The Last Gentleman

Chapter 532: Moon Rat

  Chapter 532 Moon Rat

  Blacktail Hotel

  As the most distinctive hotel in the entire Mouse City and the hotel that receives the most tourists from other places, its status is also extremely high.

  The boss [Congreve. Blacktail] is a well-known powerhouse in Mouse City,

  However, such a hotel collapsed bizarrely at night. In addition to a large number of onlookers, several completely different aristocratic ratmen were also rushed over from the inner city.

  One of them was holding a flute. When the flute blew, a large number of rats burrowed into the wreckage of the building to investigate the situation. "Congreve is dead because the secret of the abyss was revealed..."

  A noble opossum lurking underground made a sound from its abdomen: "What an idiot!"

  Another noblewoman with a pink tail showing in her long skirt said:

   "It doesn't have to be stupid.

   Extremely timid, he only knows that Congreve, who is hiding in the crack of the wall, is not so stupid.

  He knew very well how serious it would be to reveal the secrets of the abyss, and it was very likely that he was forced to say it accidentally, or even induced by thinking.

   There is no doubt that a certain foreigner who is staying must have good strength, completely surpassing Congreve, and even stronger than the few of us.

   Moreover, the thing happened in the gap between the walls created by that guy Congreve, and there is no way to figure out the specific reason.

   It's really dangerous~ How about we report it? If you let the adults know, the matter may be resolved in advance. "

   "Do you want to die? Fitch, report if you don't have any clues, and you will be killed directly."

   "That's right, hey~ Then we can only pray that the other party didn't come to our place to make trouble, but because Congreve killed himself."


  As soon as William left the hotel, he contacted yesterday's guide, Keith White Teeth.

  When Keith came from his home and saw the completely collapsed hotel, he froze in shock. Although he didn't know the reason, his intuition told him that it was most likely related to the young man in front of him.

   "Boss, what happened to your clothes?"

   "Something happened a little bit, can you lend me some fabric?"

   "Boss wait a moment!"

  Keith immediately turned into a crawling mouse form, quickly ran to a shop not far away and bought a black leather, which barely fit William's clothing, and could be used as a patch after a little cutting.

  William mainly wanted to cover his exposed butt, otherwise it would always feel chilly.

   "Where does the boss want to go today?"

   "Take me to the center of the city for a stroll, and introduce the Mouse City to me formally. In the evening, if you can't find a suitable hotel, you can stay at your home. The cost will be settled with you later."

"no problem."

  Keith didn't bother with the hotel, and devoted himself to leading the way.

  The structure of the Rat City is quite simple, roughly divided into two parts - [Inner City] and [Outer City], or [Aristocratic District] and [Public District], and there is even a stronger corpse wall in between.

The buildings in the inner area are all made of dark stones similar to the Blacktail Hotel, that is, the special ore mined in the Dark Nest Mine. It is dark and refuses light, so that the entire inner city is shrouded in darkness all year round, which is just in line with the need for rats. Like the dark nature.

  William looked at the "Black Rat Guards" who were patrolling the bottom of the corpse wall and were equipped with heavy armor.

   "Can we go to the inner city?"

   "Boss, are you sure you want to go in? Many rats who go to the inner city will lose contact for a long time or even die. Because the nobles living in it have the right to forcibly control the civilians.

  If someone takes a fancy to us, they can drag us to their house as slaves at any time and no one dares to resist. "

   "It's okay, I'm here... If you can't get in, I'll figure it out myself."

   Such an opportunity to earn performance would not be wasted, Keith said hastily: "Yes, yes, I have a friend who happens to be the Black Rat Guard, and he will let us in as long as he pays a little money."

  After some communication from Keith, it was easy to buy for ten yuan.

  The moment they set foot in the inner city, the two of them were instantly enveloped in darkness, even Keith, who was a mouse, would tremble in such a dark environment.


  William didn't feel any discomfort. He immediately set his sights on the center of the inner city, where a tall tower stood far higher than other buildings, even higher than the city wall.

   It is very strange that according to the height of the tower, William should have discovered it a long time ago, even standing outside the city, he can easily notice such a strange building.

   "Keith, what's going on with this tower? Why didn't we see it before."

  “[Dark Moon Tower], because it is built with the highest purity dark stone, it will only reveal its shape in the dark. It is a very magical building.

  It was created by the second city lord, and the position of the city lord has not changed so far.

  The story here is also very bizarre. "

   "Oh? Let's talk as we walk... Don't worry that we will be targeted by the nobles. I have already released some kind of pupil interference."


   It is rumored that the first city lord of the Rat City when it was first established was a tumor knight appointed by the Cancer Palace himself, and he was also the only knight in the knight order with the characteristics of a mouse.

  The reason for being stationed here is very simple. One is for the expansion of the Cancer Palace, and the other is because of the Dark Nest Mine that can produce special dark stones.

The first city lord ruled the entire Rat City with absolute tyranny, forcing the Rat People to reproduce wantonly, sending manpower to the mine with maximum power, and transporting enough ore to the Cancer Palace every month, so that he can get from the Cancer Palace Benefit.

  However, this tumor knight did not enjoy a life of 'reaping for nothing' for a long time.

  Among millions of miners, a special existence appeared.

  That mouse seems to have a natural supernatural power, and the mining work can always be completed ahead of schedule. When night falls, he will climb to the top of the mine and enjoy the moonlight alone there.

   Even gradually stopped going back to the city, and slept in the mines.

   A few months later, the workers who went to the mine together found that the mouse seemed to have a moon mark on its forehead.

   While everyone was discussing this in secret,

  The mouse suddenly disappeared and could not be found anyway, so it was rumored that he got the gift of the moon because he was too pious, and was finally led to the moon to get the chance to get along with the moon girl.

  Later, many mice even began to imitate it, watching the moon through the mining gap,

   Some idiots even delayed the mining work, and finally aroused the anger of the city lord. He chopped off the head of the moon-watching mouse on the spot and hung it at the entrance of the mine, and even issued a special ban on the moon.

  Any act of looking up at the moon may be regarded as a crime, and no mouse has dared to be interested in the moon since then.

   Years passed,

  When everyone gradually forgets about this matter,

  When the high-intensity work day and night caused a large number of rat people to be exhausted, and public complaints arose,

  One night, the rat people who came back from the mine suddenly found that the moon was big and round tonight, and even felt that the moon was only 100 meters above the city.

  With a beam of white light descending, the long-lost mouse came back,

  At the same time, there were sounds of fierce fighting from inside the city. The noise of the battle almost destroyed the entire inner city... No one dared to approach, until the whole night passed, and the head of the first city lord was hung on the city gate.

   Regarding such a result, everyone was very happy and worried. Such a crime as beheading the Zunju Knight will inevitably attract the wrath of the cancer palace.

   Sure enough, the investigation by the Knights was soon ushered in, and it was a large army of more than a hundred people.

  However, the massacre that everyone expected did not happen. Instead, a completely different woman walked out of the Knights, came to the mouse that killed the tumor knight, and gave her the identity of the second city lord and knight.

   With his ascendancy,

Everyone's life has also become better. At least 70% of the mine work has been cut off. Everyone loves the new king, and even built this Dark Moon Tower according to his requirements, which can realize the closest reward Moon, and even go directly to the surface of the moon through the tower.


   With the World Invasion coming, although we are not affected much here, the moon is shattered.

As a result, the temperament of the second city lord changed drastically, and the whole rat city gradually became what it is now. Rat people like us who were born later have never seen this city lord, and they don’t even know his name. Know. "

   "Interesting story... That is to say, in this tower there lived an ancient tumor knight, who was also the bestower of the moon."

   "If he's still alive, he should be.

  Boss, you must never approach the tower~ Not to mention whether the city lord is still inside, there is currently a ban in the Rat City, and anyone who approaches the tower without permission will be executed by the black rat guards. "

   "Well, I see."

  (end of this chapter)

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