The Last Gentleman

Chapter 580: misfortune

  Chapter 580 Changes

  Not long after the parasitic Allman left along the passage, William suddenly remembered that his new ability hadn't been used yet.

   "I forgot to check Mr. Allman is an elite selected by the organization. He is a special gentleman who is responsible for guarding the gray area passage. The quality of his education must not be low."

  William's investigation is serious.

  There is a circle of "black roundworm" in the upper right corner of the student's file, which means that the student is in a parasitic state. Although the education will still work, it may be affected by the homologous parasite.

The personal information column is also a list of "parasitic coherence rate". The appearance of this column means that Allman and the black roundworm have a natural affinity. .

  The higher the coherence rate, the stronger the parasitic posture can be displayed, which is currently 31%.

  And Allman himself has reached the limit of open source. This parasitic state combined with the desire for knowledge endowed by enlightenment will greatly increase the possibility of him finding a way, and it is very likely that he will embark on a path related to parasites.

  Because there is no specific knowledge-seeking experience in the education just now, it is impossible to evaluate its potential, but in William's opinion, it must not be lower than A.

  It's a pity that the other party has already crawled into the old world. Due to the barrier of the world barrier, William can't let him come back for further education.

   "Forget it~ When I return to the old world later, with the help of parasites at Mr. Allman's level, he should be able to complete the path even if I don't give him a place for further study.

  Hoo~ Time flies so fast. "

William recalled that he had received the thrust of the heavy halberd just now with one hand. You must know that he had come to the top of the mountain for the first time a few years ago. may die directly.

  When the matter of "going home" was revisited after many years, William's attitude towards going home also changed slightly.

   Now that he returns to Zion, he no longer needs the education, material and other assistance from the organization. He himself is enough to serve as the organization's "special force" and even play a leading role to bring the organization to a better direction.

  William and Jin stood on the edge of the mountain, and the gray area pervading here has developed into "severe", and various diseases and evils are wandering in the mountains.

  If this level of gray area is used when the two go to the Holy Grail Mountain for the first time, it will definitely be fatal.

   Now it has become a "natural oxygen bar" for the two of them. When they need it, coming here to **** the rich gray matter can actually help the recovery of the body and spirit.

   With the completion of the pathway, both have been classified as "Old Sicks", an indispensable living part of the Old World.

  Jin stretched his arms, looking at the general direction of Zion:

   "The instructors must not have thought that our progress would be so fast, right? In this way, there should not be many people in Zion who are our opponents."

   "Don't underestimate the gentleman, at least the teacher Zed in the academy, and the prophet Yuri on your side, we should still be unable to beat."

   "That's right, Prophet Yuri has been in the silver circle for a long time, and the entire Gethsemane is restricted by his killing and is operating efficiently.

   But well~ we are not bad, at least we are qualified to meet them head-on! Let's go, let's go back quickly. "

  Although Jin said that she didn't care about Zion or the development of the organization, she could still see something in her eyes.

  嗖~ Her body turned into a ray of red light, and rushed down vertically against the mountain wall. William also quickly followed, and the speed did not drop much.

  As long as the journey is not too far away, they basically don't need a carriage as a means of transportation.

   Along the way, we pass [En route station - Alstor Town] not far from the Holy Grail Mountain, which is the town where the Cold Lake Cemetery is located.

  William couldn't help recalling some things that happened here, the little grape absorbed the essence of the cemetery, and he was found by the moon marks, and they went to the old world together.

  Looking at the morbid erosion and the wreckage of the town, William was also slightly worried about the state of Zion.

   "It's been almost half a year since I learned that Zion had a problem... I don't know what the final result will be.

  However, the "World Infection" has not yet been completed, and patients with silver circles cannot come here freely. With Zed, Prophet Yuri, the principal and other seniors sitting here, the problem should not be too big. "

  However, William, with a good attitude, galloped along the main road, and suddenly smelled a **** smell when he was about 30km away from Zion.

   At first, he thought it was coming from a nearby village, but after running for a while, he found that the breath was increasing as he approached Zion.

   "Gold...this breath!"

  Jin strengthened the olfactory nerve through the directed proliferation of cancer cells, and nodded slightly, "Nine times out of ten, it came from Zion, and the situation doesn't seem to be very good."

  The main city of the organization - Zion, was built on the most secret and dangerous mountaintop among the mountains, easy to defend but difficult to attack. The construction in the city is also strictly divided according to the area and has multiple hidden restrictions. Even if the outside is occupied, the area can be blocked at the first time and quickly isolated.

  But... There is always a hidden danger inside Zion.

  Two figures quickly shuttled between the mountains, and when they officially arrived at the foot of the mountain where Zion was located.


  An impact similar to EMP came from the top of the mountain. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, one could feel the force field sweeping across the body, and a short buzzing sound sounded in the brain.

  William resolutely tightened his body to prevent possible hidden shocks.

   However, the physical body is completely unaffected. The only thing affected was the gentleman's clothes on his body. Particles visible to the naked eye floated up and down on the surface of the suit, but they were quickly suppressed by the yellow leather.

   Not just William,

  The Tumor Knight armor on Jin's body actually fluctuated violently, and the [skin] part inside the armor was forcibly peeled off, fell to the ground like a ball of paper, and quickly turned into a puddle of stinky oil.

  Although there are not many skin components in the armor, the flexibility of the skin is used to lighten the armor and increase the close-fitting effect, so that many key nodes are connected by cortex.

  The sudden peeling of the cortex instantly caused the armor to fail, the joints became stiff, and it couldn't be stored in the body by utilizing the characteristics of the skin.

   "Huh!? What's going on here."

  Jin could only be forced to take off her armor and put it into a woven bag formed by the tumor. She herself used the tumor to form a very simple chest wrap and shorts to cover special parts of the body.

  William immediately received an emergency notification from Huang Pi, and wriggling characters quickly flowed across the retina.

  ≮Skins are banned! This is an order issued by the leather factory, and it is even very likely to be issued directly by the plague master to completely seal the skins of your human tissues.

  Any item related to the skin bag, once it is subjected to the energy pulse released by Pitta, will cause the internal structure to be completely disordered and lose its pathology, turning into this disordered oily substance.

  Combined with the **** smell you smell, William's organization is very bad~ especially those human beings who focus on the development of the skin will directly lose their pathological ability and become useless under such influence. ≯

   "This...Mr. Spacey!"

  William’s first thought was that Mr. Spacey, the chief tailor who used to take care of him often and borrowed the "Skin Bible", is an absolute gentleman with skin and has not developed any symptoms.

   Jin on the side immediately caught the change in William's expression: "Has Zion fallen? Haha, it's great! Let's hurry up and become a hero to save the world and enter the city."

  William did not veto Jin's proposal, but he said as rationally as possible: "First, keep your breath down and hide as much as possible, go up to see the specific situation before making a final decision, don't be impulsive."

  The two walked up the steep mountain road with their footsteps low,

  Go around the mountainside and stand on a dangerous mountain road that protrudes outwards. From here, you can barely see the city of Zion built on the edge of the mountain.

  The memory pictures of the past no longer exist,

   What catches the eye is the high wall of flesh and blood covered with a thick layer of skin,

  In the center of the city inside the high wall, there is a tall skin tower, with a multi-layer ring structure on the top, which releases a high-energy pulse every once in a while.

   Just when William was about to continue upward, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

   "William, don't startle the snake, come with me! Bring Jin here, this is an order!"

  (end of this chapter)

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