The Last Gentleman

Chapter 520: fall

  Chapter 520 Crash

  William would find Jain for an hour of abyss gazing every day in the previous month,

  Every time you go to the magic house, you will experience a space twist and fall. This space technique is obviously related to Jain's magic.


   Rubik's cube twist,

  It actually caused the entire venue and the backstage where William and others were to rotate...You must know that the circus tent is the property of the boss, and Jain's Rubik's Cube can actually affect the interior space of the tent.


  Clown Art seems to be particularly vigilant about this Rubik's Cube, and speaks more.

   "Fix yourself as much as possible~ Otherwise, you may also fall into the abyss.

   This strange Rubik's Cube is quite dangerous. I have been in the circus for so long, and I have seen Jain use it no more than ten times.

   One of them was when I was in a bad mood and attacked him. It almost killed me at that time, at least five of my important capsule structures exploded.

  If we use this thing to perform a show, we in the background will also be affected partly. "

  The clown Art, who sat cross-legged on the ground, grew a large number of hyperplastic flesh to stick himself to the floor.

  Catherine also found a nail and a hammer from her treasure chest, first nailed her skirt to the chair, and then firmly nailed the four corners of the chair to the ground.

   "William, do you want me to fix it for you?"

   "Thank you, I can do it myself."

  Gentlemen's clothing grows a few extra ribbons, which are directly embedded in the ground to complete the fixation.

   Jain twisted the Rubik's Cube again... Hum! space flip

   This time it directly caused the venue to be completely inverted by 180°, and all the audience came directly above.

  They either hold on to the seat, or use their flying abilities to keep themselves from falling downward.

  Jain was standing vertically on the upside-down stage in a standard standing posture as if the soles of his shoes were coated with glue.

  The Rubik's Cube in his hand temporarily stopped turning, and a burst of magnetic opening words came out from under Jain's mask:

   "This magic show will be brought to you by me personally, it is called [Falling Show].

  The magic performance I will bring next will be performed in a falling state.

  The audience who can persist until the end and complete the whole magic show will get a special gift from me in addition to the gifts from the circus.

   So, now let's get started!

   I, Jan Kiruiet, bring you this special "Falling Magic". "

   Say it,

  The five fingers clasped on the surface of the Rubik's Cube are removed one by one. When the last little finger is released,

  The Rubik's Cube that was supposed to fall was suspended in the air, but the concept of "falling" did not fail, but was transferred from the Rubik's Cube itself to the audience.

  An irresistible falling effect is imprinted on the souls of the audience. No matter how much brute force or flying ability they have, they all fail at this moment and fall together.

  Because the circus venue was turned upside down by 180°, everyone fell towards the ceiling one after another.

  The ceiling that should have existed has turned into a pitch-black pit, and there seems to be no concept of 'depth' inside.

   If you think about it carefully, you will find that when the Acrobatic Troupe was performing, the human wall built at that time was hundreds of meters high when it was not compressed, but still failed to touch the ceiling.

   It seems that the ceiling never existed from the beginning, and it has always been a bottomless pit without boundaries, but it may also be a real abyss formed by Jain's Rubik's Cube giving it infinite depth at this moment.

   Jain also fell with the audience,

Snapped! When a finger is snapped, burning candles appear in the hands of each audience,

  The strong candlelight can dispel the darkness and stabilize the mentality of the fallen person.

   "Please be sure to protect your candle, only it can ensure your safety in the dark. When the candle burns out normally, the show will end.

   If the candle goes out by accident, I cannot keep you safe. "

   Just as the audience focused on the candle, making sure it burned as best it could,

   Whoosh! Something speeded down beside them,

  When some viewers with better eyes saw the face of the fallen person clearly by candlelight, they were so frightened that they directly had a physiological stress reaction and vomited.

   Fortunately, the candle was blocked in advance, otherwise the vomit is likely to extinguish the candle.

   "That's... the preparatory chef just now! Why is he here, no! I don't want to go to that aquarium again." A small number of individuals with weak psychological endurance began to talk to themselves and tremble.

  Jain showed a wry smile rather helplessly, and he took the initiative to comfort the audience:

   "Don't worry, he is just passing by and has nothing to do with our magic show. If you don't want to be punished, please be sure to concentrate."

   Jain slightly loosened the Guy Fawkes mask on his face when he took off the magic hat.

  The momentary gaze into the abyss made all the audience shudder, and their thoughts instantly focused on Jain.

  【One minute ago】

  The moment Jain undoes the Rubik's Cube, imposing the concept of "falling" on the audience.

  William and others in the backstage were also slightly affected, but with their strength, they would definitely not fall, and even if they accidentally fell, they would be blocked by the stage floor.

  William made a decision at this time,

  He actively activated the abdominal life gate, causing the "platinum blood" contained in it to produce a certain spatial response.

  Then deliberately loosened the clothing fixed to the ground, allowing the body to fall.

   "William, what are you doing~ It hurts to hit the floor." Catherine on the side instinctively reached out to pull her, but was stopped by William's sudden stare.

When    is about to hit the floor between the stages, buzz!

  William’s body dismantled like star grains, and when it was re-condensed, it passed through the floor and fell with the audience.

  This time is different from the "Abyss of Consciousness" when staring at Jain's eyeballs,

   It is a real abyss created by the Rubik's Cube. William even suspects that the Rubik's Cube in Jain's hand is a kind of abyss condensate, otherwise it would be impossible to have such an exaggerated spatial effect.

  In order not to affect the magic show,

  William accelerated his descent with the mental power provided by the little grape, and quickly passed through the audience watching the magic show, but a little vomit still fell on him.

  Through the month-long special training in the abyss,

   Coupled with the excitement brought about by the formal performance,

   and the physical activation brought by Mr. Rabbit's hot dance,

  William fell alone in the darkness, and at the same time opened the ashes eyes between his brows and the wrapping of the whole body clothing, and even had a unique yellow tie tied on his body.

  Whether Little Grape or Huangpi offered help at this moment,

  They are very clear that such an opportunity is too important for William,

  As long as you can seize the opportunity, as long as you can keep your consciousness clear and fall to the bottom of the abyss, you may be able to achieve a very important thing, which is more important than William's official membership in the circus.


  The reason why William is so desperate and seizes all the time for his own growth is that he wants to get in touch with his own path as soon as possible.

   Judging from the current understanding of the old world, only by completing the path can one be qualified to occupy a place in the old world, have enough strength to eliminate the major crisis that the organization is facing, and be able to kill the blood people who once spoke loudly in front of the leather factory.


  William took a deep breath,

  Forgot the concept of time and space in the dark, no matter how many dark individuals clustered around, or kept whispering in William's ear, he was still not affected by anything.

  Slowly, William took out an old cosmetic box from nowhere,

   Apply a delicate dead man makeup to the face,

  Unbutton the shirt at the same time, let the liquid between the life gates overflow, completely dye the whole body white, and put yourself in a special state of death and life.

   Keep falling until... Crack!

  The whole body was shattered and fractured, some of the broken bones even penetrated the flesh, and the platinum blood also continuously overflowed from the cracks in the body,

  It seems to be completely dead, but an extremely weird smile emerges on the face covered with dead makeup.

   "Finally... the end!"

   I really can’t bear it anymore, Xiao Ah Fei’s illness is too time-consuming, I will take a day off tomorrow and update the day after tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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