The Last Gentleman

Chapter 554: Noodles

  Chapter 554 Noodles

  Yuan Min, who had just been cleared due to social phobia, just left the square area, not too far away,

  As the ground trembled and the sound from the bending of the tree trunk attracted their vision again,

   Unexpectedly, Lord Karimus, the black treant who hadn't made any big moves for several months, actually bent down at this moment, inviting the young man just now to enter his body.

   It seems that the last time such a tree hole invitation happened was three years ago.

   It is rumored that the Yuanmin who were invited in not only completed the congealing process, but also completed the pilgrimage to become the highest-level abyss messenger. They enjoy the freedom of movement in this area and can execute any outsiders who may threaten the abyss at will.

  When Yuanmin gazed at the alluring tree hole and wanted to move forward with greedy saliva, the young man from just now appeared in their heads, who dared not approach at all due to social phobia.

  They chose to watch from a distance, and when the invited young people set foot in it, they could return to the square and continue to congregate.

   But time passed, but no figure could be seen stepping into the tree hole.

   Facing the kind invitation of the black treant Lord Karimus, the young man seemed to have not responded, and even remained seated.

   "What the **** is that guy thinking? Once he enters the tree hole, he will be able to finish the noodles, why not go in?"

   Not only Yuan Min was puzzled, but even Lord Karimus was also puzzled. His invitation was absolutely kind, and once he entered the tree hole, he would share the method of condensing face that he personally summed up.

  Seeing that the youth in front of him remained silent for a long time, Lord Karimus continued:

   "Have you not heard or do you have any ideas, young man! Since I became a caretaker, I have only invited seventeen people, and all of them have achieved a very high degree of completion of congealing, and ten of them have even completed the tour and become envoys.

  You should be honored enough to get my invitation just for open source, so why don't you come in and listen to my experience. "

  William, who was currently meditating shirtless, responded with a look of disdain: "You are really annoying, why should I gain the experience of a loser?"

  As soon as this remark came out, the whole big tree began to shake, and the fruits of corpses hanging on it kept falling, many of which fell directly around William.

  When Yuanmin outside the square heard what William said, their jaws almost dropped.

  They really couldn't believe that a patient who hadn't completed the pathway dared to say this to Lord Karimus. You must know that the Lord was the earliest pilgrim, and he was valued enough by the abyss to serve as a guard here.

   Facing William's lies, Lord Karimus suppressed his anger and asked calmly as much as possible: "Am I a loser?"

   "If you were a successful person, would you still watch the gate here? Don't say that you are willing to be a gatekeeper, unless you were born with a pathetic servility engraved in your soul.

  Is it difficult to admit your failure? Lord Karimus.

   I may be speaking a little harshly, but I'm not interested in your experience at all... ok! The abyss matter in my body has accumulated almost, and the next step is the important stage of surface congealing. "

  As the gatekeeper, Lord Karimus naturally follows the rules here the most.

  Although the young man in front of him spoke rudely, he did not do anything against the rules. If he killed him without any explanation, Abyss might hold him accountable.

   "Let me see what kind of mask you can condense... If the quality is lower than mine, it would be ridiculous."

   "Then please stop the quarrel, Lord Karimus. It was hard for me to clear the scene and get such a quiet square area. Stop talking nonsense and do more."

  William’s verbal stimulation was not just pretending to be coercive or talking for a while,

  He has been observing the "Abyss Guardian" since he came to the square. From the beginning to the end, he never regarded the other party as a big tree, let alone as someone who needs to be enshrined or please.

  William immediately saw Lord Karimus' pretentious face as soon as he came, he was aloof,

  Looking at all the Yuanmin in the square as if observing a lowly creature, watching them struggle and finally disintegrate in the stage of congealing their faces.

   Occasionally seeing a talented outsider like William, he wanted to show mercy and help, but he never realized that he was a failure.

   Being pointed at by such a hypocritical guy, the process of setting noodles will inevitably be disrupted.

  While these verbal manipulations removed the hypocritical mask of the other party, it also allowed Lord Karimus to stop talking nonsense, ensuring that the following process of face congregation was completely quiet.

  『Little Putao, help me keep an eye on the outside situation. If this guy becomes angry and wants to interfere or attack during the congealing period, directly burn him with evil yang. 』

"knew. 』

  William sat down cross-legged, and the moment he closed his eyes, he also filtered out all the information from the outside world.

  The social phobia broke out for more than two hours and the clearing was completed. Perhaps because of the proximity to the abyss, the abyss pathogens cultivated in the body have achieved large-scale directional cultivation.

   And the epileptic brain finally completed the analysis of the pathogen,

  The malignant disease bred from the tenth abyss is essentially a single-stranded RNA virus with a high degree of freedom, adaptability and variability.

  Since William lifted the black curtain until now, he has allowed the virus to develop, even using the "perfect birth body" as the ecological medium of the virus, and using the epileptic brain to give an effective guide that does not affect its development.

  After long-term in vivo culture and epileptic brain guidance,

  The abyss virus has intercepted and copied various high-quality genes in William's body, as well as various disease fragments.

  Different from other patients, there is often only one symptom characteristic in the body, and there will be no more than three.

There are too many illnesses in William, and there are two kinds of death alone-"Dead Sea Black Liquid" and "Dead Sea Black Liquid" brought in during his lifetime, not to mention the skin diseases corresponding to yellow skin, acupuncture, etc. The neurological disease corresponding to the iron chain, the epilepsy syndrome corresponding to the epileptic brain, the platinum blood corresponding to the stargazer, etc.

  Abyssal Virus can be said to be the first contact with such a diverse patient, and it has no idea which segment is the optimal gene, so it can only intercept all of them for replication.

  In the end, the Abyss Virus not only failed to maintain its autonomy, but was tuned into the shape of William because of the generic copying of all the characteristics and advantages.

   As for what kind of mask will be formed, even William himself does not know.

   creak creak~

  Under the traction of the epileptic brain, strips like capillaries, muscle fibers, wool threads, and brain sulci appear on the face.

   Not only drilled out from the facial features, the pores on William's face were stretched open, and this strange filament continuously overflowed like a broken seed,

  Compared with other face condensing people's masks, the lines are finer, denser and twice as complex.

  William is also fully open-minded, weaving these silk threads through his epileptic brain, trying to construct an abyss mask that is structurally perfect and can fully express his own characteristics.

   Just as the process was going smoothly, a malicious voice came.

"William, it was quite interesting to be in the square before, but why did you become conservative again at this critical period... This is an uncontrolled dark area in the old world, full of chaos and disorder, a place of evil diseases, too conservative Order is not a good thing.

  I have been thinking and observing along the way, and my understanding of Noodles is different from yours, so let me share with you a memory about the 'mask'. "

   "Yi Chen!"

   Before William could react, a memory was forced in... It was a memory that William had never had before.

   There was a fire upstairs, and all the firefighters came. They carried their computers and went downstairs to code words. I’m sorry for being a little late.



  (end of this chapter)

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