The Last Gentleman

Chapter 44: half a year

Chapter 44

【A week later】

Any changes have occurred in the basic attribute value without analog training.

The opposite of,

Yi Chen's spiritual appearance became extremely sluggish, the whole person lost a lot, and his hair began to fall off.

When conducting "Pathology" course on Monday,

When he saw Yi Chen, Edmond and others were frightened by his state, trying to provide some material help at the material level, but was rejected.

Yi Chen only gives a simple reply- [Special training]

After confirming the slightest perseverance between his dim eyes, Edmond no longer asked anything more.

Basically 80%of the first week was spent at Teacher Zade's "Paradise", and slowly began to try other equipment except the treadmill ... The body was just adapted to a certain device, and it would be broken by the new equipment to break the balance immediately. Essence

【the second week】

The attribute value is still unchanged,

Yi Chen's status has not improved, and the area on the top of the head has been reflected in a large area ... The whole person looks like he is aging for more than ten or twenty years old, and he starts to wear coats and hoodes on weekdays.

Walking between teaching buildings and campus, like a walking dead.

We ushered in a rare night of nights on Sunday, and returned to the dormitory when he staggered.

Who knows,

Professor Chamberon, who is standing on his shoulder, is waiting for him here.

"The physical condition is very bad. The cumulative injuries in the body may all be converted into sequelae. The future is at stake ... Do you want to give up, William?

As long as you nod,

I immediately contacted all the relationship between you and Zide, and at the same time replaced you the class of "Pathology" to ensure that Zide would not have any contact with you in the future.

Tonight, I will take you to the [Clinic] inside Zion for comprehensive treatment. "

"Thank you Professor Qian Bosen ... I can feel that my body is changing a slight change. I want to continue."

"Are you sure?"



The Qian Busen, who was several meters away, was almost put in front of Yi Chen in a transient manner, and gently put on his shoulder with one hand.

"I really read it correctly ... [Pain] is the most suitable for your physical catalyst. If you want to achieve the‘ multi -attribute limit ’, you must pay far more than others.

in addition,

You don't have to worry about the monthly task requirements,

I will submit an application for your "Task Delay" to the school.

However, the academy does not advocate this kind of closed -door car -making behavior.

After all, the ultimate purpose of organizing a gentleman is to eradicate the pathogen and the direct contact and actual combat with the pathogen is the most meaningful behavior.


The maximum limit of task delay is [half a year].

In this six months, you need to fully adapt to Zade's special training, and let your body slowly recover during the duration of pain ... After half a year, you must complete a decent task.

The task of gentlemen is not as simple as Green Lake Town, and all encounters are unknown. "

"I will be ready, thank you professor."

"Looking forward to the state you can reach in half a year."


【One month later】

The attribute value is still unchanged, and the physical condition is equally bad.

However, the physical damage and aging have slowed down,

During this period, Yi Chen also took a gentleman etiquette and pathology lessons.

[Two months passed]

Although the attribute value remains unchanged, the physical condition has improved.

The most important point is that hair starts to grow again.

During class,

[Dagbert], which has excellent talents at the level of physical strength, also noticed that Yi Chen's body is changing slightly.

This change is different from the physical growth of him or most people.

It is not to polish, exercise, and shape it on the basis of the original physical body.

Yi Chen's feeling is like tearing and crushing the original body, and then the most primitive reorganization, re -establish a set of more suitable and more controllable body.

Three months

Four months

Five months

In the past few months, Yi Chen gradually changed back to its original appearance, and his spirit gradually became better ... but the value of the physique is still [2].

On the surface, it seems like everything returning to the origin, nothing happened.

in addition,

After so few months of training,

The daily special training process and time have long been fixed.

When Yi Chen's physical fitness is completely squeezed, Teacher Zade will turn off the equipment as soon as possible.

Carrying Yi Chen was completely hollowed out, and threw it into the bathtub with a nutrient solution soaked until he woke up.

If you can wake up before the teaching building is closed, you can go back to bed,

If you wake up late, you can only stay here for training.


Time comes to the nearly half -annual period [Eleven Days].

Wilsteman Teaching Building-Underground Area

Yi Chen, as usual, conducts special training ... but today is different.

Zide touched the pointer time between the pocket watch, his expression was dignified.

Special training has been out of time,

Yi Chen should be exhausted in half an hour ago and fell completely.


He was still sitting on a steel nail, and his palm was completely penetrated on the rowing machine, maintaining a higher frequency rowing training.

"Could it be that…"

Zide did not inform Yi Chen's long timeout, but said with a normal training mouth.

"The practice of the rowing machine is so far, you go to the runner to rest a little."

"it is good."

Yi Chen was very easily separated from the rowing machine and wrapped through the palm of his hand with a bandage.

Did not stop,

Wipe off the sweat on the forehead with his arms, and step on the easiest treadmill.

During running,

Yi Chen suddenly turned his head, "Mr. Zide, can I run faster? I don’t know what's going on ... I feel that my body is getting lighter and lighter."

"Well, just do it according to you and your body's thoughts. From now on, you don't need to ask any opinion of me."

After Zide gave the final order, he stopped saying anymore, and seemed to be waiting for some change.

Herm ~

Zide's cochlea received a string of fine sound signals, which was squeezed and jitter from the pores of the human body.

For a time,

The red fog was released from the flesh that was running.

Just as the blood in the body is evaporated,

In fact, the total amount of blood used by Yi Chen has not decreased, and it was only discharged by congestion, and the pain residual in the body for so long.

The more emissions of the blood mist, the more

Yi Chen feels more relaxed in the body,

The speed on the treadmill has also increased faster,

Until the red mist almost hidden him, he could only see a high -speed running figure.


More weird things happened.

Yi Chen's skin began to "shell" in large areas, and was separating from the body ... Ka ~ A whole piece of shell -like skin fell off, and Zide quickly got up and grabbed in his hand.

Touching the flawless human skin shell, Zide fell into an extreme excitement.

"Purification, peeling ... the last step is still worse!"

A new layer of red -red skin is covered with Yichen's body surface, and you can even see that an active bud root must be active with the blood vessels under the skin.

Tens of seconds passed,

The surface layer of pink skin is gradually mature, turning into normal skin color and touch.

Compared to before, it is more flexible, delicate and personal,

The hair grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Boom! A loud noise

It is also accompanied by the splash and impact of various metal pieces.

This excessive and severe metal treadmill was directly fried by Yi Chen.

Between the background formed by the red mist and metal wreckage,

A long -haired young man came out of naked,

A small meatball grew on his shoulders, shaking his arms like waves, and his teeth were crunching, which seemed very excited.

The young man picked up the organization backpack,

Put on a long -lost suit,

At this moment, the skin of the gentleman's gentleman immediately detected the huge changes in the flesh, and projected the corresponding change data between the retina.

[Physical PHYSIQUE] has increased [2] → [3]

*Special attention: The nature of the flesh has changed, and the physical value is easier to increase.

*"Disease characteristics" improvement.

   (end of this chapter)

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