The Last Gentleman

Chapter 551: process

  Chapter 551 Procedures

  When everyone was listening to Thirteen's narration, they were suddenly interrupted by the coachman's laughter.

  William also took advantage of the opportunity to open the front window, and saw that the driver had finished slicing the meat and putting on his clothes.

   "Is there anything funny about this?" William asked.

  The coachman replied quite frankly: "You are not the first person who wants to be recognized by the tenth abyss. Many people have tried, even some guys who have completed the path and are overconfident, such as me."

  William was stunned by these words. He had been suspicious of the other party's identity from the very beginning.

"As you can see, I have failed, and I have become a permanent slave of the tenth abyss. I put on this unbreakable "mask" and stay here to do things for the abyss, pulling potential outsiders like you to go Settlement.

  Of course, no matter how many people I pull over, the result will not change.

  As more and more people become slaves, the extremely dark land corresponding to the tenth abyss will grow stronger, even reaching the level of the source of the epidemic, and start a full-scale invasion of the old world itself. "

  William didn't care what the groom said, "What do I need to do to get in touch with the Tenth Abyss?"

   "Are you so eager to become a "driver" like me? But you haven't completed the pathway yet and may get a lower position than me.

  The way to get in touch with the abyss is very simple. When you arrive at [Yuanmin's Settlement], there is only the last road left to the tenth abyss.

  However, not everyone can embark on this path, and a prerequisite must be met.

  A large number of outsiders wander in the settlement, trying to achieve this condition every day... "Condensed face". "


  When William heard this word, he immediately thought of the abyssal substances condensed on his face when he first met City Lord Price in the Dark Moon Tower.

  The coachman explained very freely:

  "After an individual chooses to accept the [Tenth Abyss], disordered abyssal substances will crazily grow in the body and 'reproduce' one of the most prominent characteristics of the individual, and this change will often start from the lower body.

   I believe you have also seen some guys with mutant lower bodies, with various fingers, organs or hairs stacked together in disorder.

  When the whole body changes, the individual will lose its original attributes and become "Yuanmin".

   The "mouth" that you killed is a very common type of Yuanmin. They are numerous and spread all over the extremely dark place. Any outsiders who are swallowed will be sent out from another mouth at random.

   This kind of Yuanmin is the lowest, because they have not been able to control the abyss from beginning to end.

  But if the individual can effectively suppress the abyss without clearing the abyss during the invasion of the abyss, and prevent the abyss from replicating the body, another situation will appear.

  The abyssal substance will reach the head and seep out along the facial features, replicate itself according to the collected 'gene fragments', and combine with you in the form of a mask.

   This is "condensed noodles".

  Only those who have congealed their faces are qualified to embark on the "road of pilgrimage" behind the settlement. "

   "So, the state that Santo Price was in before was Noodle?"

  The coachman responded, "Yes, you can see it from the marks on his skull.

   It’s quite an exaggeration. Someone can tear off the mask of the abyss that is completely rooted with bare hands... Rather than trusting you, a young man, I would rather believe that if your friend didn’t tear off the mask, there is a 1% chance of being recognized by the abyss. "

"Not interested in."

  Price stated directly that his only interest lies in the moon, and this extremely dark abyss is even more contrary to the moon.

  William’s side became more and more enthusiastic as he listened, “Speaking of which, what is the road of pilgrimage?”

   "The last part of the journey to meet the abyss, you can reach the location of the tenth abyss by walking the entire distance in a pilgrimage manner. You will naturally know how to do the pilgrimage when you arrive at the settlement and complete the condensed face.

  The difficulty of the pilgrimage will be higher than that of condensed noodles. A large number of pilgrims fell on the road, and my pilgrimage failed after only 3/4 of it was completed.

  Even if there is a real all-around strong person to complete the tour, the last "audience" is still required.

  When the body of the tenth abyss is revealed, no one can be calm, and the audience will also fail.

  However, individuals who can complete the pilgrimage will be appreciated by the abyss, and even if they fail in the interview process, they will get a higher-level position and become the "Abyss Envoy".

   I don’t need to drive around every day like me, I just need to be responsible for executing those unruly guys in the darkest place. It’s quite a leisurely and interesting job. "

   "Condensation, pilgrimage and audience... just finish the three processes, right?"

   "Haha~ It's really easy to say... No one has completed the above three things so far, so I don't know if there will be other situations after the audience."

   "Thank you."

   "This is just my duty. As a coachman, I should have introduced these processes to you. Once you complete the face-setting and fail on the pilgrimage, and become one of us, I will get a 'commission'."

  William showed a professional smirk, "Very good~ By the way, I would like to ask one more thing, since the pilgrimage can only be conducted by face-condensing people, my group of friends can't accompany them, right?"

   "These two tumor knights are definitely not acceptable, but I can't judge the candle puppet. If she is completely defined as a prop, she can be carried.

  However, I personally suggest not to bring any luminous objects. The so-called pilgrimage requires absolute piety. Since you have chosen to accept the abyss, embrace the darkness here. "

   "Understood, then when I am on a pilgrimage, my friends should be able to explore freely in other areas?"

   "Yes...but because they reject the abyss, wandering outside will be regarded as intruders and attacked by the people of the abyss."


  Close the front window, William has a general plan in mind.



   "I will do the condensing and pilgrimage by myself. You and Price can wait for me in the settlement, or you can explore the extremely dark place by yourself. Don't follow me to condense the surface."

Jin directly reached out and patted William on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't do such a dangerous thing... Besides, I don't have such an urgent need for the abyss. Compared with the malignant disease corresponding to the abyss, I am more looking forward to living in this dark place." space to search for treasures left over from that war."

  William then looked at the silver-armored rat man sitting opposite, "How about you, Price?"

   "I don't care, it's okay to explore with Miss Jin."

   "That's good... When you put Thirteen on, the lighting she provides will save you from the pressure of darkness during the exploration."

  Hearing this, Shisan's heart suddenly tightened, "Teacher!"

   "The coachman also said just now that it needs enough piety... Moreover, even if there is danger and needs to drive out the darkness, Little Grape can do it."

  Thirteen is still worried. As a candle puppet, she knows how dangerous the abyss is, and her mission is to accompany the teacher to the abyss.

  At this moment, an armored arm wrapped around her shoulders, "You obviously call William a teacher, but you don't know him at all... Just follow us obediently, and don't let your teacher bother you.

   Besides, your explanation just now was very good, and I like you very much now. "

Shisan was suddenly praised by Jin and such an intimate behavior of hugging her shoulders. She immediately squeezed the hem of her skirt... She didn't reject this burly knight, because Shisan had already seen that the woman named Jin was a close friend of the teacher, and even There may be a deeper relationship.

   "Okay~ okay, Sir Knight."

   "I'm pretty shy~"

  Jin pushed up the helmet slightly, and a pink tongue immediately drilled out and licked at Thirteen's eyeholes, tasting the smell of wax oil.

  Such actions made Thirteen at a loss, and the numbness in her eyes made her whole body rattle.

   "Follow me later and behave well. I can taste that your function is not only lighting... Your body structure is very special, and you must be good at killing people."

   "Know...I know,"

  (end of this chapter)

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