The Last Gentleman

Chapter 367: final preparations

  Chapter 367 Final preparations

  Late night, apartment, meaty

  It is completely opposite to the vast tranquility and tranquility of the principal's office,

  In the small and hot dormitory, there was a continuous and noisy sound of meat being crushed. Because the imitation meat continued to dissipate heat during processing, even with the windows open, the room temperature continued to rise.

  Even though the clothing has the effect of automatic heat dissipation, Yi Chen still took off his shirt to fully expose his body to the air to maximize heat dissipation.

  Sitting opposite Jin also took off most of his coat, leaving only a loose shirt unbuttoned,

  Through the gaps between the clothes, you can see beads of sweat flowing along the delicate and perfect waistcoat line, and finally flow into the gap between the trouser waist,

  The top of the vest line is wrapped with a special bandage made of "gentleman's leather".

   There is even an extremely cold seal from Gethsemane, which can continuously provide cooling, and with the bandage structure, it can effectively restrain the flesh.

  Some women in Gethsemane would use this kind of bandage to bind their chests to improve flexibility, but few like Jin would add an extremely cold pattern between the bandages that could kill people.

   Not to mention that most people can't bear it at all, and their bodies will freeze if they are not careful, not to mention that such extreme cold is facing the heart, which is even more fatal.

   This extreme cold is just right for Jin at this stage, and even slightly insufficient. It is mainly used to "suppress the heart".

   Since returning from the cancer palace,

  Having learned a lot of advanced techniques related to tumors, as well as reading "The Story of Swelling", the load on Jin's body increased day by day, and at the same time he began to inject more advanced meat agents.

  The increased physical body burdens the heart more and more.

  However, her heart has undergone cancerous transformation in the cancerous womb. It can adapt to such a high load, but it will also produce a lot of heat. Once the temperature is too high, a large number of tumors will grow on the surface of the heart to drain festering heat.

  【Overheating】Once the state appears, Jin's body function will drop significantly.

  So after Jin returned to Zion, he made this cooling bandage made of gentleman's leather.


  According to the records in the book, Jin specially made a special meat preparation whose effect is no less than some regenerative secret medicines. These meat preparations will be given to Yi Chen for the next First Gentleman assessment.

  Although the gold mask can absorb the sweat from the face, there is still sweat dripping from the side.

As she wiped off the sweat that had gathered on her chin, she also let out a long sigh of relief, "Phew... It's really tiring to make a more universal red lotus medicine that can be used by William you normally~ Finally finished the third one up!

   That's it, it should be enough for you.

  This kind of meat agent that can quickly repair the body and replenish energy should be prohibited from being used during assessments and battles.

  If you take one during the intermission, you can enter the next game with a full state. "

"it is good."

  Yi Chen conveniently packed three meat preparation syringes into the suitcase,

  The two people who had finished cooking the meat were lying on the mattress in the living room without sheets or bedding as usual, resting.

   It's just that Yi Chen didn't fall asleep directly this time, but recalled some situations when he was fighting the real dead.

  At that time, because of being kicked heavily in the face by a horse's hoof, Jin's mask and the entire face were smashed, and his brain was injured.

  Although it is not fatal, it makes her extremely crazy, or she talks about some unbearable things because of the broken mask.

   "Jin..." Yi Chen just wanted to ask, but swallowed the words back.

  Since the room was only this big and it was extremely quiet in the early hours of the morning, even if Yi Chen only called out one name, he would get an immediate response.

  A slender and sweaty arm was wrapped around the back, and the palm of the hand was attached to Yi Chen's forehead, making a movement that wanted to sense the thinking of his brain.

  Of course it's just for show, it's impossible for the brain to be infiltrated.

   "Just say what you want, you are my first good friend."

   "No, I'm just calling you."

   "You're a bit weird, William ~ go to bed."

  The two just fell asleep like this, and Yi Chen also unloaded all the burdens, and prepared to have a good sleep, even if he woke up an hour before the assessment, it was perfectly fine.


   Not long after falling asleep,

  The clothing hanging on the bedroom door floated down by itself, wrapped around Yi Chen's upper body and the whole head, and even allowed silk threads to penetrate into the brain,

  Through an ancient massage method, Yichen instantly achieves an unprecedented high-quality sleep state.

  Less than three hours to restore the spirit to the best state,

  At the same time, a tingling sensation flashed through his brain, forcing Yi Chen to sit up from the mattress, and put on his clothes at the same time.

   A series of yellow characters appeared in the retina:

  §Do you want to participate in the selection competition just like this? Your control over the skin still needs to be improved, so hurry up and find a place with good airtightness, and I will guide you to read the "Skin Bible"§

   "Ah... just less than two days, is it too late?"

  §As long as it can increase the possibility of us seizing the authority of the leather factory, we must do our best.

  The death epidemic research you did in the power station and the physical communication with this cancer patient are all good for our growth, so I didn't bother you.

  Now let me teach you how to read effective epidemic books§


  If Huang Pi personally taught, it is naturally impossible to stay in the city. Yi Chen just found a reason and went out of the city. When the time comes to calculate the assessment time, he will come back.


  The qualification screening of the first gentleman, also known as [skin promotion]

   is the most important selection of the G&D organization, which is related to the subsequent development of the organization and the cultivation of gentlemen, or directly related to the "source of skin".

  The first gentleman is the only one directly recognized by the leather factory as a "middleman".

  Using itself as the medium, it establishes the connection between the organization and the tanneries, and through the form of "growth skins of the flesh", it transfers the skins produced by the tanneries to form a stable, basically harmless gentleman's skin.

  Becoming such an intermediary not only needs to show absolute talent at the skin level, but also needs to pay various prices, including freedom, lifespan, and personality.

  It can be said that it is rare to find a suitable candidate among a thousand gentlemen.

  This is also the reason why the organization continues to expand outwards and develop members from various channels.

  By expanding the base, it is possible to select heretical geniuses who are willing to dedicate themselves.

  Since the establishment of the organization, a total of seven [First Gentlemen] have been elected.

   Moreover, whenever the first gentleman's deadline is approaching, he will use the remaining vitality to pass on the 'part' to future generations, so that the next generation can adapt to the identity of the middleman more quickly.

   Now, the eighth "Skin Promotion" is about to begin. Unlike the past, this time the promotion will be carried out in a semi-open manner.

  Allow special personnel to come to Shenpi Mansion to watch on site,

   At the same time, there will also be a text live broadcast within Zion. Gentlemen can get signals through the clothes on their bodies, and get the first-line situation of the promotion scene between the retinas.

  The purpose of this is also to stimulate the younger generation of gentlemen, hoping that more people will be willing to become candidates in the future.


   early morning,

   Between the dark lanes of the lower street area,

  Sunlight squeezed hard into this narrow and damp alleyway, and several mice quickly returned to their nests, but there was a person lying there where they passed.

  The person appears to be asleep but has their eyes open,

  Feeling the sunshine, he sat up slowly, and when he got up, he grabbed a mouse that crawled across his body.

   Hum! Something invisible flashed past the eyeballs.

  The mouse caught in the hand is skinned and decontaminated, and then stuffed into the person's mouth for breakfast.

   This is high-quality protein that was born in Zion without any pollution. For some human beings living outside, they can’t eat it even if they want to.

   Rubbing the dark bags under the eyes, he walked listlessly to Shenpi Mansion.

  (end of this chapter)

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