The Last Gentleman

Chapter 547: black curtain

  Chapter 547 Black Curtain

  In the private room of the almost palace-level restaurant, ten attendants stand upright on both sides, and will serve the three members of the team who choose the most high-end set meal of 3888 throughout the whole process.

  Thirteen does not need to eat as a candle puppet, so the dining car also provides a doll cleaning service for free.

  With the three people seated, the serving session officially begins.

  Appetizer "Salmon Salmon Cerceres (salmon parasitism

  Pre-soup "Sea Mushroom Stew Stimulates Cryptocaryon Hot Soup"

  Side dish "Smoked cheese initial parasitic leg of lamb"

  Main course "Giant Barnacle Claypot Rice", "Spicy Spicy Flavored Noodles"

  Dessert "Black Ascaria Forest Worm Ring Cake", "Pudding Embryo"

  Price quickly indulged in such extreme delicacy and couldn't extricate himself. The degenerated stomach pouch grows back to its original shape during this process, and the taste buds and digestive tract are fully activated during this process.

   "There is such a delicacy in the world!"

   Even Jin who was on the side ate with relish, immersed in the delicious food. She was not picky about the parasites in it, as long as it was delicious, it was enough.

   Only William's expression didn't change much, because he had already eaten higher-level food in all aspects in the circus.

  During the meal, William had been silently observing Price.

  The reason why everyone was led to the [dining car] was on the surface to have a dinner before the action, so that Price, who hadn't eaten for thousands of years, had a good meal and recovered his physical condition.

In fact, there is another purpose. He is very clear that Price, who has always stayed in the Mouse City and lived in the previous era, must have never eaten any good food. Food will definitely bring him a completely different experience, and even give him Its some new pursuits.

  Satisfied with wine and food,

  Price's body undulates up and down while resting on the seat,

  William turned his head naturally, and asked in a very friendly voice:

   "Price, isn't the food outside delicious?"

   "It's unbelievable, I've never eaten such food... Rat people used to eat raw food, and I don't pay much attention to it myself, there is no process of processing."

William wiped the grease stains on the corners of his mouth with a napkin elegantly, and said lightly: "The food here is just ordinary in my opinion. If you need food, the place where I am currently working has the highest standard in the old world." tasty.

  If you are interested, Price, you can go there with me after the abyss exploration is over. There is still an important position vacant. In my opinion, you are fully qualified to take that position. "

  Jin immediately gave him a look, "Hey~William, Price is a tumor knight, and this status does not allow him to join other organizations."

  However, before William could speak, Price said:

   "According to the knight decree promulgated by the Cancer Palace, a knight like me who has not returned to the team for many years, even the Cancer Palace, and has no news at all should have been removed from the list of knights long ago.

   I should be considered a free agent now, right? "

  Jin bit his lip slightly, thinking for a while, "Hmm~ It seems that there is such a rule... Well, as long as you don't commit crimes."

   After a short rest, the exploration of the [Tenth Abyss] will officially begin.

   When the team returned to the gate of the Mouse City again, Price turned his gaze to the other side,

  When the moon eyes under the helmet tried to peep the outline of the mine, they were completely blocked by a smear of darkness, and they couldn't see anything clearly. Even if a ray of moonlight shot from Price's eyes, it was still useless.

   "It's pitch black, even the moonlight can't penetrate~ The world has really changed a lot. I used to be just a rat man. When I followed everyone out of the city to mine, I could stand at the door and see the general situation of the entire mine.

   Being shrouded in such shady scenes, I even wonder if there is such a thing as a mine.

  Let’s go, if it’s the same distance as before, you can get there by walking at most half an hour. "

   On the way towards the darkness, Price's huge silver armor body stood in front of him, feeling full of security. William also curiously asked about the [Dark Nest Mine].

   This question also aroused Price's memory,

  "Before the establishment of the Rat City, the rat people lived around the mine, and there were even multiple communities around the mountainous area.

  Until the Cancer Palace discovered the value of this mine, it sent the Zuntum Knight who was suffering from the plague to come here, relying on absolute strength to rule the entire rat group and build a city in a short period of time.

  With the excavation and mining of the mine, a stone called "dark stone" officially circulated outward.

  Dark stone ranks first among all stone materials in its sturdiness, and it can also effectively resist evil sunlight. It is simply a necessity for some old world patients who do not like to bask in the sun.

  If you are lucky enough, you can also get "Dark Crystal" from the mine. This kind of crystal can be processed into ornaments or rod cores, and has an excellent amplifying effect on dark-type diseases.

   The same is true, as I sit on the position of the city lord, I only need to use my brain a little bit, don't think about only enshrining the cancer palace, and I can make this business bigger and stronger in a short time.

And because of my township and the corresponding [Cancer Palace] behind the Mouse City, no one dares to take the idea of ​​​​the mine, and some petty theft will be branded by the moonlight in the first place and will be hunted down by my Silver Moon Rat Squad .

  The scale of the Mouse City is also growing, and it was even considered as a key urban area by Cancer Palace.

   But at this moment, the war came... We lost completely. "

  A short narration touched Price a little. William could see that although he put everything on the moon and the queen on the moon, part of his mind was still on the city and the rat people.

The same is true, Price walked quickly when he left the tower, and he didn't respond to the rat people kneeling on both sides of the street. .

   Just when William wanted to inquire further about the war that took place around Mouse City, the team suddenly stopped advancing.

   Except for Thirteen, who has no eyes, all of them stared wide-eyed.

  About 100 meters in front of the team, a black curtain connecting the sky and the earth and isolating all light sources appeared.

  It is very similar to the curtain of the stage. The surface is wavy, and even the material of the fabric can be seen clearly, as if hanging directly from the sky and rising from the ground.

  When you stick your eyes to the curtain and look at the sides, you will find that this layer of black curtain completely surrounds the inner area in a circular shape, and any light is rejected.

   Thirteen, who was at the end of the team, gave an explanation: "The "black curtain" is the symbol of the border of the extremely dark place... Once we cross the curtain, we will officially step into the extremely dark place, but this kind of curtain like a solid cloth is extremely rare.

  Most of the descriptions related to the curtain in the book are in gaseous or liquid state.

   There is no record of a solid state like this in books a hundred years ago, and it may be different, so everyone has to be careful. "

  William asked: "Is there anything I need to pay attention to when crossing the curtain?"

   "The most typical characteristics of the curtain are "isolation" and "space disturbance".

  Individuals who step into it will be randomly transported to a certain area of ​​the extremely dark place, either deep or shallow, and lost their way. If they want to leave, they must find a way out. "

   "Spatial disturbance? If we walk in together, will we be disrupted too?"

   "My candlelight can suppress the effect of the curtain, as long as everyone stands inside the candlelight and enters together, it will not trigger spatial disturbance.

  Even if it is really accidentally triggered, the candlelight can be connected by light to make everyone form a whole and be sent to the same place. Just in case, teacher, you'd better use the stars to cooperate with me. "


  Jin on the side listened silently to the introduction, and the cancer cells in her body became inexplicably excited. There were even a few red lotuses blooming at the joints of the armor to express her excitement.

   Just as the team was gradually approaching the curtain, they unexpectedly discovered that there were actually a lot of tents set up in front of the curtain, and there were even a lot of food remnants.

  Some tents were empty, and some tents still had sick people moving around.

  Thirteen explained again, "Treasure hunters... If there are so many treasure hunters gathered here, it means that this "place of extreme darkness" should be relatively new, and it may have only appeared within a hundred years, or even shorter.

  As long as they can find an ancient treasure inside, the only thing they need to do in the rest of their lives is to enjoy it. "

  (end of this chapter)

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