The Last Gentleman

Chapter 592: William's battle advice

  Chapter 592 William's Operational Suggestions

   Just when Asimov proposed that he be responsible for breaking the **** wall, Jin, who was sitting next to William, was still sleeping, and gradually woke up after smelling her most familiar scent.

   Listening to the topic of destroying the city wall in a daze, she also raised her hand.

   "Do you need to destroy any troublesome constructions on a large scale? Let me do it... I like explosions the most! The city walls you are talking about should be of particularly good quality, right?

  In this way, I can use the strongest explosive method, and I don’t have to worry about Zion being blown directly into the sky. "

   "Are you going to hand rub the atomic bomb, Kim."

   "Huh? What is an atomic bomb..."

   "Just kidding, you should take a good look at the nature of this **** wall before making a decision. It is tentatively decided to be handled by Mr. Asimov."

  Jin gently scratched the simulated city wall with his fingers, "It's just a symbiotic blood wall, and it's really troublesome to combine it with the skin. As long as the skin can be peeled off, the defense and integrity will be greatly reduced.

   It depends on your arrangements. If you are sure that I don’t need my explosion, let’s forget it. Anyway, I want to save more energy to kill people inside. "

  William touched his chin, and seemed to have other considerations about Jin's use of abilities, "Mr. Asimov is also a professional... By the way! Jin, you are very confident in your blasting, right?"

   "My "explosion" has been praised by the Lord, and my path is also related to it, what are you going to do? "

  William pointed to the center of the simulated city, "Would you like to detonate the "Pulse Tower", which is the core building of the Restricted Organization, once it is destroyed, the strength of the gentlemen will be fully restored, and your armor will also be able to function again. "

   "Okay, but this kind of place can't be bombed if you want to, right?"

   "That's right, the pulse tower was built together with the mansion of the godskin, or it is perfectly combined with the central manor of the blood people, and one of the most difficult seven marquises is in it.

   Detonating the Pulse Tower requires a detailed battle plan. "


   Daislin, who was sitting not far away, coughed lightly, reminding William that he is not the main person in charge of this meeting.

  William also smiled euphemistically and looked at the purple suit, the first doctor Gregory Arraus who had lived for more than five hundred years.

  Unexpectedly, Araos did not regain the right to speak, but turned his palm to William.

  “Although I think I can live for another five hundred years, but no matter how I look at it, it is an old thing, and my brain thinking is often restricted by some past things and becomes narrow.

  Since there are young people who are more talented than me, and they have perfectly completed the pre-war reconnaissance.

  Then I think this young man has the level of a leader himself. He wants to put forward his own operational opinions, and is even willing to plan everyone's action arrangements. What's wrong?

   Go on, William! State your basic thoughts on this battle, the order of recapture and the specific personnel arrangement. "

   "Thank you, Mr. Arraus, but I don't have a deep understanding of everyone's abilities, and I am not enough to plan each person's specific responsibilities.

  So I leave it to you to make detailed arrangements for each person, and I will just give a general operational opinion. "

  William rose from his seat and pointed to a scale model of New Zion.

  “I personally think that the main goals of the Retake Plan are [two], and they are not in order.

  One is to block the [passage] that everyone admits, to stop the backup troops from the old world, and to blast the pulse tower to restore the freedom of the skin.

  One is to go to the academy and rescue Mr. Zed who was imprisoned in it.

  However, the difficulty of the first point is obviously higher, there must be the Seventh Marquis at the other end of the passage,

   Therefore, we need to split into "two teams" before entering the city,

   After breaking through the city wall, the first team will immediately start wreaking havoc, trying to attract the attention of the nobles as much as possible, and at the same time show their desire to attack the central manor.

   When the attention of the nobles was attracted to a certain extent, the second stealth team immediately infiltrated the academy to rescue Zed as quickly as possible. "

  At this time, Martin and Marco, who are prophets, expressed their opinions, "Our total silver circle is smaller than that of the blood people, and at the same time, we are restricted in clothing and have no geographical advantages.

  If we further split the teams, and even ask the first team to actively attract attention...wouldn't the risk be too great?

  Once the blood people are more decisive, it is entirely possible to use all their combat power at the beginning to defeat the first team, and even a large number of gentlemen died in a short period of time.

   Also, you don't seem to mention the channel issue. "

"The [channel] problem has been solved, Prophet Marko~ Didn't you just say that? Our total silver circle is smaller than that of the Blood People. If we conduct a "team split" to hide the second team, the total number of silver circles will The gap with combat power is even greater, and the blood people still have a local advantage and the seat of the Seven Marquis.

  With such an obvious advantage, the Blood People of the Old World will continue their 'proud' characteristics, and will not call for reinforcements from the Old World. "

  Marco nodded slightly, but there are still problems,

  “[Channel] This is indeed possible, but you haven’t answered my first question just now.

  How does the attention-grabbing squad stay safe, and what's the point if it's routed before Zedd can be rescued.

   Moreover, Zed was imprisoned for four full months, even if he was rescued, he might not have combat effectiveness. "

  William shook his fingers, "No... As long as Mr. Zed is not completely killed, he is definitely the strongest person in the organization, don't you think Mr. Asimov?"

  William suddenly tossed the topic to another special combat force present,

   Asimov tickled his collar covering his nose and mouth with his fingers, and seemed to scratch a little when he mentioned the name 'Zed'.

   "That's true. Zed's physique is terrible. When he escaped from the monastery hanging on his breath, he was able to kill the monks who were chasing him on the way... It's a pity that such a talent was not included in the monastery."

  Marco continued to intervene in the dialogue between the two, "How to ensure the survival rate of the first team?"

   "Indeed, this is the riskiest point of the battle plan.

  But if my combat proposal is accepted, this is the most risky one. I will lead the first team responsible for attracting the bloodfolk's attention.

  The tentative team composition is Jin, Prophet Yuri, the first doctor Araus and Mr. Asimov, plus a friend of mine.

  The "Patient Zero-Moonmark Lorian" who once caused the false moon incident, he has signed a cooperation agreement with me and will assist us in our recapture plan.

  And Lorian has successfully disguised himself as a nobleman and hid inside Zion. With the moon hanging above Zion, he will become the key to this recapture plan.

  The second team can also sneak into the academy area under the cover of moonlight and launch a surprise attack. "

  Asimov, who was the executioner of the monastery, grasped the key point of these words, and immediately asked: "The moon in the old world has long since disintegrated, and all the rules have been erased. Is the patient you are talking about the founder of the new moon?"


   "Such a guy would be a big shot in the old world, why should he help you?"

   "Because he and I are old acquaintances, we only need to give him some benefits after the battle is successful.

  Even if the battle fails, he can leave at any time with the help of moonlight, which has no effect on himself. "

Asimov looked at William with sharp eyes, "What you said is only a superficial problem, and you can make such a patient drop their affairs at this time and come to help us, William, your [social] skills are very good. "

   "Thank you, Mr. Asimov, for your compliment. You can hold an important position in the monastery as a human being, and you can come back to help in a critical period. It's also amazing~ Anyway, I heard that the management of the monastery is very strict."

   Just when the two were bragging about their business,

  The first doctor, Araus, has been thinking about the combat opinion given by William and confirming its feasibility.

  His palm slapped the table suddenly, and the applause was mixed with the roar of the dragon:

   "William's battle plan is feasible, so the second team will consist of Daislin and Marco to form the "Double Prophets Squad", and cooperate with Reagan to conduct a three-person rapid infiltration to rescue Zed.

  Once Zed regains his freedom, all will gather and launch a general attack on the Shenpi Mansion.

  If we fail to destroy the channel at the first time and lead to the arrival of reinforcements from the old world, we will immediately end the plan and quickly evacuate.

  If you have any questions, you can immediately ask or add. "

   Discussions started immediately at the scene, but the general direction of the plan remained unchanged, and the combat ideas given by William were always supplemented and detailed.

  This operational suggestion given by William will become the general offensive idea, and the operational positioning is set to be tonight, when the moonlight falls on Zion again...

  (end of this chapter)

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