The Last Gentleman

Chapter 54: Collaborate to kill the enemy

   Chapter 54 Cooperative Killing

   This dark figure with a liquid can in his head is different from the hot ‘female doctor’ who patrolled the bedroom before.

   Temporarily call it a 'male doctor', and at first glance, it looks like living in a gym and drinking protein powder as water is terrible.

  1. "Arm": Cables for various medical equipment are drilled in and out between the arms. It's not so much an arm, it's more like a composite arm formed by multiple arms connected in series by cables, and you can even see some baby-like hands attached to it.

The length of the    arm is also far beyond ordinary people, and it is completely dragged to the ground below the wrist.

  2. "Trunk": A body comparable to that of a bodybuilding champion, but a black and white screen ECG monitor is embedded in the left chest.

   He was also wearing a white coat with no sleeves... In other words, the sleeves had long been torn by the thick arms.

  3. "Foot": The thighs are normal, but the knee joints are connected to three calves. The most important calves are still covered with wolf hair, which together support the sturdy body in the stable form of a tripod.

  4. "Head": There is no obvious head structure, but a liquid tank is inserted between the eroded necks. Between the tanks filled with nutrient solution, there is a yellow eyeball that has been seriously inflamed.

   The function of this eyeball is still normal, even several times clearer than the normal naked eye, and it is staring at the two people on the edge of the rooftop.

   is another [abnormally ill person].

  Edmund immediately switched to holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, his face was ugly.

   "Looks like there's only one fight~ If we escape back to the first floor now, this guy may sound the alarm between the clinics and let all the patients in the building hunt us down.

  Since Dagbert is not here, I will draw attention and fight meleely.

  William, you use the diseased characteristics of "plants" and your excellent visual characteristics to assist you..."

   is not finished yet,

  A dark shadow flashed by Edmund's side quickly.

   Taking a closer look, it was Yi Chen who had a crow kerosene lamp hanging on his waist and a silver axe.

   The black and white twill tie floats around the body in a high-speed dive.

   The face is also temporarily woven with a plant mask made of sprouts, not to isolate disease, but to 'purify the air'.

   Make sure that no matter what bodily fluid splashes on your face during the battle, you can still breathe the freshest air with a fresh smell of plants, refresh your brain and keep your focus.

   "So fast!

  William Isn't he supposed to be intellectual? Could it be the increase brought about by the physique of plants... not right! The sprint position is fairly standard, and the rhythm of the muscles is perfect.

   This guy has undergone special physical training. "

   Edmund was taken aback by the speed of Yi Chen's sudden burst.

To know,

   This is the basic achievement Yi Chen has learned from the 'spiky treadmill' for half a year...even every step of the run, I vaguely feel the piercing phantom pain from the sole of the foot.

   It’s just,

   For Yi Chen, pain is no longer weight-bearing, but a stimulant.


   on the other end,

  'Male Doctor' actually sprinted face to face in the same leaning mode.

   The speed provided by his wolf-haired calf is not weaker than Yi Chen, and the other two calves provide auxiliary support, making his lower plate extremely stable.

The    arm was dragged to the ground due to being too long, and the flesh and blood were gradually ground away during the running process, gradually revealing the electric shock defibrillator hidden in the palm of the hand.

  The moonlight sprinkled on the surface of his flesh, as if stimulants had penetrated into his body, and his whole body was wriggling slightly.

   Whether it is physique or aura, this 'male doctor' is even better...


  Yi Chen did not panic or fear at all.

   "View Lock"

In the field of vision jointly constructed by    and Little Grape, a circle-shaped dotted line with the characteristic of 'self-aiming' has already encircled the yellow eyeball between the liquid tanks.

It is worth mentioning that,

  There is also a new element in the field of vision,

   may be related to Yi Chen's occupation, or more precisely, it should be related to the understanding of [Old Living Script].

   When staring at the target,

  Strips of distorted fonts like maggots appeared between the retinas.

The font position of    is just above the head of the ‘male doctor’, outlining his name information:

  【Heart Saver - Francisco Holt (Sick)】

   Less than a second.

The    circle-shaped dotted line becomes a solid line, which means "locking" is completed.


   Similar to the ability of the giant eye at the bottom of the lake, a mental shock invisible to the naked eye directly hits and affects the patient's thinking level.

   for a moment.

  The male doctor lost his mind and fell to the ground because of the inertia of the fast sprint.


  The liquid tank inserted on the neck was directly shattered,

  Yellow grapes bounce along with the glass slag,

  Little Grape flexed his knees and jumped up, caught the yellow grape in the air with his little black hand, and then rolled in the air for two and a half weeks and fell steadily back to Yi Chen's shoulder.

  Return to the original rooting mode and stuff the grapes into the mouth.

  The delicious and warm juice overflows the mouth, but quickly turns into a bitterness.

   "Bah! The quality of the grapes themselves is not bad, but it's already seriously inflamed, it's too bitter!"

  When the little grapes are picky about this yellow grape,

   Yi Chen stepped forward and slashed at the fallen 'male doctor' with an axe.


   The flesh and spine in the middle of the back were cut open together, and the red marrow fluid overflowed... This kind of injury was considered a complete paralysis for humans.

   quack quack~

   Through the split back wound, plant roots stick to the axe and grow into the body of the ‘male doctor’, searching for the location where the [pathogen] took root.

   About five seconds passed,

  The fully invaded roots were found abnormal at the heart,

  Tumour-like pathogens encapsulated in 'heart monitors'... There are even arcs jumping on the surface, providing electricity to the whole body.

"found it!"

  Yi Chen is ready to further control the roots and fully invade the monitor... dig into the pathogen with the sharp root end and squeeze it dry.

at this time.

   The body of the ‘male doctor’ trembled, and the split wound on his back quickly healed.

   He has broken free from the state of mental shock and is fully awake... The broken back does not affect his movements, and the current flowing in the arm cable can also act as a nerve.

  The giant arm swings at an incredible angle!

   A palm hit Yi Chen's chest,

   is not only a force shock, but also cooperates with the defibrillator embedded in the palm, working together... ka! The sound of rib breaking is obvious.

   Yi Chen's slender body was hit by a palm and flew towards the edge of the rooftop, and might even fall directly.

   There was white smoke from his chest, as if he had been scorched by an electric shock.


   Edmund instinctively wanted to run to the edge of the rooftop and catch his teammates.


   Yi Chen, who should have been seriously injured in a coma, was 'lying in the air' very leisurely, smiling and enjoying the process of being knocked into the air.

   also turned sideways and pointed to the position of his left chest deliberately, conveying important information to Edmund.

  Next second...Bang~

  The sound of the gunfire was suppressed to a minimum by the silencer and only spread on the rooftop.

   Just got up, the 'male doctor' who was about to hunt down Yi Chen fell to the ground again.

  The monitor on his chest was penetrated by a bullet... The pathogenic tumor hidden inside was hit by a silver bullet and completely corroded.

   Sunday is the same as it is



   (end of this chapter)

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