominally saying that they are mental patients, saying that they violated [normal].

  In fact, it is because most people are afraid that their established cognition will be broken, and they are afraid that this small part is correct, normal, and even surpasses them on the biological level.

  Nowadays, the world is diseased, the rules are broken, and a small number of people are no longer shackled. This is a great time to explore the truth. "

  Yi Chen’s words seemed to resonate with the universe, surrounding Dr. Mycroft from all directions, leading him to think about the problem, and even thought it made sense.

  Macrof also looked up at the stars and asked questions: "Then what do you say is [normal]? What do those few people know? What is the truth of the world?"

  Hearing this question, Yi Chen had a smile on his face:

"I am also insane, why is it true or false? The so-called [Insanity] is the only key and way to understand the truth of the world. If you want to break through the boundaries of true and false, and want to understand the true secrets of the world, follow me to be insane." .”

   As soon as the words fell, the stars wandering in the deep space of the universe also started to move, arranged and combined to form a word [epilepsy].

   Looking up at the starry sky, Mycroft was deeply attracted by this picture, and using the vision as a medium, he wanted to imprint this word in his brain.

  Different from previous "education",

  Yi Chen combined the power of the stars and the moon for the first time, no longer suppressed by force, but used complete thinking induction to educate, and the effect seemed quite good.

   This is also a brand-new enlightenment model that he realized on the moon with the help of Lorian outside the city. Dr. Mycroft was the first experimenter.

  Everything went smoothly, and Mycroft's thinking went from [angry] → [calm] → [thinking] → [knowledge] completely following the lead.

  When the bits and pieces gradually formed the word epilepsy in Mycroft’s brain,

  The silver brain integrated with the twilight silver liquid felt unprecedented threats, detached from the self, and inspired the deepest sense of survival.

   During the life and death, an unimaginable silver energy spewed out from the depths of the brain.

  If you lift the skull, you can even clearly see the silver fluid seeping out of all the sulci in the brain, eroding the imprinted [epilepsy] character and completely obliterating it.

   Not only that, the seven holes of Mycroft also continuously flow out silver liquid, gradually infiltrating the surrounding space.

  The deep space, the stars and the moon where it is located are all dyed silver.

  咕咕~ All shattered like a mirror, and returned to the original hospital scene.

   "Hmm! You actually forcibly unlocked brain!"

  The scene of the shattered illusion stunned Yi Chen,

  He just pinpointed the mental loopholes that occurred when Mycroft's brain shrank. There was no problem in the whole process, and the enlightenment of thinking seemed to be a certainty.

   Moreover, the word [epilepsy] was almost engraved on the surface of the brain, and it failed at the last moment.

   It can be seen how special Mycroft's brain is.

  ≮Indoctrination failed≯

   This is Yi Chen's first experience of failure. He didn't feel anything at first, but suddenly he felt a hot flow from his nasal cavity.

   reached out and touched the nose and mouth, it turned out to be a silver liquid,

   Immediately afterwards, silver liquid flowed out from the seven holes, accompanied by strong tinnitus and confusion.

"Oops! Is this a side effect of failure? 』

  Yi Chen wanted to control his body to stay away temporarily, but found that the speed of the brain's instructions was extremely slow, and the body could only move slowly, and it was impossible to move to a safe distance.


  Hundreds of bone spurs were shot, and at least fifty of them were aimed at the brain.

   At such a critical time,

  As a student, the farmer Branklin, who was bruised and paralyzed, tried his best to crawl over and block such an attack for the teacher.

  It's a pity that most of his body and spirit have been cut off. Even the most basic crawling can only be done with strength from three fingers, which is impossible.


  Accompanied by Brinklin's desperate cry, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a strange smile on the teacher's face.

  As a "butcher" who can capture the breath of living things, he can't detect the vitality of the teacher at the moment, as if the vitality of the teacher is instantly covered by some kind of black substance.

  Even the label as a creature was torn off.

  And the teacher's complexion also became pale, as if wearing a layer of foundation, and there were two more blushes on both sides of the cheeks.

  The next second, the bone spur pierced through.

   It is no longer an illusion, Yi Chen's body is indeed pierced by thousands of bone spurs.

  When the bone spur inserted in the body wants to further damage the organs and bones,

   Ding Ding Ding~ The sound of iron strikes came out one after another.

  Almost 90% of them hit the iron chain, and only a few unprotected internal organs were punctured.


   During this process, Yi Chen not only did not scream, but was excited by the pain.

   Immediately afterwards, various organs and blood vessels in Yi Chen's body overflowed with a kind of black liquid of death, eroding, dissolving and absorbing these silver bone spurs.

   The breath of death permeating Yi Chen's body became stronger and stronger during the absorption process.

  Yi Chen has switched to "dead makeup" in advance,

  These bone spurs released by Mycroft are also mixed with twilight silver liquid in essence, which is an excellent tonic for Yi Chen in the dead state.

  However, the real tonic has to be Mycroft's 【Silver Brain】.

   Thinking that the silver brain could break the nearly perfect illusion layout, Yi Chen's mouth kept secreting saliva, and even slipped to the ground along the corner of his mouth.

   "What the **** are you...?

  Wait, is your form... the best effect that Twilight Silver Liquid can achieve in an ideal state, allowing the user to live forever in the state of the dead and never be killed.

  Lorian, you are a genius. "

  Dr. Mycroft has another understanding of Yi Chen with "dead makeup", and even becomes more excited. He seems to have found the ultimate answer to his research in Yi Chen.

  Yi Chen stopped talking nonsense.

  Only through the gaze of the [Eye of Nightmare] between the eyebrows, the squeeze of the dream space is realized, and McCoff is pulled to the front.

  Pinch the skull with the left hand,

  The right hand raised the black hand axe,

   Killed along the "slaughter line" on McCoff's face, still with some reservations, but just cut open the skull, allowing the inner silver brain to be perfectly exposed.

  Yi Chen muttered: "Sure enough, this rude method is the safest!"

   After finishing speaking, a nightmare tentacle protruded from the mouth, and began to engrave words on the surface of the silver brain, forcibly enlightening!

  Achieving "perfect slavery" makes Dr. Mycroft a devotee.

  (end of this chapter)

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