The Last Gentleman

Chapter 641: girl in the deep sea

  Chapter 641 The Girl in the Deep Sea

  William came to the canoe, he was very clear that this was obviously prepared by Catherine for him, and wanted him to go to sea in this way.

  While sitting on the canoe, the waves immediately carried the boat into the sea as if they had self-awareness.

  The speed of the wooden boat floated very slowly, and Catherine did not show any signs immediately. This kind of leisure time was just left for William to observe the sea of ​​pools created by Catherine.

   Scoop up part of the seawater with the palm of your hand, and observe carefully close to your eyes.

  The seemingly clear sea water is mixed with a large number of microcosmic Vibrio bacteria of various types. The density of bacteria in each drop of sea water is even higher than that of the foul-smelling green plague rain in the Mouse City that William once visited.

   "Sure enough, Catherine is related to the "sea" in the old world. The book Nash prepared for me happens to have a historical introduction about [The Vibrio Sea], which is a very special area.

   is known as the pan-type source epidemic area,

  The main reason is that the arc sea has a very large area and is extremely rich in species and pathogens. In ancient times, there was not only one epidemic master in the arc sea, but three epidemic masters jointly managed it.

  The war is over,

   Two of the plague owners died one after another during the war, and only the fish source survived, and their personality seemed to change, becoming very extreme. In addition, more than 95% of arc sea patients died during the war.

   It is rumored that there are no obvious sick people's activities in the current arc sea, but there are very deadly things inside, and ordinary sick people dare not approach.

  According to Nash,

  Catherine's ability to obtain deep sea water in a short period of time shows that she must have a deep connection with the arc sea. With this line from Catherine, I will definitely be able to understand the largest ocean in the Old World faster.


The ocean in the human world is also the first to be affected and the gray area is the most serious, and almost all inland rivers and lakes are also affected by the ocean, which also caused me to come into contact with the so-called "epidemic" in advance when I was conducting the gentleman assessment. host'.

  Fortunately, Xiao Putao was there at that time, otherwise, if I had really met Yuyuan at that time, I would have been buried at the bottom of the lake, or even become an unconscious fish scale infected person. "


  The coast behind has faded into darkness,

  The sea current that carries the boat gradually stops,

  The only light source is the candle standing on the bow. The poor lighting range of the candle can only penetrate the surface of the sea water.

  Hoo~ A gust of sea breeze blew by, and the candlelight was suppressed to a minimum, but this fire core seedling survived very tenaciously.

  When the candlelight re-diffused and fully illuminated the surroundings of the ship, there were already a pair of arms lying on the stern wooden edge.

  When William turned his head, he saw a wet blonde girl,

  Her body above the navel was exposed above the water, and her wet blonde hair slid down her shoulders, just blocking the part that should not be displayed.

  Blue eyes and white teeth,

  She doesn't seem to understand human language, and can only convey some kind of request through her eyes.

  Seeing that the young man seemed harmless, she tried to move her lower body out of the water and landed on the boat...not the imaginary mermaid tail, but six octopus legs.

  One of the octopus legs has been severely diseased, densely packed with barnacles parasitic on it, completely inserted into the meat, it is difficult to remove it by herself, and may even bleed profusely if she is not careful.

  She approached this young man with the attitude of giving it a try, and at the same time, she also had a girlish affection hidden in it.

  The young man smiled and stretched out his hand. When his fingers touched the surface of her legs and feet, this touch from the opposite **** and land life caused her to throb violently, and the tentacles couldn't help trembling and oozing a little water.

  The next second, as the young man's palm stuck to the surface of the barnacle, a substance representing death was injected into it, and the barnacle decayed and disintegrated on its own and fell off from between the octopus' legs.

  The similar black death quickly spread all the barnacles under the young man's control, completing all the cleanup of the parasitic barnacles for the girl without harming her.

  The blond girl was stunned by such a rejuvenating skill, but after expressing her gratitude with her eyes, she immediately raised her head and opened her mouth, and from her throat issued a beautiful melody similar to a sea monster.

   After a while,

   Pairs of arms of different skin colors covered the canoe, and even a large number of heads emerged from the surrounding sea,

  The young man was also a little surprised. Looking around, they were all girls under the age of sixteen, each with exquisite facial features, especially the most dazzling eyes, like pearls on the sea.

  There are so many of them, at least candlelight cannot illuminate them all

  The girls were relatively shy, but according to the information conveyed by the blonde girl, they also tried to move the diseased and injured octopus legs onto the canoe,

  The young man was also very patient, providing help efficiently and gentlemanly...until a strange low-frequency sound wave came from the bottom of the sea.

  The complexions of the girls suddenly changed. Even though there was some reluctance in the pupils, they all completed the dive within a second and headed towards the bottom of the sea at the fastest speed.

  Young people also jumped into the sea, trying to follow the group of sea girls to their residences, to see the mystery hidden in the deep sea.

   did not carry candles,

  Darkness is too familiar to young people, or to William. He is the spokesperson of the abyss, and his brain quickly gives visual calculations to obtain specific pictures of the dark deep sea.

   There are so many,

  Thousands of girls with octopus structure in the lower body, are stimulated by some kind of signal to go somewhere on the bottom of the sea,

  There is a huge crack on the bottom of the sea that looks like it was cut open by a sharp weapon. The girls all passed through the crack as quickly as possible and headed to the unknown area hidden deep in the bottom of the sea.

  William followed the past and discovered that the crack in the seabed was actually an enchantment that could keep high-pressure seawater out.

  When he passed through the barrier and fell into the interior, he was shocked by the picture in front of him... What appeared in front of him was a huge submarine laboratory,

  The walls of the laboratory are covered with fish scales, and there are dense fish eyes with monitoring effects hidden in the gaps between the fish scales.

  A large number of cylindrical experimental devices are arranged here, and the returning girls go to their corresponding cylindrical containers in groups of fifty.

  When they saw that kind-hearted young man also came here, they quickly signaled him to leave quickly with their eyes.

  But William didn't respond, and continued to walk towards the depths of the laboratory, wanting to see what was going on here, and why these girls who were like little mice were imprisoned here.

  When William walked halfway and saw the overall structure of the laboratory, he realized that the one he was in was just one of the laboratories with the "octopus mark" printed on it, and there were many different types of experimental areas under the deep sea.

  Walking and walking, William stopped suddenly,

  Because in a cylindrical container next to him, a black-haired girl imprisoned in it made him quite familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

  When William got close to the surface of the container and tried to see the black-haired girl clearly, an ancient sense of oppression came over him, and the fish scales on the walls of the entire laboratory began to vibrate crazily and rattle.

  Just when William was about to turn his head, an arm covered with dense fish scales had already landed on his shoulder.

  Some irresistible ancient malady crept within him,

  William wanted to stop it, but he heard bursts of surging and strong epic music. Standing behind him was the only plague lord who survived the arc sea.

  「Fish Source - Nazjatar」

  William's body couldn't resist the invasion of such diseases, and the skin all over his body quickly turned into fish scales, and he was thrown into the cylindrical container in front of him casually,

  When the fish-scaled flesh falls into the container and comes into contact with the special seawater inside, the disease is further induced. William's body was actually dismantled into small fish, each of which contained brain cells and had self-awareness.

  The unique delicacy exuded by the small fish stimulated the girl's strong appetite, and they began to gnaw crazily one by one.

  Because of her young age, the black-haired girl only had a small fish head in her hand.

  Looking at the fish eyes, hesitated for a moment, and ate it in one bite.

  When the fish brains were chewed up, William finally remembered the name of the black-haired girl-【Catherine】.

  ... Hum!

  The slippery, thick and sucker-laden tentacles were wrapping around William's body, swimming in every part.

  A malevolent yet seductive female voice came from the top of the tentacles,

   "You're awake, William."

  (end of this chapter)

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