The Last Gentleman

Chapter 319: attack

  Chapter 319 Attack

   While Yi Chen was feeling the fit of the clothing, yellow silk threads appeared between the retinas.

  ≮I can feel the restlessness of struggle from the depths of your flesh and blood≯

  『That’s right, next I will face an opponent who is infinitely close to perfection in physical level, and I also want to use the most primitive hand-to-hand combat methods to deal with it.

   In addition, I have to trouble you, Huang Pi, to help cover up your identity as a gentleman. The other party also has a gentleman with 100% skin content who is performing skin grafting in the dream. 』

  The yellow line changes, the text changes

  ≮Want to satisfy physical struggle and identity concealment at the same time? Just like the killing training you did before, I will appropriately correct the main direction of [Restriction Lifting] and strengthen the 'inner skin'≯

  『Thank you. 』

  ≮As long as it is during the contract period, I will try my best to meet the help you need. And I am also very interested in this most primitive conflict≯

  The simple communication is over,

  Yi Chen also started doing some strange warm-up exercises,

   Such as vertical stretching with the arms fully wrapped around the back, and a fully folded lower back, with the back attached to the legs, etc.

  These exaggerated warm-ups are all from Zed,

  I used to use such warm-up exercises to completely relax the body before going to the paradise for fitness, otherwise it is very likely to pass out during the fitness process.

  Catherine looked up and down at Yi Chen who had a weird posture,

   "William, why do you feel that you are full of energy, even more than when you first participated in the nightmare game? You don't have a tendency to be masochistic, do you? After tasting the taste of broken flesh, do you still want more?"

   "You could say the same."

   "Ah! That's great... I'm a bit of a sadist. After I win this game, I will definitely take you back to the circus. Then we will have a lot of common topics."

   "Let's talk about it after winning. Your score is lower than mine at the moment. Stop talking nonsense and keep going."


  Catherine drew a [door] connecting the central street. Since the degree of skin grafting has exceeded 80%, there are few teleportation points to choose from.

  This [door] corresponds to an elementary school in Nightmare Town, which is just on the edge of Central Street.

  The teaching building made of red bricks is L-shaped, equipped with a playground and an indoor basketball court.

   Even though it is late at night, you can still hear the sound of reading aloud and the sound of running in groups.

  Primary school students completed the ‘separation of body and head’ independently. Their heads were hung in the classroom to study, while their bodies were doing various sports in the playground. Some cases even held their heads to play in the basketball court.

   Yi Chen, who was standing in the aisle, said in a low voice after seeing this scene: "Catherine, do you still have such a bad taste?"

   "What is bad taste? It's just Miss Ben's artistic expression aimed at reality. Don't the school teachers in reality hope that students can have both style and style? If they act separately in this way, the efficiency will be greatly improved?"

   "Okay, these teachers and students are useless here at all, Zed can directly locate our position with pure physical perception, no matter how we pretend to be, we can find it immediately.

   Hurry up and prepare for the battle. "

   "Well! Makes sense, since these teachers and students are useless, why not use them to fill up some energy."

  Catherine spread her arms, and all the teachers and students in the school turned into nightmare substances and recycled them into her body... Unlike last time, Catherine took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Yi Chen.

   "William, this elementary school is just opposite the place where we died last time, and it will take a few minutes for that guy to rush over.

  This time we will expand the venue a bit and use the entire teaching building for combat. Come and help me set up traps.

   Since you ran up to the rooftop alone last time, Zed never had a chance to step on my magic box. "


  Yi Chen can take out a large number of scare boxes from the cloth bag with a quick grasp, and throw them randomly in classrooms and corridors just like Catherine.

  After everything was arranged, the two gathered in a certain classroom, deliberately sat in the center of the classroom, and quietly waited for Zed's arrival.

   Staring at the wall clock on the blackboard, the heartbeat even gradually coincided with the movement of the second hand.

  Because I don’t know when Zed will come, and I don’t know how it will come,

  The sense of impatience brought about by the unknown increased with time, and finally Catherine suddenly reached out and crushed the wall clock, then retracted her hand and patted her chest gently.

   "Huh~ I haven't been this nervous for a long time! Is the feeling of being a prey so exciting..."

   "Catherine, calm down~ Mr. Zed will catch any loopholes that are exposed in us."

   "It's just destroying a wall clock, nothing will happen..."

   Just halfway through the speech,

  A pale arm suddenly penetrated the floor and grabbed Catherine's leg.

   This is not an ordinary 'grab'. When the five fingers pinched the legs and feet, a kind of physical control spread instantly, making Catherine unable to move at all.

  Pull down...Boom!

  The ground was completely shattered, and Catherine's body was instantly pulled downward.

  Penetrated through two floors without stopping at all, as if intending to drag Catherine deep into the ground and forcibly kill her.

  During the fall,

  Catherine opened her mouth wide and made a vomiting motion.

   Resolutely discarded the current body skin, drilled a fresher and softer body from his mouth, and landed firmly in the classroom on the first floor.

   On the other side,

  Seeing that what he was holding was just an empty shell, Ze grabbed the thighs on both sides to destroy the empty shell in the form of "shredded chicken", and then slowly approached Catherine in a crawling posture.

   "This guy... is very cautious~ He chooses to attack one by one every time. Did he choose to kill me first this time? Do you really think I'm so easy to kill?"

  Catherine is also very angry,

  She directly poked a finger into her brain, writing a kind of "war thought" into her brain, and the body that received the thought immediately began to undergo structural distortion.

   More muscles, more bones, more senses, and more structures beyond the human body.

  [Foot]: With eight nightmare tentacles as its feet, it supports a body about four meters high.

  It is not just a simple increase in height, but an increase in the entire physique,

[Torso]: It evolved into a kind of 'female body grinder', split vertically along the midline, and a girl named 'Smart Teeth' was embedded as a saw blade on both sides, and once prey approached them, they would use their jagged fangs Shred it completely.

  [Arms]: Four arms, or two additional deformed arms growing out of the back,

  The two in front are fairly normal, with a sledgehammer for clowns in one hand and a black glove in the other.

  The two that grow in the back are very abstract, and the one that looks like a bone saw is even driven by muscles, and the bone-tooth chain saw is still rotating at high speed.

  The other is like scissors, the split arm can cut the target at high speed.

  Each hand has a main control of a woman who is good at this field,

  [Head]: Catherine sits in the brain like a commander, leading this war on the physical level.

  The corresponding head is also weird. The black hair hangs down just to the chest, and the exposed female face is full of eyes, which improves the observation ability.

Not only that,

  The back of the head and the back area are crowded with more than 30 female heads, all of which are used for observation, so as not to miss Zed's movements.


  Facing Catherine with such a gesture,

  The lower end of Zed's black blindfold showed an excited smile, and he went straight to kill without stopping!

   Just when he was pedaling in the air and was about to hit Catherine head-on,


  The ceiling shattered overhead.

  A body with yellowish flesh suddenly descended,

  Zed was a little puzzled, because he remembered that the nightmare youth he had killed before did not have this breath, and he relied on his perfect body to take advantage of the situation and waved an upward [Slap] in the air.

  The other party's attack was [hand knife].


  The five fingers corresponding to the hand knife were all comminuted and fractured, and the wrist and elbow were dislocated, and the yellow figure was also thrown out.

  But...Zed's offensive was also stopped.

  The palm he swung just now was actually cut with an 8cm wound.

   I feel that it takes a lot of effort to write, and I hope I can fully recover tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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