The Last Gentleman

Chapter 535: trial

  Chapter 535 Interrogation

   Even William himself didn't know how long it took to refine the black dead skin of the apostle's skin.

  When he lifted the seals in the basement one after another, he was about to meet with Keith and asked about the time.

  Tat-tat-tat~ Only the sound of heavy footsteps came from upstairs. It was not the Keith couple but outsiders who came, and at the same time, the sound of very heavy metal breathing could be heard.

   Soon there was a quarrel, and the other party tried to check the basement, but Keith tried his best to stop it.

  When the conflict is about to break out.

  The wooden boards in the basement were blown away by a gust of air, William jumped up and landed in front of everyone

   In front of you is a special mouse wearing a fully-wrapping breathing mask, a black one-piece experimental dress, fingers combined with syringes, and a plague circulation device hanging on the back.

   There is also a green three-ring mark representing the plague on the chest.

   "Boss, this "quarantine officer" from the plague bed is taking a routine blood sample, and you are an outsider and don't need to take a sample. ” Keith seemed to be explaining to William, but he was actually speaking to the quarantine officer.


  The sound of heavy breathing came along some kind of metal pipe, and the quarantine officer looked at the young man in front of him with a mask,

  In his opinion, outsiders who can't even afford a hotel and choose to live in the homes of ordinary rat people are either weak and incompetent, or they are deliberately avoiding something, such as the Black Tail Hotel incident that happened a few days ago.

"May I have your name?"

   "William Behrens." Without disguise, he gave his real name directly.

  The quarantine officer enjoys extremely high authority in Rat City, and with a whistle coming from under the mask, a green-eyed mouse arrives with a document in its mouth.

  This document corresponds to the register of occupants on the day the Blacktail Hotel collapsed, and William’s name was also recorded on it, and it was registered on the same day, which is very suspicious.

   "Since you may be involved in the collapse of the Blacktail Hotel, please come with me."

   Keith on the side saw that the boss was going to be taken away. As a rat man, he knew very well what it meant to be taken away with a slight suspicion, and the probability of never returning was basically as high as 100%.

   Just when he wanted to give false testimony that William had lived in his home during this time, and the register might just be the same name.

  William patted him on the shoulder lightly, then followed the quarantine officer and left.

   Keith calmed down with such a clap,

  Recalling the hotel that collapsed because the boss stayed in, and recalling the related experiences in the inner city, he had a vague premonition.

   "Could it be that the boss..."


When William left the burrow, he softly asked the quarantine officer who was walking in front: "By the way, should my candle puppet also go with me? Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to bring it back and be stolen by someone, and I will have to rely on her to go [ The Darkest Land】Treasure hunting."

  When the word "dark place" was spoken, the quarantine officer paused for a moment, and then looked at the tattered old-fashioned candle puppet that even used the 'skull burning'.

   "Take it with you."

  William himself used gentleman clothes to restrain his breath, and he looked like an outsider who had just opened up his business and was harmless to humans and animals. From the perspective of the quarantine officer, it doesn't make much difference to bring an extra old candle puppet.

  As William expected,

   Under the leadership of the quarantine officer, go directly to the [Plaguebed] in the old city, a dark building with a size second only to the tower, with a cube structure and fully sealed.

  The waste generated inside will be transported through underground pipelines and discharged from four chimneys located at the corners of the inner city.

   There is also a circle of meat pipe network flowing No. 7 plague liquid around the plague bed, which is much safer than the electrified barbed wire.

  Once any outsider touches the meat pipe, the No. 7 plague liquid developed by the plague bed will spew out, and even the open source must come up with life-saving means to clean up the plague liquid.

  A large number of Black Rat Guards are patrolling here, and more or less of them have been needled, their physique is far superior to that of ordinary mice, and their eyes are shining with green light.

  When the quarantine officer came here, the monitoring eyeballs embedded in the meat pipe network immediately detected the identity of the visitor.

  When William followed the other party into the plague bed area, he felt that the sky was getting darker. The cube-shaped plague bed building squeezed into the eye sockets like a giant, and it was difficult to breathe when it was pressed against the surface of the heart.

   Tick ~ A drop of green blood flowed out of William's nose.

When the quarantine officer saw this scene, he also had a general assessment of William's 'strength' and explained: "Don't worry, this is a normal reaction when you are close to the plague bed. After our investigation is over, we will inject you with antigens so that you can recover normally." Leave, it won't do any harm to your body."


  The two stood in front of the only steel gate of the plague bed, with the three-ring mark representing the plague printed on the gate, with double valves inside and outside,

  The quarantine officer and the internal personnel turn the valve at the same speed to complete the opening of the door.

   During the opening process, even the quarantine officer adjusted the **** on the clothing at the same time to ensure that the filtering effect was adjusted to the maximum value, which could keep pathogenic bacteria out.


  The door opened, and due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside, a gust of strong wind that could blow ordinary people into the air rushed towards us.

  Countless pathogens and even some undetected microorganisms were blown out together, adhering to William's skin, nasal mucosa, and scalp gaps.

  With William's formal breathing, countless pathogens successfully entered the body.

  If the air you breathe when you set foot in the Mouse City is like a gang of hooligans headed by mice,

Then the pathogen group inhaled into the body this time is a relatively professional gang group. There are many practitioners in it, or shirtless men carrying machetes, or motorcycle men wrapped in turbans and holding sticks, and even A suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his body.

  However, what they came to was still the familiar discotheque, the familiar crazy boss, the familiar black knight thugs, and the familiar evil sun dome...

  There is indeed a difference between the so-called professional gangs and the local hooligans, but the difference is not very big.

  They can make more noises before dying, they can last a few seconds longer, and the corpse is a little more troublesome to clean up.

in reality,

  William had already begun to cough violently, and coughed up reddish-green sputum. He quickly tore off a layer of skin to use as a mask, and followed him into the bed of plague.

  The scene inside surprised William. He thought it would be a chaotic lair, representing an extremely messy lair.

   What is actually presented in front of you is a modern experimental building with standardized management, a design style dominated by straight lines and right angles, and ore metal as building materials. The overall appearance is clean and new.

The reason why there are strong pathogenic bacteria in the air is that the plague bed deliberately transports the toxic gas generated during the experiment to the public area of ​​the building through pipes and exhaust fans, so as to build a "third line of defense", and any intruders will be exposed Under the deadly plague.

  This is why quarantine officers are wearing protective clothing.

  William was quickly taken to a small dark room that had been purified and isolated, and the quarantine officer sitting across from him handed him a glass of water that he called an 'antidote'.

  In fact, it contains a parasite that can absorb toxins, and this parasite will follow the blood to reach the brain immediately, which will affect the individual's subsequent interrogation to a certain extent, so that he can tell the truth as much as possible.

   Gulu Gulu~

  William drank it up in a few sips, and expressed his thanks after a long sigh of relief.

  Such a performance made the quarantine officer sitting opposite almost laugh out loud, and even wanted to publicly ridicule why such a person was able to achieve open source.


  The quarantine officer unscrewed the hydraulic valve on the surface of the clothing, held his head with both hands, took off the fully wrapped breathing mask,

  A rotten sore, 80% of the skull exposed horror rat head appeared.

  There are faint creeping black tentacles between its eye sockets, providing a kind of dark vision, examining the youth in front of it.

   "Next, please answer my question truthfully. Did you stay at the Blacktail Hotel three days ago?"


   "Did you have contact with the hotel owner Congreve Heiwei the night you checked in?"


   "How did you get in touch, did you persecute Congreve Blacktail, or did your companions destroy the hotel secretly?"

   "No~ it's just me.

  I was taken to the world inside the wall while I was sleeping, and I met the boss who was stitched together by countless tails. As for his name, I only knew it after you said it.

  He wants to eat me, and I want to get news of the abyss, is it fair?

   Just when I was trying to ask a question about Abyss, I didn't expect that Abyss seemed to have self-awareness and turned the boss back, and accidentally tore my clothes.

   What a pity... So I came to you this time, wanting to continue to inquire about the abyss. I wonder if you or your boss can tell me in detail? "

  William, whose eyes were originally slack, suddenly became normal, with both hands clenched and placed on the table.

   On the contrary, the quarantine officer sitting opposite was completely stunned, and became well-behaved and honest.

  (end of this chapter)

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