The Last Gentleman

Chapter 612: moonset

  Chapter 612 Moonset

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  Greed, who stood on the altar of the church, put his bloodstained palm on his face and laughed.

   "I admit that when absorbing them, I ignored the details that may be affected by illusion... But your statement like this is too funny, right? I just absorbed two guys who were weaker than me.

  No matter what kind of world it is, "the strong eat the weak" is the bottom and most basic rule.

  They are weak, so they will be eaten by me. It's as simple as that. How can there be an issue of extermination? If it weren't for that unimaginable foreign invasion, our manor would have become the number one source of infection beyond the Cancer Palace.

   And you, too.

   After I fell into a hallucination due to a personal mistake, I still can't kill me, so weak and pathetic.

  However, half of my 'epidemic fluid' can be consumed as soon as I set foot in the silver circle, which is already very incredible. I value your talent very much, because I will save my breath as much as possible and make good use of your talent when I go back. "

  Looking at the frame above his head again, seeing the remaining half tube of epidemic fluid, Glider instantly fired at full power, and the pad before his steps turned into a red light and cut William straight.


  This time, the exaggerated **** cross no longer rose up in the slash, because the cross sword swung by Glid was actually blocked by the block.

  The Moonlight Greatsword in William's hand collided with the Blood Cross Sword head-on, no matter whether it was a weapon or the power added by the user.

  Grid felt a little unbelievable. According to his expectation, he should be able to cut William in half. "Blood equipment" can greatly improve all-round attributes. It should be easy to kill a patient who has just set foot on the path.

   Moreover, the weapon in his hand came from outside the territory, the holy cross sword that could once threaten their Seven Marquis.


  Grid pushed away the great sword in William's hand, and continued to slash with all his strength.

   Every time when he was about to hit, William could always swing the moonlight greatsword for a frontal impact or a perfect parry... After several rounds, he was unscathed, and he didn't even retreat much.

   Glid gritted his teeth, fully unleashing his power of greed.

  A treasury of greed that is both virtual and real emerged behind him, and was endowed with autonomous consciousness, and even grew two deformed **** arms.

   Whenever Glid swung a sword, Greedy Treasure would reach out and take out various blades from his body, and then throw it with all his strength, straight into William.

  The speed of projection is not slow at all. Once it hits, it is very likely to penetrate the body and even cut off key parts.

   Facing such an offensive,

  William's moon eyes flashed, and he combined Lorian's understanding of "sword" with his proficiency in "dual weapon combat", and turned on the dual wielding mode for the first time.

   Wields the "Moonlight Great Sword" with the powerful right arm, and takes the "Dark Hand" from the waist with the left hand.

  The black hand, which originally had the structure of a hand axe, actually evolved into a black sword by itself according to the state and changes of William, the master.

  The black arm structure with spine serves as the hilt,

  The palm is a sword guard,

  Under the immersion and reshaping of the black liquid, the original ax blade is reshaped into a blade structure, which grows out of the palm, and then fixed with the folded five fingers,

  Moonlight Great Sword is mainly used to parry Glider's main attack,

  The black sword is used to resist all kinds of weapons shot from the treasure house,

  The two moon eyes rotate at high speed, and at the same time enjoy the dual perspective of William himself and the moon, perfectly observing every move of Glider at 360°.

  William said while parrying the blood offensive:

   "Sure are the weakest of the Seven Marquises, you have always been greedy for the strength of others, and you have never seriously exercised yourself.

  Even the most commonly used blood cross sword in your hand has not been fully mastered.

  If my opponent is an ancient existence like the Marquis of Gratoni who focuses on devouring, even with my current posture, it will be difficult to win. "

  William's whisper provoked Glid's emotions,

   "You! You're obviously pushed back by me, and you're still talking hard... You're just a kid who just completed the pathway, and you're just a human being who has lived for decades, and you dare to preach to me, Glider.

   Soon I will kill you. "

  Grid forcibly increased the blood flow rate in his body to 200%, and his speed and strength increased again.

  The continuous blood blade slashes pushed William to the edge of the underground church, with his back against the wall and there was no way to retreat, which was also Glider's opportunity.

  「Chain of the Monastery」

   Bang Lang Lang ~

  The treasure house was in the gap between throwing weapons, but suddenly shot out a monastery iron chain with a pointed tip.


  The iron chain pierced through William's right shoulder, making the swing of the Moonlight Greatsword falter, failing to block the next attack.

  Blood cross cut down... Shua!

  The blood sword successfully cut along William's right shoulder, and finally stopped when it reached the edge of the abyss in his abdomen, almost splitting William in half.

  Whoosh, whoosh, countless nails shot out from the treasure house and inserted into acupuncture points all over William's body.

  Combined with the penetration of the iron chain and the blood cross sword remaining in the body,

  William was completely locked up and could not move.


  Glid immediately lowered his blood flow rate, gasping for breath, blood mist steam overflowing from his whole body.

  He moved up to William and couldn't wait to show off his beauty.

  The originally handsome appearance was huddled together by him, and he tried his best to make the final taunt:

   "Aren't you very powerful... Aren't you going to exterminate the clan? How does it feel to be pierced by the iron chain of the monastery? This iron chain is something I managed to steal through many people. You must keep it a secret."

   William, who was immobilized, twitched wildly, as if the pain made him unable to think at all, let alone answer.

   "Okay~ Since the passage is locked by you, I can only take you back to the old world through another passage... The Marquis Gratoni will solve the matter here, and I only need you.

  Be patient a little longer, and I will remove the chains on you when you return to the leather factory.

  At that time, I will analyze your body inch by inch, and incorporate your potential into my treasure house. "

  Under Glider's control, the monastery iron chains wound around William's body several times, which can be said to be tied up.

   Fully packaged,

  Glid also stepped forward confidently, preparing to carry William on his shoulders and leave the city. He didn't want to stay for a second longer.


   Just when Glid got close to William and stretched out his hand to pick it up,

  William, who was supposed to be convulsed by the pain, suddenly returned to normal, and even showed a cheerful and comfortable smiling face. The whisper came again:

  "You really don't have a long memory. I said that "greed" is your biggest problem. It's already like this. You still want to capture me alive... Goodbye, Marquis Glid. "


  Grid was still a little surprised, why the young man in front of him suddenly overcame the pain.

  But the opponent's whole body was firmly locked up, covered with golden needles, and his body was cut open to cause serious injuries... No matter how you look at it, there is no threat at all, and there is no point to launch an attack.


  William opened his mouth,

  The 'third' arm emerged from the depths of the throat, and held a gun in his hand,

  Because the two were close to each other, and the muzzle of the gun was directly attached to Greed's eyebrows,

   Pull the trigger!

  A special bullet instantly penetrated Glid's skull and shot into his brain.

   There was no extra shot, the mysterious third hand retreated into the mouth after the only shot, and William also closed his mouth and returned to normal.

  A bullet hole was left between Glid’s eyebrows, and blood flowed out.

  He touched the blood with his hand, and even sucked it in his mouth, feeling the deliciousness of his own blood... Finally, he couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed wildly again.

   "Hahaha, that's your last resort? Shoot something small in my head... Are you freaking out, William?

  I am a blood citizen, and I am the Seventh Marquis standing above all nobles.

  Do you think this kind of injury can kill me? Ah... what are you thinking? There is half a tube of liquid between my frames, even if I am beheaded twenty times by you, I will not die. "

  William kept his smile unchanged and replied:

   "Mr. Glider, when did you think that you still had half of the epidemic fluid left?

   Do you really think that you met a certain condition and stepped out of the black ocean and left that cruise ship?

   How many times have you killed yourself during the cruise, and how many times have you been killed by yourself, do you still remember clearly?

   Just to remind you, you've been killing yourself because of the "Moon of the Dead Sea", and your number of deaths corresponds exactly to the total amount of liquid between your frames.

   That is to say, when you leave the black ocean, the frame above your head has no liquid.

  But the influence of the illusion in your body still exists. I made you think that there is still half a tube of epidemic fluid left, so that you can continue to fight without worry, instead of fleeing in a hurry.

   After all, I don’t want a guy like you to go back alive, otherwise, the next time I launch a general attack on the leather factory and see your disgusting stinky face, I will definitely be in a bad mood.

  By the way, one more thing... the chains of the monastery are not the way you use them. "


  William snapped his fingers.

  The bullet that shot into Glider's skull and was condensed from needle-punched iron chains was released immediately.

  Grid's body instantly grew spikes, and without the protection of the frame, 100% real pain spread throughout his body, and he fell to the ground and twitched wildly.

  William broke free from the low-level iron chain easily, and pulled out the golden needles on the acupuncture points all over his body, snap! He firmly stepped on Glid's constantly twisting head to ensure its stability.

  The eyes of the moon are dull,

  Hold high the black sword,


  The ferocious head with blond hair rolled aside, and the body dissipated.

  (end of this chapter)

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