The Last Gentleman

Chapter 63: Invitation to help

  Chapter 63 Invitation to Help

  Yi Chen had seen countless fake faces during his lifetime, and even his 'intimate' playmates always wore a fake mask.

   If you can't identify it, you will definitely be reduced to the lowest level of existence.


   When Yi Chen was talking to the old man in the sewer, he could detect the fake mask the other party was wearing in just two sentences, and it was too obvious to have any acting skills.


   The theater owner in front of him, although wearing a mask on the outside, is very pure in nature.

There is no false element between    words and actions, and he belongs to the same kind of person as the innkeeper in Green Lake Town.

   This is also the fundamental reason why Yi Chen decided to act seriously,

   If you can establish a relationship with the 'Yuemin', it will be very beneficial to the promotion of the mission process.

   And Yi Chen also read an important message from the drama text just now.

  The main person in charge of the Twilight Clinic - Dr. Mycroft actually knew 'Moon Mark'... This information can directly prove Yi Chen's suspicion when he first took over the mission, and the fake moon incident really has a relationship with the clinic.

  【Old John Theatre】, the lobby bar.

  The boss turned into a bartender, concocting his best cocktail for everyone - 'Witch and Monster', named after his favorite drama.

  Edmund and others seemed a little cautious because they maintained a neutral relationship with the "sick" for the first time.

  Only Yi Chen was holding the red and black layered cocktail and savouring it carefully.

   "Mr. John, before asking for your help, I need to confirm some information.

   In the play we performed just now, what is the relationship between Dr. Mycroft and 'Moon Scar'? "

   "I don't know much about the matter involving Moon Hen-sama.

   What I know has been fully expressed in the drama, only that Lord Moon Hen once seemed to be a special patient in the clinic.

   If it is more specific, I don't know. "

  When the boss gives this critical information,

  Edmund and others were also extremely shocked. They didn't expect that the fake moon incident was really related to the clinic... The yearning and reverence for the noble profession of "doctor" was hit to a certain extent.

   Edmund also interjected at this time,

   "When the fake moon incident broke out, you were only infected at an early stage and didn't even have a sense of independence... How did you know the relationship between open source patients and the clinic?"

   "Do you believe in yourselves... This information is just a glimpse of some past experiences about Lord Moon Scar when I look directly at the moon."

   At this time, sitting at the farthest point of the bar, Dagbert, who has always rarely spoken, gave an idea.

   "The reason why the organization kept the 'Fake Moon Incident' secret may be related to the corresponding bad deeds that go against the character of a gentleman.

  The information shown to us is also a matter of embellishment and intentional concealment of the clinic. "

   These words just gave Yi Chen a thought stimulation, and he continued with Dagbert's words.

   "That's right! The recovery of the secret medicine is probably just the surface layer of the task, and the recovery task that the organization arranged for us may be to test our level of 'exploration'.

  Whether it is possible to dig out the hidden truth from behind the false clues. "

   hear this,

   Yuliana also nodded slightly, lifted the black veil, and the second drank the cocktail in her glass.

   Captain Edmund also drank and sighed.

   "When I was young, the elders in the family often told me... The disease itself and the foreign objects it affects are not terrible, as long as it is strong enough, it can eradicate beheading.

  The really scary thing is that you are sick and don't know it.

  Perhaps Dr. Mycroft was already affected in the process of fighting the disease.

   However, the truth behind the clinic is still waiting for us to dig out and discuss it in detail. "

   said, he scratched the pinhole in his neck again, and there was more rat hair around than during the day.

  The owner of the theater naturally noticed this detail and said softly, "Have you ever been in contact with that mouse on the mountain?"

   Yi Chen responded: "Yes, the real destination of our visit to [Venal City] this time is the abandoned clinic... The place where you need your help is also there."

   "Oh~ That's right."

  The boss is also a smart person. Combining the pinhole wound and the collection of moon skin by everyone, the ins and outs were sorted out at once.

   "We, the surviving moonmen, also went to the clinic on the mountain during the reunion, trying to find more moonmen... However, the mouse hidden deep in the ground directly ate our two companions.

   vile and insidious,

   He seems to have become stronger than us for some reason, and he is closer to the "moon distance". But it was also imprisoned in the ground, unable to escape. "

  The topic is here,

  Yi Chen immediately seized the opportunity, his eyes met the boss's silver pupils:

   "Mr. John, are you willing to help us kill that mouse? If you provide 'performance assistance', our odds will be greatly improved."

"my pleasure."


   The time limit of [one week] is still early.

   After confirming the 'friendliness' of the theater owner, everyone stayed in the theater to rest.

   Also need to confirm one thing,

   That is, whether the influence of the same space will affect the urban area, everyone also waited until 0:00 in the morning,

   The result is… no.

  The city ruins in the early morning are still dark, and there is no full moon rising at all.

   This is enough to conclude that the co-location space constructed by the moon really only affects the Twilight Clinic and is directly related to Mr. Li deep underground.

  The main hall of the theatre.

   The four of them were laying on the floor here and took off their guard.

   Edmund's mentality was also completely relaxed, and he had a gossip with Yi Chen next to him before going to bed.

   "Huh~ It went better than expected. William, you have robbed me of the limelight as a captain."

   "It's nothing, I'm just better at dealing with others..."

   "Dealing with the sick is completely different~ How did you do it, or where did you get the experience? You haven't performed a single mission in the past six months."

   "It was Green Lake Town..."

   Yi Chen, who gradually became familiar with everyone, gradually spoke more and more, and explained the experience of Green Lake Town once.

   "You...are you really not afraid of death? Without any guarantee, you trust a patient who has known each other for two days and ask them to send you to the [Monitor]?"

   "It's a big gamble for me in that situation.

   Of course, the premise of gambling is also based on my observation of the two. The brothers and sisters who run the hotel are similar to theater owners, and they don't wear masks for disguise.

   It was that gamble that made me realize the importance of 'communicating with the sick'.

   In the subsequent evaluation of us by the organization, the examiners did not deny this behavior, indicating that the organization also agrees with this special communication to a certain extent. "

  Edmund changed his usual relaxed and sunny day, and became quite serious, as if he had remembered something.

   "Communication with the sick is not as simple as it seems on the surface~ But all human beings living in this world will instinctively reject the [sick] who have lost their human roots and are like the germs of the world.

   This is a kind of repulsion that is inherent in biology, and it is difficult to abandon it. "

  Yi Chen replied indifferently, "I don't have such a feeling, I just judge by experience whether they can be contacted and whether they are trustworthy."

   Hearing this answer reminded Edmund of something.

   "It's no wonder that you can complete the acceptance of "Disease Crystal" before you become a gentleman.

  William, you should be the kind of person that Grandpa talked about..."


   "The one who can fully adapt to this morbid world, easily fit into it, but maintain himself... [madman]."

   (end of this chapter)

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