The Last Gentleman

Chapter 561: sequence

  Chapter 561 Preface

   "Is there something wrong with the gene pool?

  Isn’t the process of silver turbidity reading ancient genes and making relevant matches? Anyway, there is no time limit, I want to record all the gene fragments that I can touch, so that I can choose the most suitable fragment, right? "

  William’s rhetorical question made it impossible for the on-site personnel to refute,

   There has never been such a situation,

  Before William, any patient who went to the gland area for silver turbidity was just doing a simple 'gene search', and once a suitable gene segment was found, the next step of grafting would begin.

   No one else, and almost impossible to hand transcribe an entire gene pool like William.

   "Although your approach is fine, it may lead to the leakage of the "ancient gene pool".

  Once leaked out, it will adversely affect the evolution of the entire old world, and you may even be identified as a dangerous element by the monastery and be arrested at the highest level. "

  William didn’t show any emotion, instead, he laid his arms on the edge of the pool leisurely and turned his head.

   "Then what are you going to do?"

   "There are currently two solutions,

   The first and the safest one is that when you finish silver clouding, the milker will poke their 'ball player' into your brain to completely delete the relevant memories of the gene pool.

  The second type requires you to sign a soul contract with us to ensure that the gene bank information will not be disclosed to anyone.

  We recommend the first one, because the second one will be very passive and dangerous, if you encounter a strong person to brainwash you..."

   "Hey! Wait a minute..." The sick waiter was interrupted by William before he could finish speaking, "You seem to have made a mistake. My copying of the gene pool is not expressly prohibited here.

   Also, I didn't get any reminder before soaking.

  I also acted according to Yinzhuo's requirements. The transcription process consumed a lot of energy and time, and even my brain burned more than three times.

   This matter is essentially your problem, right? "

  William's statement is actually mixed with 'sophism', because everyone knows how important ancient genes are, and William also knows that this kind of thing that involves the fundamentals of the old world must not be leaked.

  But he said this on purpose. He wanted to see the attitude of the staff in the gland area. If the opponent was stronger, he would directly compromise.

   But William wants to go for something if given the chance.

  The sick waiter gave a reply: "You are right, we didn't consider this matter properly, and we will set up a special rule to prohibit the transcription of the gene pool in the future."

   "It's okay, there are times when you don't think carefully about everything.

  I am willing to cooperate with you, but the above two suggestions will have a bad influence on me, and there may even be a risk of sequelae. I hope you can come up with a compensation plan. "

  Following William's words, the sick waiters raised their nerve dendrites on the body surface one after another, intertwined with each other for internal discussions, and finally got a result.

   Explained by the pure white sick waiter in charge of William:

   "Well, we will give enough help in the follow-up [composition] to ensure the smooth progress of the composition, and at least let the tune match more than 80% of the characteristics of your illness."


  Although William didn't know what composing was, but looking at the seriousness of the group of people in front of him, he thought that such assistance had violated the rules to some extent.

   "Okay, then I will choose the "second" solution, just sign a contract. After all, my epileptic brain is the main heart of everything, and all diseases are based on "epilepsy syndrome". I don't want someone to amnesticize my brain. "

  With the signing of the contract, the gene bank information that William had just copied out of the Thinking Library was immediately wrapped with thickened parchment and the word [Forbidden] was engraved on the surface, prohibiting sharing.

  Everything is settled, the milkman and the sick waiter leave one after another.

  Lying against the pool, William looked up at the ceiling covered with silver water tumors, and sighed softly:

   "I didn't expect this group of people to be quite honest. They obviously look weird and have no fixed structure, but they are surprisingly reasonable, and they completely follow the rules to ensure the interests of both parties.

  In contrast to the world that guy Yi Chen lived in before his death, a person who looks sharp and sharp, but does things that are completely unreasonable and have no bottom line.

   Alright, let's start the final silver turbidity! It is estimated that it will take a lot of time. "

  The last step is gene grafting.

  In William’s view, the real focus is not on grafting, but on the need to clarify the path [order] one takes, and integrate the concept of order with grafting to achieve real individual promotion.

   While transcribing the gene pool, he had already thought of the real plan.

  What is sequence?

  William first had the same idea as the sick waiter, that is, order and disorder.

  Everything in the world has order and disorder, ranging from protons and electrons to social systems and even the movement of stars in the universe. The two complement each other to achieve integrity.

  Even William himself has obvious order and disorder, he is order and Yi Chen is disorder.

  But think about it carefully,

  Order and disorder are not static, just like the state of disorder shown in William's interpretation of "social phobia" in the square, but Yi Chen can show amazing orderly prostration during the tour.

  Order and disorder complement each other, change freely, and don't need him to intervene. The emphasis on either side will lead to loss of control, or even collapse and disintegration.

   Looking back on the whole process of contacting the Tenth Abyss, what William really felt was something else.


  Whether the abyss arranges carriages to pick up people with potential, or the fixed rules of "face-to-face", "pilgrimage" and "audience", they all express a kind of order.

   It is this kind of order that allows the tenth abyss, which was originally chaotic, dark and even denied by the old world, to grow rapidly and occupy a place.

  No matter what kind of material it is, as long as it can formulate the most suitable order and reconcile the order and disorder in it, the most perfect masterpiece can be created.

  William is the same,

   Following the initial travel to the cemetery, one disease after another was introduced into the body, gradually becoming the carrier of multiple diseases.

  Although relying on the coordination of the epileptic brain and the universality of the special physical body, multiple diseases can exist at the same time, but the [order] in the body is already on the verge of collapse.

  If you choose to insert "gene fragments" regardless of the order, you will complete and activate all the diseases.

  William's body might blow up just like that, and even if he could barely maintain it with death and new life, it would eventually turn into a mass of ancient, despicable, and failed mud.


  What William needs to do now is to rebuild his [order], including the redesign of organs, the strengthening and grooming of blood vessel structures, the increase in the density of muscle bundles, and so on.

   Simply put, it is to regard itself as a society, directly overthrow the basic constitution, morality and ethics of the existing society, and carry out a fundamental reconstruction of the order.

  But some necessary and bottom-line things will also be reserved.

   Unknowingly, William floated up in the pool,

  The head is slightly drooping, the arms are spread out in the shape of a cross, and the "dead makeup" is also turned on.

  Because of wearing a mask, the mask of the abyss was colored with makeup, and covered with a thick layer of white foundation, like the hands of a dead man covering his face.

in addition,

  A length of umbilical cord actually grew out of William’s abdomen, and the lower end of the umbilical cord was inserted into the pool of silver liquid to ensure that it was still in contact with the pool during the suspension period, and the silver liquid could be used at any time.

   Such a suspended posture and such a breath of death reminded the sick waiters in the monitoring room of a very old and ancient big man.

   "This is the posture of the first deceased! What the **** is this guy trying to do... Do you want to commit suicide here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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