The Last Gentleman

Chapter 651: burglary

  Chapter 651 Entering the house

  Although the two police detectives left, the instant noodles were still steaming.

   After a while,

  The familiar abyss channel appeared out of nowhere,

   This time, three people crawled out of it,

  Actually, William wants to hide for a longer time, after all, the man in black has not completely left.

  But for Xiaofang, who has never been exposed to the disease, let alone the abyss, when she fell into the abyss after experiencing this endless feeling of falling, she was so frightened that she could not speak.

  The whole body, including the Rubik's Cube on the face, was shaking, and gradually began to vomit, convulse, and even yell like crazy.

   I really had no choice but to come out of the abyss ahead of time. Fortunately, the room was temporarily safe.

  The footprints on the window sill, the few mouthfuls of instant noodle bucket left, and the octopus saliva stained on the pillow are the inductive clues deliberately made by William.

  It is to make the man in black believe that his group left in a hurry, and this 'sense of haste' will further induce them to chase them out.

  "The two men in black who quickly located and chased after them should be the special police officers of this county according to their conversation.

Moreover, I haven't chased after my inducement, but directly and decisively gave up the investigation of us, which is really unusual... But yes, after experiencing the supernatural power shown by Xiaofang, if there is no special way to deal with it, it is really difficult to follow up tracking.

   Instead of wasting time, spend it on other things. "

  Catherine didn't care about what happened just now, instead she continued to eat the steaming instant noodles.

  Fangfang continued to vomit in the toilet, and managed to barely get rid of the discomfort caused by the abyss. When she looked at William, she was even a little scared and deliberately moved closer to Catherine.

  She tugged on Catherine's sleeve slightly and said in a low voice, "That...the two police detectives haven't left the building yet."


  William was shocked, thinking that the other party had guessed his method.

  Xiaofang continued: "However, the other party didn't intentionally stay here to wait for us to show up, but was here to deal with other matters. According to the change in spatial geometry, they should have gone to the boss's house.

  I will not be able to detect in the future. There is an illuminated **** statue enshrined in the boss's house, and my detection is excluded. "

   Speaking of this, William also recalled that when he came back from shopping, he accidentally took a peek at the boss's residence. Although he only glanced through the crack of the door, he also saw the weird scene of the whole family kneeling down.

   "Besides us... there are other cases in this urban village?"

  At this time, a horrible breath penetrated from the floor,

  Even William, who was deprived of perception, could clearly feel that Catherine quickly sucked the last noodle and prepared for battle.

   This is an extremely strong "evil thought", and it even feels like the whole hotel is filled with a layer of viscous substance, and this viscous substance will be shaped like a baby from time to time.

   "The police are in trouble." Fangfang said.

   "Oh~ Isn't this good? Let's just run away and find a really safe place to have a good rest. I still have several videos in the favorites that I haven't watched."

  Catherine has already stretched out her hand and pulled on the window sill, ready to fly away and disappear into the night at any time.

  William had a completely different idea, "Wait, this is an opportunity~ an opportunity to quickly help us understand the current world, and at the same time sell a favor.

   Moreover, it happens to be able to test whether our current disease ability is effective against the evil things in this world, how effective it is, and what level of level it is. "

   "William, aren't you going to assist those two people who want to arrest us? After the matter is over, what if others bite back?"

   "The initiative is in our hands, we should assess the situation."

   "Okay~ It's just a good time to exercise your muscles and bones."


  William got up and walked towards the stairwell outside the house. The sound of thunder and raindrops was just enough to cover his steps.

  Catherine doesn't care, although she really wants to find a quiet place to continue playing with her mobile phone, but when she thinks of the opportunity to kill people in this world, her vicious instincts also begin to grow quickly, and she temporarily curbs the idea of ​​playing with her mobile phone.

  Fangfang stood at the door with no intention of following.

"I'll just stay here and wait for you guys~ I'm not good at fighting and killing, so come and find me after you've dealt with the matter. If you're in danger, you can use the stairs to escape, and I'll separate you from the pursuers. Different stair areas."

   "Well, we'll be back later."

  William and Catherine walked up the stairs to the second floor, where the wooden counter of [Yiju Hotel] is located at the stairhead.

  The incandescent lamps between the channels flickered and sizzled due to insufficient voltage.

  The door at the end is wide open,

  Candlelight shines through the gaps in the door curtain made of black bodhi seeds,

   For the time being, there was no sound of conversation or fighting, and even the evil spirit that had just escaped had subsided. It seemed that the battle had ended and everything had returned to calm.

   "Have the two police detectives dealt with it? Wait a moment before going over."

  The two waited half the night on the stairs but the police detective in black did not appear.

   "Strange... Let's touch it and take a look. It's really troublesome if you don't have the disease ability~ Catherine, be careful."

   "Don't just say what you say, be careful, why don't you hurry up and protect me, a weak woman?"

   "Follow me."

  William, who was walking in front, stretched out his hand subconsciously, and only the octopus was wrapped around his wrist, keeping the connection between the two so as not to be suddenly separated by unknown factors.

   Coming to the curtain, William looked into the room through the gap,

  There are red candles everywhere, and the shrine is still there, but no one can be seen.

   Just when he was about to lift the curtain and take a step inward, whoosh! A figure suddenly flashed out.

  The stooped boss appeared on the opposite side of the door curtain, wearing flip flops, with a smile on his face, "Two tenants, what's the matter?"

William didn't panic at all, but continued to speak naturally, with a little London accent between the Chinese, "Oh! Boss, you are really at home... It's like this. We need to check out urgently tonight, so we came here specially Say it."

   "Is it so urgent? It's still raining heavily outside.

  Since you are all here, why don't you come in and sit down? After all, it is very difficult for us to meet foreign friends like you here. Let me make you a cup of the most distinctive local **** tea to warm up your body before going on the road. "

   "You are too kind."

   "Come in."

   At the warm invitation of the boss, the two entered the room.

  Catherine had pulled back the tentacles of the octopus in advance, applied a layer of mucus to the surface of the palm, and reluctantly held William's hand, and the two were also pretending to be husband and wife.

   "It will take some time to make **** tea. You can sit down wherever you want, and wait for about five minutes."


  William and Catherine sat on the sofa and waited for a while, their eyes were attracted by the shrine in unison, looking at the enshrined "Songzi Guanyin" on it, they kept focusing their eyes, and it was difficult to move away.

  Perhaps because the idol has a relationship with ‘birth’,

  William suddenly felt a severe cramping pain in his abdomen, pulling him out of his trance.

  William, who regained his sobriety, noticed a strange black figure in his peripheral vision, standing at the entrance and watching them. Although it had a human body structure, the outline was obviously not right.


  By virtue of his quality as an actor, William did not turn his head, and kept staring at the statue, pretending that he hadn't noticed anything, and tried his best to see the strange shape of the shadow from the corner of his eye.

   Slowly, I finally saw clearly.

  A gigantic belly first appeared, showing a swollen spherical structure, almost three times the size of a normal pregnant woman.

  The individual with such a stomach structure is a special pregnant woman.

  She is a full two meters tall, with black hair hanging in front of her face to block her appearance,

  Most of the nutrition in the body was sucked away by the abdomen, and the whole person was skinny, and even the ribs could be seen very clearly.

   Immediately afterwards, even weirder things happened,

  A strange face is reflected in the belly,

  唰~ The abdomen slowly split along the transverse midline, forming a **** mouth big enough to swallow a human body.

   Not only that, the **** mouth was also full of young fetuses, each of them showing a state of drooling hunger.

  The pregnant woman moved and came behind William, who was attracted by the statue,

   Small baby hands grew out of the abdomen, ready to swallow William whole, and the bright red saliva had already landed on William's shoulder.

  The next second,

  William's eyes suddenly became determined,

  Using strength with both hands, suddenly clasped the upper and lower jaws of the big mouth of the abdomen, maximizing the muscles!

  【Tear it by hand! 】


   Blood rains down,

  Relying on the part of the body he brought over, William tore it in half from the abdomen when the opponent was unsuspecting.

Ah ah!

  The screams echoed throughout the village in the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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