The Last Gentleman

Chapter 537: call for help

  Chapter 537 Ask for help

An hour ago,

  In the basement of Keith White Tooth’s house, William, who refused to sew up the leather door, also immediately received a message from [Gentlemen’s Clothes] to the retina, about clothing changes.

  ≮Due to the large-scale access of exogenous skin sacs, this costume has integrated three different types of diseases, which have now been integrated into skin syndrome. In addition, due to the intervention of the apostle's skin, the quality of the clothing has also undergone major changes, and two new passive effects have been added. The details are as follows:

  "Black dead skin": The clothing itself can store and express various death attributes including the plague bacillus, unknown black sea water, etc., greatly improving magic resistance, and causing anti-injury effects on attackers.

  In addition, the glove structure can also be derived to attack.

   "The Will of the Gatekeeper": The will of Pym Lawley, the keeper of the Suture Gate, remains in the clothing room, giving the individual an unyielding spirit≯


  When William roughly deduced the overall level of the plague bed, he planned to use the rats in the plague bed to 'open' the clothing.

  The fighting skills taught by Mr. Zed are perfectly played with the support of the new costumes. Not only that, William also vaguely found a "rhythm" in the fighting process, a sense of rhythm learned from Mr. Rabbit's dancing.

  I always feel that the power of blows given along the rhythm will increase several times.

  The occasional punch not only completely smashed the target in front of him, but also smashed the rats behind him into pieces, and even made a deep concave punch mark on the stone wall of the factory tens of meters away.

  William is like a boxer from hell, leaving no bones wherever he goes.

  Thirteen just stayed by his side, responsible for dispelling the abyss matter.

   "Teacher... he is much better than a month ago!"


at the same time.

  The central laboratory of the plague bed, where various experimental equipment is built, which is very different from the equipment in the human laboratory.

  The reactors, distillation towers and other equipment here are all made of stone and meat.

   That is, it is a special dark stone mined in the mine, which is made together with the "stomach membrane" proliferated by the open source ratman, which can provide a constant temperature space most suitable for the cultivation, reaction and fermentation of pathogenic microorganisms.

  After the finished product of the plague produced by the central laboratory continues to go through multiple layers of refining and extraction, the final "plague stock solution" will be gathered directly below the laboratory, in a special room named [Plague Chamber]

  There is only less than 20 square meters here, and the overall design is like an indoor hot spring.

  A completely different rat man is resting in the hot spring with his whole body soaked in the hot spring, with a three-ring mark symbolizing the plague printed on his forehead.

   On his head, there are long pitch-black horns growing intertwined. This form of long horns is not like what a mouse should grow at all, as if infected with another kind of disease.

   This rat man is the founder of the plague bed and the acting lord of the rat city - Dugal. Plague Heart, also known as the Green Prime Minister.

  This secret room was only built in the past ten years. Besides being filled with plague liquid, there is also endless darkness. The ores used to construct the secret chamber are all mined from the depths of the mine, and each piece of ore is dug out by him himself.

  Using the plague liquid in the form of hot springs and the dark secret room as the medium, his thinking is walking among the 'paths'.

   In fact, he had already embarked on the "plague path" decades ago.

  In the early stage of the path, he took advantage of the plague resources of the entire city and went quite smoothly.

  But the last section of the journey was like a maze, and I couldn't get out anyway. I even felt my legs sink into the cement, and even the most basic step forward was a problem.

  He was always unwilling to admit the fact that the path failed, and even gradually became crazy amidst this setback, and began to ignore the state of the Rat City and the lives of the Rat People and intensify the research on the plague bed.

  But still can only stand still, unable to make any breakthrough

  Until one day, the whisper of the abyss came from the corner of the office...


  Dugar Plagueheart, who is in the secret room, is enjoying the darkness and tranquility, crawling forward with tentacles one after another, boom! Unexpectedly, a disturbance from the outside world forced him to wake up.

   interrupt pathway,

   This kind of noise is absolutely intolerable to him. He must find out who made it, eat him alive, and even throw his head into the plague tank for continuous torture.

  However, the increasing sound of the blow made him feel that something was wrong.

   "Plague Eye"

  The three-ring imprint at the center of the eyebrows began to squirm, and as the skin ruptured, three green eyeballs sticking together emerged to replace the original imprint.

  These three special eyeballs can use the plague in the air as a medium to observe the details of the plague bed.

  When a young man who is killing wantonly in a plague bed building comes into view, it is very important to first determine that the other party is a person with open source disease.

   However, even in the open source stage, this young man seemed to be able to kill with ease, and the sense of oppression brought by bare-handed fighting even made him feel dangerous.

   "I easily killed my selected subordinates and the plague variants that I took painstaking efforts to cultivate with bare hands, and I haven't even suffered a single injury so far.

  This person should be similar to me, and they are all in the state of open source limit. It's not easy for me to defeat or even kill this guy, and I even need to pay a painful price.

   Judging from his aura and killing mode, this guy is likely to be a potential recruit of the Plague Knights, who is undergoing the final test of joining the group.

  Recently, I heard that the original tomb and the Cancer Palace often have war conflicts. It seems that this new soldier of the dead plague came to our city that belongs to the Cancer Palace just to express himself, right?

   Actually want to use me as a springboard? That being the case, why not borrow a knife to kill someone. Now I only have the last path to complete, so I can't waste time because of the serious injury.

  Although it has been a long time since a rescue signal was sent out, as long as you explain to the cancer palace that there is a suspected dead person causing trouble, they will definitely send someone over there to deal with it, right? "

  Thinking of this, a wicked smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

  Dugal's sore arms rested lightly on both sides of the pool, and the plague water flowed on his shoulders.

  When he got up from the hot spring, he found that only the upper body was normal.

  As a rat man, his lower body has long lost the "concept of form", and is full of various indescribable living organs that are constantly flowing with black pus, connected by tentacles that are wound around and punctured.

  It seems that he can only move in a creeping way. The loss of the lower body is very similar to that of the hotel owner, and it is the effect of being immersed in the abyss.

  Dugar put on a coat similar to a plague robe to cover the lower body of this corrupted body,

  He began to murmur some ancient secret method, and his body was immediately dismantled into small plague bacteria... After a few seconds, the body condensed into an office that hadn't been used for a long time.

  A tumorous telephone is stored in a safe here, untouched for hundreds of years.

  When he tried to pick up the receiver, the phone was connected instantly.

   "Is there anything urgent to report?"

   "This is Rat City-Pestus, and I am the acting city lord-Dugal. Currently, a patient who can express the characteristics of the deadly epidemic is killing us here. I hereby request the reinforcements of the Cancer Palace."

   "The information has been received, and we will send the nearest Tumor Knight to deal with the matter. If it is found that the information you provided is wrong, the Cancer Palace will directly pursue the responsibility."

"Thank you so much."

Dugal who hung up the phone couldn't help getting excited, "They actually arranged for the "Tumor Knight" to come over directly. It seems that their relationship with the deceased is really bad~... In this way, I just need to rest and wait for the incident to end. .

  Maybe you can get some benefits that help the way. "


  A neutral city more than a hundred kilometers away.

  A woman dressed in casual clothes and wearing a mask is holding a special crystallized lollipop in her mouth.

   In front of her lay eight wretched sick people who had been beaten into a shapeless shape. The reason was very simple. Just now, one of them touched the woman's **** on purpose.

   Just when she was about to continue educating these impolite guys,

  A burst of information came into the brain,

   "Mouse City... Suspected deceased? Ouch, it's not interesting to talk about it, and finally there is something to do."

  As the woman turns and leaves,

   This group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief, just when they were trying to recover their bodies, snap! A lollipop was thrown over, which was exactly the lollipop that the woman had said before.


  A violent explosion occurred between the roadways, and even caused the city to raise the alarm.

  The woman ignored the explosion, went back to the store where she bought the lollipops before, took out a bag with a storage function, and bought all the lollipops for today.

  Then move the mask up slightly, tucking one of them between your cherry-pink lips.

  (end of this chapter)

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