The Last Gentleman

Chapter 500: what is fear

  Chapter 500 What is fear


  After resting, William rushed over immediately. Catherine did not choose to follow because of the unpleasant relationship last time.

  Borrowing the epileptic brain induction, William quickly found that he was in the 'Crow District',

  Zoker, who also only wears a unique mask, is training a strange be precise, it should be a family of five.

  A crow with a physique larger than an adult tiger, standing on a tree trunk with human feet, is performing a difficult performance following Zoke's instructions.

   There are four bone heads hidden among its feathers, which will be split separately in some special levels to assist the main body to complete the performance.

  William quietly approached the current park, quietly standing outside the glass cover and enjoying the performance.


  On the eve of the end of the performance, it may be due to excessive physical exertion in the early stage, or it may be that the last movement was very reluctantly connected,

   When completing the final finishing move, the Arakkoa's body could not stand completely, so he could only make a redundant wing fanning movement, using air resistance to stabilize his body and complete the performance.

   Next second.


   There was a sound of brain cracking, and the limp body of the Yarkman fell from the tree trunk and fell heavily to the ground. The foul-smelling brains flowed out from between the skulls, completely dead.

  Two eyeballs filled with despair and fear rolled over the glass cover where William was standing.

  Zoke also noticed the arrival of his friend at this time, and the ferocity and anger on his face instantly disappeared, and he showed a kind and even very friendly smile.

   "William, you are here! I'm so sorry, I let you see such a disappointing scene when I first came here, such a waste can't stay in my zoo.

  If you make mistakes in the usual training, you may not even be able to do a single move well in the stressful formal performance. It seems that you have to find another material for the bird performance. "

  As an outsider, William is naturally not good at commenting, so he can only nod in agreement.

  Zoke tapped his right hand on his left palm, and remembered something, "That's right! I heard that William, you directly maximized your fear during the trial operation performance room yesterday, and even got the boss's approval.

  The poker face who came to report to me was also quite surprised, but I think this is to be expected.

  We epileptics are the elite among patients, not to mention special epileptics like William, who are even more talented than me in some aspects.

  Trial operation is not a problem. "

   "Haha~ It's just that I'm lucky, and even though my performance is very complete, I haven't been able to understand the meaning of fear, and I don't know how to define my phobia, so I came here to ask you for advice."

   "Oh, so that's what happened. I thought you were going to the back kitchen, so you made a special trip to call me."

  William scratched his head in embarrassment.

   "Haha~ I don't have any inspiration for cooking yet. Wait until you have a new idea before going to the back kitchen. Even the gold card is limited to ten times. If you just go there casually, it will be a kind of disrespect to the chef."

  Zoker stood upright and nodded in a rather philosophical thinking posture.

   "Well, yes! Come with me, go to my [beast cave] to talk..."

  The so-called animal den is the management room of the zoo, and it is also Zucker's personal living room in the circus.

  William thought it would be a primitive man’s house,

  However, when he came to the hole covered with deformed bones as a curtain, he realized that he had completely underestimated the chief animal trainer of the circus.

  The animal den is located at the lower end of the zoo,

   An underground cave exuding primitive animality, filled with sacrificial totems, and decorated with such animal heads.

   You can monitor the status of the entire zoo by living here, and you can also go to any park at any time.

   "So big!?"

   "Do you think the space that the chief can occupy is very small? You must have been to Jain's room, so you have formed a fixed mindset. His room looks like three bedrooms and two living rooms, but in fact every bedroom has its own cave.

  In terms of the size of the house, my animal den is only ranked fifth.

   Jain's Magic House should be in second.

   Come on, with your talent, once you become the chief, you will be able to collect a lot of fear essence between official performances, and then you will be able to easily sit in a mansion inside the circus.

  This is a very important inherent asset. When the circus is recognized by the old world and becomes a new source of epidemic area, our personal room can be transformed into a real old world land. "

   "The circus wants to become a new source of epidemics? Forget it, I feel that the topic will go too far if we continue to talk like this, so let's focus on the key points."

   "Um...come with me!"

  The deepest part of the animal den.

  A large number of stone piers are set here, some of which have been carved into a certain animal shape, while others remain in the shape of stone embryos without carving.

  A large round bed is surrounded by stone piers, which is also where Zucker rests.

   "Senior Zoke, do you carve animal shapes here every day?"

   "Only when the zoo is closed at night, I will come back here to start creating, presenting the indescribable beasts drawn in my mind with sculptures, and then use this as a template to transform the sick into beasts.

  I believe you also understand that what I have is - "beast phobia", which evokes the root fear that arises when seeing primitive ancient beasts deep in the genes of living organisms for the first time.

  In order to achieve the ultimate fear effect, I must carve the most perfect beast and find the most perfect beast embryo, at least for now I am still far away.

  Okay, let’s talk about your problem now, come here~ Let me see the whole process of your last performance, let me see how you bring fear to the audience?

  Theoretically speaking, your performance can maximize fear, and you should be able to easily confirm the direction of "phobia". Really have no idea? "

   "Really not, otherwise I wouldn't have come here to disturb you."

  William accepted the request of the animal trainer Zucker and sat on the big round bed together, showing a kneeling posture and cutting the brain,

  Similar to greetings between epileptics, the two bowed at 90° at the same time to bond the exposed epileptic brains together.

  By using this form of "brain stickers", the epilepsy virus that exists deep in the brain can have the most direct communication.

  Scenes of performances were transmitted to Zucker’s brain. In addition, there were various voices and feelings of William during the performances, and all details were read.

   I don't know how long it has passed, and it feels like the brains of the two are stuck together, and they can be slowly torn apart by twitching hard, and each other is also contaminated with the other's brain glue.

  Zoker, with his skull covered, put his hands on his chest, and the eyes of the beast under the mask stared into William's eyes.

   "I know why you still can't find the direction of your phobia after experiencing an almost perfect performance. You made a very simple and fatal mistake."

   "Why?" William covered his head, sat upright, and listened carefully.

  "Because you refuse to admit the [root fear] that comes from past memories, and even hold the naive idea that you have overcome the fear and are no longer afraid.

  You simply reproduce the process of fear generation and let others experience it repeatedly.

   It is indeed no problem for such a replica performance to be used for trial operation performances, but there is no way to go on the official stage.

  Fear is the root of all emotions. The first emotion produced by the conscious life originally born in the world is the unknown fear of everything in this world.

  This emotion is engraved deep in the soul of all life and cannot be removed. The so-called "overcome" is just a rhetoric used by the weak to cover up their own weakness.

  As the chief performer, we are also dominated by fear every moment, but we will not resist it or deny it, but admit its existence, and even enjoy the feeling it brings.

  Amplify this fear infinitely in your heart, take the initiative to get close to this hard-won fear, and then spread and share it with others in the way you are best at.

   If you're trying to deny fear, to deny this primal emotion, then...the circus isn't for you.

   What I said may be a bit heavy, but you must know this William.

  No matter how painful your past experience has affected you, don't reject it or hide it, but admit its existence! Because the [root fear] generated in your heart by this experience is a treasure that most people cannot obtain.

   Surround yourself with fear and embrace it!

  By then, you will understand the true meaning of phobia, understand the original intention of the circus, and the relationship between the so-called epileptic brain and phobia will be easily solved. "

   "I see... Thank you, Senior Zoke."

  Zoker scratched his excited brain, then reached out and patted William on the shoulder, "I really envy you~ I was born with such an experience, forming such a strange and unique rooted fear.

  Most people are not as lucky as you. I look forward to seeing William when your phobia is formed. "

  William couldn't help shaking his head. He didn't expect that the experience in the orphanage would be regarded as a treasure by others.

   "I know what to do!"

   Having gained enlightenment, he no longer hesitated, got up and headed for his magic house.

   "Hey! Remember our agreement, you must call me when you go to the back kitchen. Since I ate your rice rolls last time, the taste has become strange."


  (end of this chapter)

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