The Last Gentleman

Chapter 655: God and disease

  Chapter 655 God and disease

  Late at night,

  The train gallops on the rails, this feeling is somewhat similar to riding a mechanical carriage,

  William also had a dream because of this,

  Dreamed that he, Jin and Reagan were riding on a mechanical carriage, ready to go to a sick town to perform a mission. But on the way to the destination, William suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

   Looking down, his abdomen was completely swollen.

   At some point, Kim and Reagan put on white coats and stood beside him, ready to "delivery".

  Jin wore her former colorful mask, reached out and stroked William's hair, "Take a deep breath~ Your body may give birth to a muscular baby, don't worry at all."

  Reagan put on rubber gloves and sterilized the scalpel, as if preparing for a cesarean section.

Just when Reagan was about to use the knife, Jin pushed it away, "Don't worry about it, William has a strong body! Why do you need to use this kind of scalpel that only weak women can use? Just blow it up Yet?"

  Placing his hand on William's abdomen, one by one red lotus was poured into the inside, and he could clearly feel the rapid proliferation of cells and the surge of heat, and the stomach was about to explode.


  Woke up suddenly, his back was overflowing with sweat, and he felt faint cramps.

"has a problem!"

  Ignoring the pain, William immediately climbed onto the upper bunk and untied the schoolbag used to store the statue.

   "Songzi Guanyin" actually exudes a faint red light all over, and blood and tears flow from the eyes, and the yellow paper pasted on it has a faint tendency to fall.

   "Is there a time limit for yellow paper?"

   At this moment, William vaguely felt something approaching outside the door.

   "Catherine, Fangfang, you stay in the house and watch the statue. I'll go out and have a look alone."

  William pushed open the sliding door, and a strong evil spirit filled the current passageway, even the lights in the passageway were slightly stained red.

  In the aisle, a broken umbilical cord hung from its abdomen, grinning and the blood baby was crawling slowly against the ceiling.

  William frowned, he knew very well that this kind of thing would not appear out of thin air, it must be that a certain baby or even a pregnant woman was affected by the idol,


  William grabbed the target without hesitation.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, the train just got into the tunnel, and the alternation of light and dark caused a temporary loss of vision... At this moment, the blood baby disappeared.


  William decisively turned around and rushed towards the carriage he was in, and could even hear the wriggling sound of the octopus tentacles.

  The speed of the blood baby was unbelievably fast. It just climbed out of the window at the moment of light and dark, and walked around the outside of the train to the soft sleeper room where William was.

  He didn't have any desire to attack, but just instinctively wanted to get close to the **** statue, just like the pure instinct of a newborn child wanting to find his mother.

  When William returned to the room, the blood baby had already been grasped tightly by Catherine's tentacles while flying towards the statue, blocking the process.

  William immediately reached out to stop,

   "Don't crush it, throw this thing out quickly."

  Catherine froze for a moment, and finally decided to follow William's advice, and was about to throw the blood baby out of the broken car window.

   time lags that can arise due to change of mind,

Snapped! The blood baby entangled between the tentacles exploded before it could be thrown out.

  One of Catherine's tentacles was directly blown to pieces, the pain caused her to almost bite her teeth, and she fell to the ground again... Two of the eight tentacles have been broken, and the interval is only one day.

   The blood mist produced by the self-explosion explosion penetrated the schoolbag and fell on the surface of the statue.

  The yellow paper was dyed red, quickly turned into black dust and dissipated, and the statue, which was no longer restrained, released a strong red light, and its radiation range covered the entire carriage.

  All the women who took the train had a strong contraction reaction. Those who were pregnant, regardless of the length of the pregnancy, began to have serious physiological reactions, and even the red light reflected between the pupils, and the painful screams echoed throughout the carriage.

  Listening to the screams coming from both ends of the carriage, William gritted his teeth, and must deal with the statue in front of him as soon as possible.

  He can think of two ways,

  1. Take the idol and jump off the train to eliminate the impact on the passengers on the train, and then slowly find a way to deal with it in the suburbs.

  2. "Self-digestion"

  William's brain has long been imagining and considering the second method. According to the original plan, once they arrive in a coastal city, they will find an uninhabited area to try.

  The sudden change of the current situation forced him to implement this plan in advance.

  "Songzi Guanyin can have a bad effect on any pregnant individual. Unfortunately, the characteristics of the disease I accidentally brought over are also related to fertility, and it is mixed with other things. Let's see who is stronger."

  William jumped up and grabbed the Avalokitesvara on the shelf.

   There is no shelter of the shrine, and there is no enchantment around the statue, so it is easily held by William.

  When the palm of the hand touched the statue, an intuitive and strong influence instantly acted on his body, and he even glimpsed an ancient Chinese temple on the other side of the cloud.

  Among the main halls of the temple sits a maternal individual who is admired by thousands of people. At this moment, he is slightly opening his eyes and watching William.

  ton time,

  William began to experience various pregnancy-related physical reactions, vomiting crazily, and even his body organs began to change, as if to differentiate into a real uterine structure.

  But with absolute perseverance, William still held the statue in his hand,

   "Such a despicable evil **** who only knows how to use insidious tricks, let me take you for a walk in the abyss."

  William stuffed the idol into his belly,

  Maybe feeling the sense of crisis from the abyss, when the statue of Songzi Guanyin was stuffed into the abdomen, whoosh! The surface cracked, and several tiny roots similar to umbilical cords drilled out, fastened tightly to the surface of the abdominal muscles, preventing them from falling into it.

   At the same time, it also released a stronger evil spirit, which stimulated William to produce contractions.

   But this time,

  Maybe it's adaptation, maybe it's William's absolute hatred for this evil thing,

   This strong contraction is enough to make ordinary people faint instantly. Although William was sweating profusely, the expression on his face was one of enjoyment, and even showed a creepy and murderous smile.

  If the police detective who was looking at his face saw his current expression, he would definitely have doubts about William's identity.

   "You should be able to hear it, right? The thing hiding behind the statue, what are you afraid of? Get out of here."

  William directly picked up his fist and punched himself in the stomach... Slamming the idol into the abyss with pure brute force, even William himself flew out of it, hitting heavily on the already broken window area, and almost fell out of the train.

  At the critical moment, a slippery tentacle entangled him and pulled him back.

  The idol also fell into the abyss with William's punch.

   Endless fall,

   The concepts of time and space are completely erased during the fall.


   I don't know how long it has passed before the idol falls to the ground.

  It is still releasing red light as much as possible to capture the female breath, to induce the [alienation] of pregnant women, and to cultivate more female believers to take the idol out of this weird place.


  Even if the statue is no longer restricted by the yellow paper, the red light cannot be released, or any form of light cannot spread in the abyss. Darkness is the only color attribute here.

   dark depths

  A certain dark being wrapped in a long curtain skirt walked out slowly, and looked at this strange statue that did not belong to the old world with some curiosity.

   sleeve gown floating,

   A strange arm composed of countless small hands grew out and attached to the surface of the statue.

   Feeling threatened by foreign objects, the idol wanted to fight back, but was invaded by a purely dark disease,

   Not only the statue itself was severely eroded and fell apart.

  Even the corresponding deity behind the statue, the "Songzi Guanyin" sitting in the middle of the hall, trembled violently, spraying a large amount of pitch-black liquid from his body, which was even mixed with a large amount of finger and arm tissue.

   The congregation that was stained with the pitch-black liquid also immediately underwent chaotic replication at the physical level, turning into a pool of rotten flesh tissue that cannot be evaluated in words.

  This high-ranking 'god' with millions of believers had a flash of fear in his eyes, and decisively cut off all connections with the statue.

   At the same time, she began to rectify her territory, and completely isolated the infected.

  'Songzi Guanyin' looked at the horrible lesions of the believers, immediately realized the problem, and quickly reported the information related to the disease to other realms.

  (end of this chapter)

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