The Last Gentleman

Chapter 557: Tenth Abyss

  Chapter 557 The Tenth Abyss

   "Sure enough, there are still many "memories" that have not been shared,

  The prostration posture, demeanor, aura and devotion are not just imitated from daily life, but have been learned and practiced. It's even possible that Yi Chen believed in something when he was there, but I don't know.

   This guy Yi Chen's degree of madness is beyond imagination. He actually doesn't wear death makeup all the time, and his frontal lobe has been worn down a lot. If this continues, it is entirely possible to cause physical death. "

  William, as the master of the body, chose to fade out of consciousness and let Yi Chen take over and take charge of the next crucial [Pillow Tour], but he was naturally still worried, and had been silently paying attention in his body.

   Never expected that Yi Chen would be so reliable at critical moments. On the other hand, he himself could not do such a tour.

   In fact, not only William was shocked,

  If you compare the demeanor of pilgrims in the past, Yi Chen's current "three worships and nine knocks (enhanced version is also the most pious and sincere etiquette.

  Even if the movement process is very slow,

But the [Tenth Abyss] greeted us with the regular sound of head crashes. I wanted to meet such a different pious person, and I wanted to see who was making such a big noise on it. .

  Feeling the intensification of the breath of the abyss, William also passed the sound transmission: "Yi Chen, the effect is very good~ We should be about to reach the abyss." 』

  However, William's voice transmission did not receive a response.

  Yi Chen has no tendency to stop at all, his almost shattered face reveals a kind of absolute piety, even a state of selflessness.

   Seeing this, William tried to regain the ownership of his body, otherwise he would be in trouble if he accidentally knocked directly into the abyss.

  When William, the main consciousness, wanted to regain his body, he found that there was an inexplicable force blocking him, as if there was a palm of a **** statue in front of him.

"What's this! 』

  With William's concentration, Whoosh! His consciousness was actually drawn to a small dark room, which seemed to be the room where Yi Chen was often imprisoned when he was in the orphanage.

  According to William's memory, the small black room is just an ordinary secret room with nothing in it.

  At present, there is a statue of a **** inlaid on the wall, and the face of the **** is covered by a curtain mask made of black copper coins.

  Wearing some kind of leather Taoist robe, with bare **** and fat piles.

   Can’t see the arms clearly, or have multiple arms hidden in the dark, or have no arms,

   And it is this statue that Yichen really kneels down to, but he transfers this pious and prostrating action to reality, and uses it for the pilgrimage to the abyss.

  As Yi Chen knelt down, his body continued to overflow with black liquid, and a large amount of black liquid poured out from his smashed face.

   Seeing this scene, William was taken aback for a moment!

  『Could it be that the root cause of the death attribute "black liquid" and time travel is related to this statue? How many secrets does Yi Chen hide that I don't know! 』

  While William was trying to pry into more details of the statue, he was interrupted by a sense of danger as the coin mask shook.

  Yi Chen, who was kowtowing, finally spoke: "William, you can't look at this casually!" Even I, who have believed in it for many years, dare not easily spy on its appearance.

   It's almost there, and one more round of prostration will reach the limit of the body. I think this kind of pilgrimage is enough to satisfy the abyss. I will leave the rest to you. I have to rest well. It has been a long time since I performed such a big gift. 』

  『Yi Chen, what is this? 』

  『It doesn’t make sense to ask these things now, and it will be shown to you when we return to the original world together. 』

  The prostration is over, Yi Chen fades away

  The ownerless body immediately absorbed William's entire main consciousness, and the moment he took over the body, he only felt pain in the face.

  Although the palm mask formed by "Condensed Face" was not damaged during the prostration, the entire face was already disfigured.

  The shattered facial bones were inserted into the brain in the form of spikes, and the frontal lobe was almost crushed into mud and mixed with the mask muscle tissue.


  William became excited and thought clearly under such pain stimulation,

   Immediately turn your attention from the unknown statue to the present. Now is not the time to think about death. The journey to the abyss is coming to an end, or has already reached its end.

   Did not repair the facial wounds, because these wounds are the best proof of piety and a sign of the completion of the pilgrimage.

  Although it was pitch black in front of my eyes, I couldn't see anything.

  But for William, who has experienced a whole month of special training in the abyss in front of the magician Jain, he knows exactly what is in front of him. The [Tenth Abyss] he has been looking for is approaching.

  Now he is standing on the edge of the abyss, and he will fall into it if he takes another step forward.

   leaned out, staring into the abyss.

  Even though the naked eye can’t see anything clearly, it receives a consciousness image from the abyss, which manifests directly in the brain.


   Structures resembling human teeth are densely arranged, ring-shaped inlaid on the wall of the abyss, and each ring has at least more than 100,000 teeth.

   Extended longitudinally, it is completely unknown how many rings such teeth there are.

   Looking carefully, every tooth is not a real tooth, it is made of countless white limbs, hair and white internal organs.

  For those patients who came here in the past, they almost reached their limit during the tour, and the mask almost covered their heads.

  When such a scene appeared in my mind, all I got was shock, panic, and fear, unable to make a choice, and even had difficulty thinking, and I didn’t even know what “audience” was.

  A little hesitation caused their masks to grow and take shape, wrapping their entire brains and becoming slaves to the abyss.

   But William was different,

   The "mask" that has been perfectly tuned has even turned into William's own property. It is slightly affected by the abyss and grows very slowly. In addition, the entire pilgrimage process is completed quickly, and the mask hardly changes during this process.

   William, who was staring at the abyss, did not hesitate for a moment.

  He has already experienced the rock climbing in the abyss in the original tomb, and the abyss fall brought by Jain,

   With a clear goal, even though William felt uneasy and fearful, he took a step forward to devote himself to it and dedicate himself to complete the final pilgrimage.

  Fall into this [tenth abyss] like a living body with a big mouth, and go to the deepest to complete the real "audience"


  Every time a body falls through a row of teeth, a layer of skin, a ring of flesh, or a bone is stripped away.

   It feels like suffering from Lingchi, and it's still the Plus version.

  However, it just fits William's XP and his body's perfect pursuit of pain, without any resistance, allowing this process to happen.

   I don’t know how long I fell,

  William could no longer feel the existence of his body, even his entire head was completely destroyed in the process, and the only thing left was the mask.

  William's consciousness naturally entered the mask.


  The palm-shaped mask fell to the ground, making a crisp crashing sound, and finally reached the bottom of the abyss.

   In front of my eyes,

  An unknown existence in a robe in the form of a pitch-black curtain, with a towering body and a pitch-black mask, stood in front of William.

  The opponent's mask does not have any eye, nose and mouth structures, but only a central round hole, which represents the essence of the abyss.

   This is the body of [Tenth Abyss].

  He stared at the palm mask that fell in front of him, puzzled, because the structure of this mask has exceeded his original definition of "condensed face",

   Just when Tenth Abyss wanted to pick up this mask.

   Hum! A door appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and the mask immediately fell into it and disappeared.

  (end of this chapter)

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