The Last Gentleman

Chapter 50: urban area

   Chapter 50 City District

   Listening to the description of the secret medicine, Yi Chen fell into contemplation again,

   It’s just,

   He wasn't thinking about the concept of secret medicine or things like doctors and clinics,

   Instead, I found a strange point by combining the secret medicine with some descriptions and details of this mission.

   "Edmund, you said that the raw materials of the secret medicine are taken from the [Sick].

   Could the fake moon incident that broke out in Wijnal City be related to the development of secret medicine? "

   As soon as these words come out,

   Edmund froze for a moment, and put his index finger between his lips.

   "William~ You can't say things like that.

   Moreover, the event information that the organization showed us has already stated that the open source patient with the patient number [Moon Mark] has a concealment ability that surpasses the same level.

   The "Fake Moon Incident" broke out suddenly without the local gentleman and clinic even noticing it. "

  Edmund, who was born in a big family, was infused with the idea of ​​a gentleman since he was a child, and he also met the [Doctor] who visited the family.

   He firmly believes in his heart that those doctors who can obtain the qualifications of the clinic must be of noble character and will not have a direct or indirect relationship with such a bad incident.

   "I'm just guessing,

   After all, you just said that the refining of the secret medicine requires the use of [Sick Person]. "

   Edmund also realized that he seemed to be overreacting, adjusted his sitting position, and explained some of the conditions in the clinic.

   "Yes, the core ingredient of the secret medicine does come from the patient.

   However, the organization has clear regulations that these patients must come from 'hunting'.

  【Clinic】After all, it was opened by a powerful doctor,

  Some gentlemen who have graduated from colleges and are stuck in front of the limit barrier will choose to apply for clinic apprenticeships and gain corresponding experience. Generally speaking, a clinic will have more than ten gentleman apprentices.

  The way the apprentices 'pay tuition' is to 'hunt' around the surrounding area to bring back valuable patients for the clinic.

  These sick people returned from hunting, in addition to providing the raw materials for the secret medicine, also have research value themselves, which is of great significance to human understanding of [disease]. "

   "Well." Yi Chen continued to ask: "Then why does the [clinic] have to be built next to the city?"

   "Two reasons,

  1. As a special armed department, the clinic itself is responsible for urban security in conjunction with local gentlemen, and provides medical services for passing gentlemen.

   Moreover, the organization also requires clinics to conduct random sampling for urban residents at regular intervals, provide free physical examinations, and exclude hidden lesions to a greater extent.

  2. According to so many years of experience in fighting against [pathogenesis], humans are the most susceptible to the effects of disease, and the fastest growing speed is human.

   may be directly related to our human self-knowledge and desire to explore the unknown.

   Therefore, most of the clinics are set up around the city to ensure the safety of the city and to obtain raw materials as quickly as possible. "


   After some exchanges, Yi Chen gained a lot.

   The six-month special training gave him no time to read books at all.

   He also made up his mind, and when the incident was over, he planned to go to the large library between the colleges to acquire more world knowledge.

   At this time,

There was a slight commotion on   's shoulders, reminding him of a 'friend' who hadn't shown up for a long time.

  『Little Grape, you seem a little excited. 』

  『Can this not be exciting?

  We stayed in that **** teaching building for half a year. Although your kid's physical changes are a little interesting, Ben Grape still wants to come and see it.

  My heart is yearning for the outside world, yearning for all kinds of novel, different colors and unique tastes of 'grapes'.

  Fortunately, the task you picked this time is very interesting, and it actually involves [Open Source].

   There are traces of ancient memoirs in my broken memory. If I can taste the open source patients, the grapes with ancient flavors, I don’t know how refreshing it will be. 』

  『The incident report given by Zion should not be false. The real culprit of the "Fake Moon Incident" has died, and we will never meet it... Besides, even if we do encounter it, can we survive? 』

  『In our current state, we are bound to die, and die horribly.

  Hey~ You are really boring, I just fantasize about it. As long as I can eat diseased grapes related to open source patients on this mission journey, I am very satisfied. 』


   The sick people killed during this mission, their grapes are yours.

  Since the task is mainly searching, your visual assistance is very important, little grape, so don’t be lazy. 』


  Three hours by car.

  The carriage is about to arrive at the place where the fake moon incident happened -【Venal City】.

   The front window of the carriage opens,

   The first speech of the driver in the metal mask:

   "As a protective measure for new gentlemen, I will traverse the city of Vernal and send you directly to the downstairs of the [Twilight Clinic].

   Of course, you can also choose to bypass the relatively safe suburbs. "

   "Just walk through the city."

   Edmund made such a decision for a very simple reason. Such a carriage can isolate the sick, and even if he encounters a sick person hiding in the urban area, the other side will never catch up.

   Crossing the urban area, you can probably assess the danger of this mission.

   "Then be careful, once you are attacked by a sick person, the speed of the car will increase to twice the current speed... Don't be thrown out, I won't stop and wait for any of you."

   During the speech, the carriage officially entered the city of Wiener,

  This sad city that suffered the "Fake Moon Incident" is now in ruins.

   Almost every building has signs of damage of different sizes, and some of the buildings collapsed completely, cutting off the city road in the middle.

   Even if two months have passed since the incident,

   You can still smell the rancid odor and fishy smell mixed in the air... With the blood on the ground, lampposts or buildings, it seems that you can still hear the screams resounding through the streets and alleys.

  It is unimaginable that such a normal city with a population of more than 10,000 people stationed by gentlemen and monitored by clinics turns into a **** on earth in just one night.

this moment,

  Yi Chen deeply tasted the bitterness of a kind of [disease], a taste of despair.

   Just as he stared at the constantly moving street scene,

   There was a burst of 'spying' from the visual window provided by the small grapes.

  『Oh, something is staring at us in the dark, it seems that there are really grapes to eat... But the other party didn't chase after us, just watched us secretly, which is a pity. 』

   Yi Chen's thinking was also pulled back by Little Grape.

  『Perhaps it’s because these guys born from the moon need to wait until night to come out for activities? 』

  『It's possible, looking forward to these guys changing the night and adding flavour to the grapes. 』

   In the process of communicating with Xiao Grape, Yi Chen also told the team members about the situation,

   Edmund asked: "Can you determine the number?"

   "There are no more than three sources of prying eyes that can be clearly felt, but I can't rule out some sick people who I haven't been able to find, and who are still dormant in the depths of the ruins."


  Our main activity area is the [Clinic], so let’s avoid contact with the city as much as possible. "

   After half an hour of fast driving.

  The carriage left the city smoothly and followed a winding road to the countryside.

  A small hospital-like building with an architectural style similar to Zion is being built on a small hill here, close to the city of Vinal.

The height of    is just right for doctors and apprentices between clinics to have a glimpse of the general situation of the urban area.

   (end of this chapter)

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