The Last Gentleman

Chapter 330: continue to suffer

  Chapter 330 Continue to suffer

   When the Executioner Group returns to the city, immediately announce that the nightmare threat affecting Zion has been eliminated,

  The organization will immediately start sorting out the whole event and award rewards to event contributors.

   At the same time, we will also comprehensively review the whole process of the nightmare invasion, and repair the loopholes in Zion's current security system to avoid similar situations from happening.

  Yi Chen and Jin walked together and came to the downstairs of the collective apartment.

  It seems to recall the scene where the two children threw iron **** at each other when the two went upstairs a few days ago, which also corresponds to the abnormal state shown by the civilians of Zion at the beginning of the nightmare incident.

   After going through the whole process of the nightmare incident, the biggest difference between Yi Chen's original estimate and the "Catherine's nature" is.

  Yi Chen originally thought that the other party was a heinous, vicious villain who tried to wipe out the human race, but after getting in touch with her, he found that Catherine's nature was more inclined to black and white, that is, [Chaos].

   Such a guy is also heinous in a civilized society and must be eliminated.

  But under the current worldview where survival is the first issue, perhaps only a chaotic existence like Catherine is the most suitable for survival.

  After this incident,

  In addition to his own increase in epidemic value (1→2) and overall improvement in hand-to-hand combat, Yi Chen also realized a crueler fact.

  Even Catherine, who passed by by chance and was ill on the spur of the moment, can turn Zion into soldiers, and there are many crises... Once the real crisis comes, I am afraid that this city, which is known as the last refuge of mankind, will also collapse.

  The reason why Zion has been able to exist stably for so many years and continue to eliminate the sick around him is largely dependent on the backing of Pichang.

  『That guy Catherine said, [Leather Farm] is currently facing a crisis. As a lower-level organization attached to the Leather Field, we no longer receive the original protection, and may be invaded by other forces at any time.

   It is estimated that the selection of [First Gentleman] will start soon,

  I must strive to sit on the position of the first gentleman to learn more and more detailed information... As long as I have the yellow skin in my hand, I will definitely be able to achieve 'reforms', at least allowing more people to survive. 』

   "William, what are you thinking? Hurry up and catch up." Jin was already standing at the entrance of the apartment building, waving non-stop.

   "Jin~ I just woke up from a nightmare, and now I can't sleep at all.

   And you have been busy chasing and killing them, so you probably haven't collected enough imitation meat, right? There's nothing to do now, why don't you go to the academy with me. "

   "What are you going to college for?"

   "Visit Teacher Zed."

   "The... death row inmate who was exonerated with a special case? Okay, let's go."

  Jin still doesn't know the situation of Zed's massacre in the nightmare game. He just heard about this strange person who was pardoned and sealed by the organization because of his strength.


  After the nightmare event ends,

  Hogney Zedd rejected invitations including Wrinkled Spacey, Kimberly Cabrera, deputy director of the Power Station Research Institute,

   On the grounds that he had exhausted his time out this week, he returned to the academy alone, and returned to his prison-like underground office.


  Zed, who has been imprisoned for many years for committing crimes, has not felt the emotions of his youth for a long time.

  However, this time the dream made him regain his passion, and even felt his old and pale body become alive.

  Especially in the battle with the acrobatic troupe Mosander, that kind of body-to-body completely let go, reckless collision, once again ignited the flame in Zed's heart, and wanted to go outside again.

  When Zed was lying on the sofa, raising the corners of his mouth to rest for a while, the visitor had already arrived.

  Yi Chen also pushed the door open as if going home, and introduced his friends to the teacher.

   "This is Jin Almeida, who was born in [Gethsemane] and has a cancer-like complex disease. He participated in the last nightmare expulsion just now and followed me here."


   What Yi Chen responded to was a twisting sound of the ankle joint.

  Zed, who was sitting on the sofa, got close to his body in an instant, and even punched his face.

  If it were the same as before, Yi Chen would definitely not be able to react, and he would be thrown directly by this punch, and his head might even be knocked off.

  However, Yi Chen, who had just experienced many life-and-death struggles in nightmares and received long-term physical training, automatically responded when he heard the sound of his ankles.

   Instantly judged the 'gap' of this punch and the huge gap exposed by Zed's lower body.

  A series of optimal counterattack actions have been generated in the epileptic brain and fed back to all parts of the body, making perfect movements simultaneously.

  Dive down to dodge and take advantage of the situation to grab! He even wanted to hug Zed and throw him out.

  When this series of actions was completed, the crossed hands hugged Zed's thighs and buttocks tightly, and it was only when he felt the cold and flexible touch that Yi Chen realized that this scene seemed familiar.

   "Teacher~ You punched me just now to induce me to perform a "diving hug" on purpose, right? "

  Zed's voice came from above: "Then why don't you fall out?"

   "I don't want to have a head-on knee bump, okay, that would really kill people... Sure enough, the teacher saw through my identity very early in the dream.

  No matter how much I pretend, the essence of the flesh cannot be changed. "

  Zed also changed his usual casual tone, and said solemnly:

   "Since you can perform so well in the dream, the physical training will be completely reformed in the future. Every once in a while you will have a real hand-to-hand combat with me, and I will try my best not to kill you.

  Currently, the organization has increased the time I spend outside the house to ten hours a week

  If I accidentally beat you seriously, I can send you to the hospital immediately. "

   "Ah this..."

   At this moment, Jin raised his hand and interjected: "Can you add me? William looks very unconfident."

   "Kim, don't..."

  Yi Chen just wanted to stop it, but Zed already made a gesture of "please" very gentlemanly, inviting Jin to go to the paradise together for physical combat training.

  When Jin came to "Zed's Paradise", he was immediately shocked by the "fitness equipment" in front of him.

   "William? Have you been training in this kind of place?"

"haha, yes."

   "It's no wonder that your body is completely different from others, and the physical weapons made with your body are far stronger than individuals of the same level... How interesting! This kind of abnormality is basically not seen in Gethsemane.

  How do you do it in actual combat? "

  Zed responded, "As long as you try not to damage the equipment and the venue, you can do whatever you want... I used to be a purely sparring partner. Now that you have all broken through, I can also show my true strength to entertain."

  Yi Chen can see from the teacher's words and demeanor that Zed became a little different after the nightmare incident.

  Most of the gloom I once had disappeared, as if I started to love life again.

  After seeing the teacher's change, Yi Chen was also quite relieved. For the time being, he no longer cared about whether he might be disabled, and was ready to entertain and relax with the teacher.

  Jin already seemed a little impatient, sticking out her pink tongue slightly from under the mask,

  Following Zed's instruction to start the sparring, the two rushed up immediately.

  Five minutes passed.

  Zed sat on the armrest of the treadmill, took out a homemade tobacco and lit it in his mouth, and slightly adjusted the blindfold with one hand.

  At the position he was facing, Yi Chen and Jin hung on the equipment like two puddles of mud. They lost consciousness for a short period of time and were unable to act again.

  Jin woke up early with the support of cancer cells, and then took out gravy injections to give himself and William a shot.

   "Hey! William, wake up!"

   "Wow... don't wake me up~ Isn't it good to just pass out like this?" Yi Chen was a little puzzled, he was just beaten out of the dream, and now he continues to be beaten.

   "Call Reagan over here... the three of us might do it."

   "Call it, call it~ if he is willing to come." Yi Chen doesn't care about anything now, as long as he can avoid being beaten, it doesn't matter.

  Jin made a phone call and informed Reagan that there was a free meal tonight, and Reagan came to the door within ten minutes with a big belly.

  (end of this chapter)

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