The Last Gentleman

Chapter 60: Kill and cut

Chapter 60 Cutting and Cutting

Edmond has the characteristics of "manipulating bullets",

Although the current position is only [person], it is not possible to achieve advanced skills such as bullet turning, compression power, etc., but can adjust the initial speed of the bullet to get away from the muzzle to a certain extent.

It is guaranteed to be able to shoot into the brain without running through ... just let the bullets stay between the brain tissue.

Moreover, this characteristic silver bullet will compress the air and a small explosion after the impact, causing the silver fluid to fill the cranial cavity instantly and achieve 'brain purification'.


The old man sitting in front of the bonfire did not respond.

A ray of silver liquid was discharged from his nasal cavity without any harm to the brain.

The old man is still doing barbecue, and he also takes time to feed his pet dog rice grains.

Hiding in the dark is awesome, "Is the immune silver? Is this one of the characteristics of the monthly person!"


The attention of the old man still stopped on Yi Chen and continued:

"Sure enough, is I so deliberately?

Unexpectedly, you who are self -righteous guys are so cautious and run to clean up the city of Venal in just one week.

In this case,

I had to kill all of your four weak guys, as the next leaving the urban area to turn on the rations of long -distance travel.

Good-box ~ (good boy) rice grains! Come and help me kill this group of mice. "

The words are just falling,

Yi Chen directly waved a horizontal cut.


When the sharp ax is about to be cut, it was caught firmly by the elderly with one hand, and also ignored the silver plating on the surface of the ax blade.

Yi Chen squinted slightly, "This guy is more powerful than the [very state -sickist] killed by the rooftop ... Is it the physical enhancement provided by" Moon Chemical Disease "? 』

The old man caught the ax in one hand, and the other hand was still gently stroking the pet dog,


The back of the pet dog and the back neck of the elderly actually lit "Moon Seal" at the same time, shining silver white.

The two fur, flesh, and organizational organs are quickly integrated,

Less than two seconds,

Chihuahua rice grains have been completely melted into the right arm of the elderly ... The number of muscle fibers and nerves has doubled, and at the same time, the horror changes that surpass the biological structure of the human body have begun to occur.

The palm of the hand is completely torn to form a dog's head structure.

The palm of the palm is mouth,

Finger tooth,

Hand back with the eyes,

The right arm turned into a fierce dog and bit directly towards Yi Chen opposite the bonfire.

At this time,

A cold iron and cold mang came behind the old man faster, and the giant sword split!


The barbecue rack and the bonfire were instantly destroyed, and the ground was smashed by nearly ten centimeters of chop deep marks.

It is Dagbert that waves this sword,

Unfortunately, the blade cuts only a little bit of meat and wrap.

Tick ​​~

The stench blood dripped from the upper end.

The old man with a layer of flesh on his back was firmly fixed on the ceiling with a deformity climbing attitude.

"You can really do it ... The breath that emits clearly is not strong."

Just when the old man was looking for the gap, he was ready to start with Yi Chen, who looked the weakest, and broke one by one.

A extremely dangerous cold atmosphere instantly strikes.

Silent and murderous.


Elderly people climbing at the top of their instincts are obliquely dodge.

A dagger pierced into his back deeply ... If it was not in time, I was afraid that the spine had been cut off and lost action.

At the same time,

The old man's right arm with self -consciousness suddenly bit his assassin behind him.


Miss Anna's coats and internal shirts were torn apart, revealing the almost perfect female vest line, and she was not injured due to dodge in advance.

"This group of guys ..."

At this time, the elderly also realized that these seemingly young humans did not seem to deal with it.

Decisively abandon the idea of ​​an enemy,

Ignore the dagger inserted on the back,

The lower limbs grow white hair, the muscles are swollen and strengthened, and quickly climbed away along the top of the channel ... fast, and even the naked eye looked a little bit.

When the old man thought he could easily get rid of this group of young people,

Da ~ Da!

A brisk footsteps followed.

The old man looked down, and behind him was the weakest young man who found him.

Not only that,

The woman who used a dagger also followed closely, and the speed did not fall.

"This guy's speed can be so fast!

But also, chasing me at this speed, the formation will be completely opened ... When this guy is completely ordained, kill him directly. "

Just when the old man was thinking about his plan,


There was a sudden gunshot between the channel! The sound of sound is almost shattered.

It is completely different from the gun that shot into the old man's skull.

And the target of the muzzle lock is no longer the head, but [right foot].

The large -caliber bullet in the rotating state directly penetrated the soles of the feet, destroyed with the calf bone, and a collision explosion occurred at the knee. The entire right leg became blurred.

Crazy hindered,

The old man almost fell from the top because of this shot.

Originally fast crawling stopped,

At this moment,

Yi Chen in the state of sprinting at full speed, perfectly connecting a knock on the knee and jumping, close to the broken legs hanging on the top.

Who knows,

The old man hanging on the top ignored the injury of his right leg, turned his head suddenly, staring at the eyes covered with silver blood.

"You kid, you can't even cut my left hand, and you have to catch up ... If you want to die like this, you will become my food."


The dog's right arm tears to the greatest extent, revealing the sharp teeth that are enough to bite the body, locking the upcoming young man!

At the same time.

Yi Chen jumped in the air, changed to a ax.

Gagaa ~

The roots of the plants grow from the palm of the palm, covered with ax, and can even see the slightly bright green energy flowing between the roots.

【Visual Illustration】

The bite dog's arm was completely slowed in the field of vision,

Weakness finds.

The weakest part of the palm dog's mouth was captured by Yi Chen! Determine the next perfect cutting route.

Yi Chen's back is like pulling the bow, bent to the maximum ... suddenly released!

Drives the strength of every muscle on the whole body, concentrated on both arms, and swinging the maximum power in the air!


Cut the dog mouth!

Continue to cut the arms and bones, divide the entire canine's arm into two until the shoulders.

Yi Chen, who gave the perfect cut, also posted in front of the elderly.


I don't have to wait for the other party to scream in pain.

Yi Chen and the black meat **** on her shoulders stared at their eyes, staring at her face.


The tide -like spiritual power is directly scrued at the consciousness of the elderly.

Dull eyes

The old man dragged the fried right leg, and the cut -cut right arm fell from the top.

Before landing.

Miss Anna takes a light pad and ride directly on the back of the old man.

Through the dagger inserted on the back and centered on the "moon seal" on the neck, the cortex that meets the standards of submission is cut off.


When this cortex containing the "Moon Seal" is completely peeled.

The old man's body twitched madly, the silver hair on his head dropped off, and the silver eyes faded down.

Death completely!

After landing, Yi Chen also squatted beside the corpse for the first time, using plant roots to check the corpse.

"Can peeling the skin with moon marks be killed?"

Of course, Yi Chen's inspection has another purpose- [Brain]

I have experienced the experience of "first taste",

He no longer stripped his brain, but controlled the root beard into the cranial cavity, and directly drawn the brain solution ... quite a feeling of drinking coconut juice.

During the period, his eyes were shining.

Although the intellectual attribute has not improved,

However, he got a series of memory pictures about [Old John Theater] and internal monthly information.

   (end of this chapter)

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