The Last Gentleman

Chapter 389: hanging corpse

  Chapter 389 Hanging Corpse

  【Tailor Association】

  Wrapping half of his face with a scarf, Yi Chen, wearing a hood, is standing in front of Spacey, the chief seamstress,

  The light in the room happened to hit the leathery face of the "Skin Bible", and the book holder was Yi Chen, not Spacey.

   "Since you are planning to travel to the old world for a long time, and you plan to contact the leather factory in your personal capacity, please continue to take this book with you and return it to me when you return from the leather factory."

   "Thank you, Mr. Spacey."

   Such an opportunity, of course, Yi Chen would not shirk it.

  The "Skin Bible" is an important item directly donated by the leather factory. Even the native leather slaves born in the leather factory may not have the opportunity to get this kind of Bible.

   "Mr. Spacey, can you briefly introduce the situation of the leather factory?"

"Youshen Leather Factory, one of the source epidemic areas of the old world, is known as the "oldest factory". It has the highest mass production and separation technology in the entire old world. Production orders from other epidemic areas or special organizations.

   It is also the location of the source of skin.

  Any life that steps into the leather factory needs to sign a soul contract, and must not disclose any information about the interior.

The scene of the leather factory shown to you by the living text in the "Bible of Skins" is completely sufficient, and this book is also because it recognizes your talent in skins that it will show it on its own initiative. As long as you go to the leather factory with a pure and friendly purpose, There must be no problem, and it may even be possible to obtain an official status of living in the interior. "


  Farewell to Mr. Spacey, Yi Chen, who was holding a Bible in his skin, was also in a good mood, and started planning his itinerary.

  『This trip to the old world is not only to contact the leather factory, but also to the original tomb to see if there is a chance of death, or even the identity of a real dead person.

   In addition, I will try my best to meet with the Duke to see if there is anything suitable for me.

   However, there is an important issue that must be considered. Once I set foot on the land of the old world, the monastery that I offended last time is very likely to notice my arrival, and even hunt me down immediately.

  The other end of the original tomb has not been settled yet, and my only backer in the old world is the Duke.

  But the duke is an absolutely neutral existence, and I’m just a high-quality customer. If I don’t have anything valuable in my hand, the duke won’t even show up.

   All I had to do was quickly find a backer when I arrived in the Old World.

   At present, it seems that there are two options,

  1. Go to [Original Tomb] to seek asylum, but I don’t know where the original tomb is. “Dead Ridge Lake” may be able to guide me, but it is also dangerous on the way to the original tomb.

  The last time the other party sent three monks, Lorian put them together, and this time they will definitely send more, even more dangerous existences.

  Second, agree to Jin's request and follow her to the largest epidemic source area in the old world - [Cancer Palace].

  Jin is currently considered an important member of the Cancer Palace, and was awarded the Epidemic Book - "Swelling". Once we arrive in the old world, Jin may be able to directly open the passage to the Cancer Palace. Even if he is attacked, Jin can reveal his identity, and the people in the monastery should not dare to do it.

   In addition, before leaving, go to see Teacher Zed, just in time to talk about the issue of the monastery. 』

  Go to the bottom floor of the academy, Zed's office.

   "Has Teacher Zed left the house? No, I feel a very weak breath of the same origin in my body. What is the teacher doing?"

  During the two years since joining the organization, Yi Chen spent more than 30% of his time here.

  He is already very familiar with Teacher Zed's place, and he can roughly judge where the teacher is by just stepping in the door through the smell and sound.

   Today is a little different, as if the 'unchanged' for so long has been broken, or Teacher Zed himself has changed.

   After some searching, Zed neither performed physical training in the paradise, nor did he conduct autopsy in the operating room.

  Finally searching for the faint smell of corpses permeating the air, Yi Chen found an area deeper than the Paradise, an area he had never been to before, or a place where he did not need to go.

  【Warehouse at the bottom of the mountain】

   Zed was not only labeled as "Special Combat Power" and kept at the bottom of the academy,

  He is also a corpse researcher. Every once in a while, the academy will send a large number of corpses for Zed to conduct research in this area, and he will also produce many useful articles to feed back to the organization.

   Those corpses that have been researched, realized value, and have complete limbs will not be burned, but will be collected by Zed and stored in this secret and huge warehouse at the bottom of the mountain.

   "Is... so many? I have been with Teacher Zed for so many years, and I don't know this place."

  As Yi Chen burst out with the greatest strength in his body, he pushed open the steel gate horizontally with his left and right hands, and he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

   Tens of thousands of corpses were neatly hung in the warehouse, and the hanging method was all the same - "an iron hook directly penetrated the neck, and the corpse was hung on the top of the warehouse."

   Moreover, Yi Chen also noticed that each corpse has undergone precise corpse transformation. Even though some of their faces are shabby, their muscle lines are quite beautiful.

   Among the dense crowd of corpses, the body of Mr. Zed was mixed,

  His breath was suppressed to be exactly the same as those of the corpses. If it wasn't for Yi Chen's similar physical attributes and frequent in-depth communication with Teacher Zed at the physical level, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

   Seeing this, Yi Chen didn't dare to disturb the teacher's special practice. When considering whether to leave a note and leave,

   Bang! An iron hook connected to a cable was thrown towards him suddenly, and at the same time Zed's voice came: "William, do you want to come up and hang it?"

   Without hesitation,

   Shua! The hook runs through the neck while pulling the body up.

   Enjoying the pain of piercing and pulling,

  Yi Chen's body was also hung in the warehouse like a corpse, and happened to be squeezed next to Zed, and the two started talking in this strange state.

   "By the way, teacher, you are..."

   "With your body and eyesight, you should be able to see what I'm doing, right?"

  Yi Chen actually has an answer in his brain. He wanted to expand on it, but in the end he condensed it into two words:


   "That's right~ After the nightmare incident, I became a little bit more motivated, and I was ready to formally move deeper into the road of "corpses". The results are not bad so far.

  However, this road is not suitable for you, so don't hang around for too long, and don't feel the atmosphere here. "


  Yi Chen still remembers the scene in the nightmare,

  Mr. Zed can still perfectly transform into a corpse that is hard for Catherine to detect under the home of the nightmare, which is enough to show his accomplishments in this area.

   "I heard that you failed to become the "First Gentleman". If so, you should choose another path, right? "

   "Yes, teacher, I may take a longer trip to the old world."

   "Go~ I hope to bring some surprises when I come back."

   "There is one thing I want to talk to you, teacher, about the monastery..."

  When Yi Chen expressed his concerns, Zed responded with a dismissive smile:

"Don't worry, those guys won't send any powerful people to chase you down. They don't have extra manpower to play this kind of cat and mouse game. The most is the last three or four-person team configuration. .

   "The Monastery of Pain" is a very special place,

  The monks living there have important responsibilities and need to keep an eye on the things that are kept deep in the monastery. "


   "Prisoners from the Old World, the Monastery of Misery is the source of the epidemic and is also the only prison there. With the defeat of the Old World, they can recruit fewer and fewer people.

  They have already suffered a loss last time, and there is a high probability that they will not invest more energy in you. "

   "Prison in the old world!" It was the first time Yi Chen heard of it, and he was full of curiosity about the monastery for a while, and even hoped to have a chance to see it.

  (end of this chapter)

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