The Last Gentleman

Chapter 52: Monthly night

Chapter 52 Moon Night

【First Day】

The four people conducted a basic investigation of the main building of the clinic. Although the "leftover secret medicine" has not been found, the basic layout of the clinic has all remembered the building structure.

Wait for details to search for details tomorrow, and check and take pictures of each room and each corner, try to find out the might -existing secrets and dark rooms.

At night

Everyone came to the third floor of the main building,

Select a relatively clean apprentice room with a complete window and door for a rest place during the mission.

It also moved from the next two beds from the next door to convert it into the form of the upper and lower shops.

Of course, it is impossible to sleep at the same time,

Everyone needs to be arranged in time to take turns to stay at night. After all, the "fake moon incident" also occurs at night ... It may be possible to inspect the clinic without danger during the day, and special guests will be ushered in at night.

There are residues hidden in the ruins of the urban area, and they may also go up the mountain at night.

When ~ Dang ~

Sitting in the lower shop Edmond, he reached out and knocked on the edge of the bed.

"William, when the three of us used to act in the past, the night guarding has become a habit ... you don't need to participate in the night guarding. After all, the details of tomorrow's details will greatly increase your" eye use '. "

"Oh ~ okay."

Yi Chen on the upper shop was stunned a little, and then agreed.

He will not resign. [Sleeping] is a very important thing between Yi Chen's personal philosophy. Any lack of sleep will lead to problems with brain thinking, leading to low efficiency and inducing a series of mistakes. Essence

"Are you still thinking about the secret pharmacy?"


What I saw in the secret pharmacy made Yi Chen doubt the nature of the clinic.

He did not see any gentleman's behavior, but only saw a crazy behavior to survive in the last days.

Will the behavior that deviates from the gentleman's character will cause apprentices in the clinic and even powerful doctors to invade the pathized level of thinking?

Edmond's blond head slowly emerged from the edge of the bed, and a slightly feather -like slight blue eye pupil stared at Yi Chen:

"Um ~ I can understand your thoughts.

Since you are skeptical of the Twilight Clinic and Dr. McCov, then take this opportunity to investigate and find out the nature of the clinic and the truth about the development of secrets behind the clinic.

If there is a problem here, we will collect the evidence, through the connections of my family, or Professor Qian Bosen on your side, and report to the organization of the organization.

Hurry up and rest, there is no unexpected situation in a night, but you can't sleep. "


The clothing made by the gentleman's skin seems to feel the willingness of the individual to rest,

The "looseness" of clothing automatically increases to the maximum value,

The outermost coat, wrap the whole body like a bedding to improve the thermal insulation effect,

The lines of the clothing stimulate the subcutaneous nerves, playing a hypnotic effect that slows down the brain, and quickly sleep.

The standing collar also just blocked the ears,

It can automatically isolate the murmur, but also amplify the suspected dangerous sound source.



When the pointer between the clocks overlap at the upper end,

The moon that could not be seen clearly in the sky, as if the curtain of opening the thick fog with her hand, showed her white and rounded body to the world.

In other words, it is displayed to the hill area located in the clinic.

Under the moonlight,

Whether it is the surrounding mountains, or the staircase floor inside the clinic, a trace of gray mist exudes.

This fog will not dispersal with the wind,

It is more like a liquid,

Flowing on the ground,

Crazy on the wall,

Witnered between pipes,

Originally silent and empty clinic, under the illumination of moonlight, it seemed to usher in 'new life'. The "object" that was dead and sleeping slowly woke up slowly under the stirring of gray mist.

There was a strange voice of the inpatient department on the second floor of the clinic.

Like a certain metal bracket, it is constantly hitting the ground, and the sound of flesh per campaign is mixed.


These sounds are completely combined together ... da! despair! Become a sharp and crisp high heels.

Just like a nighttime nurse who forgot to change shoes, he began to inspect the corridor of the clinic.


The night guard at 0:00 in the morning was [Dagbert].

The rest of the people were sleeping deeply under the clusters of clothing, and filled the spiritual consumption of this day as much as possible.

At this time,

Yi Chen and Edmond, who slept on the same upper and lower shops, felt the abnormalities of the outside world at the same moment, and immediately woke up.

"What happened! What about the two of them?"

The apprentice room where the four people lived were only two of them.

There is no sign of opening the door,


Edmond can be sure that it is impossible for your teammates to act independently, and it must have happened.

"Edmond ... the moon comes out!"

Yi Chen's voice came from the window sill,

He did not look at the moon outside the window, but reflected part of the moon through a piece of broken glass.

When Edmond got this information, his complexion became extremely ugly.

"Could it be said! After two months of fermentation, the" residue "of the fake month incident has grown in secret, and it can also create a similar" moon illusion "like once open source patients.

These guys who use 'Moon' as the medium are also active at night.

In the early morning, does the clinic and surrounding urban areas show a real appearance? "

Yi Chen nodded and followed the analysis: "The disappearance of Dagbert and Yuliana may be related to the appearance of 'Moon' ... Considering the worst situation, we have to find them as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about this,

As long as they stay together, the problem is not very big. The strength of the two of them is not weaker than me. In the case of a good state, it is completely okay to support it for a period of time.

At present, we first consider the situation of the two of us, and the risks in the clinic ... "

The words did not fall.

The ground and walls of the room overflow the gray mist of dance,

At the same time,

The clothing on the two began to shake slightly, actively against the invasion of gray mist.

This situation surprised Edmund, and a professional vocabulary appeared unconsciously in his mouth.

"[Gray-EROSION] ... how is it possible!"? "

Another term that Yi Chen has never learned, "What gray?"

"Gray is a precursor to the" gray domain "change to the" gray domain ". This seemingly gray mist belongs to a special disease carrier.

Under its role, all substances will change, and even the bed we sleeping may be infected.

According to our current bites, it is too early to explore the gray domain! Even the gray -formation stage of the gray domain has not yet formed, it is quite dangerous for us. "

Tuck! despair!

at this time,

There was a crispy high heels outside the door to interrupt the conversation between the two.

   (end of this chapter)

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