The Last Gentleman

Chapter 675: major changes

  Chapter 675 major changes

  The Sabbat is over,

  Because the joint dishes of William and Catherine do not participate in the scoring,

   In the end, the clown Art won the first place. Although the "Human Souffle Om Egg" he produced contained maliciousness, this maliciousness did not have a direct impact on the individual. Instead, it created an absolutely real killing scene, allowing everyone to release and vent their negative emotions.

  At the end of the meal, everyone felt refreshed, and the hostility was swept away.

   Moreover, the most important thing is that this thing is really delicious, and it is just right as the last dessert.

  The boss also highly praised the changes made by Art.

  The poker-faced attendants took away the tableware one after another, changed the style of the lamps, and then the most important "reform meeting" was held.

  The boss's state was temporarily stabilized after eating instant noodles, so he started directly without taking a break.

   "Because William and Catherine went to other worlds in advance by means of the "dream channel", and there were direct acts of killing gods, even if the gods killed were only incomplete incarnations, it is possible to accelerate the rotation of the world's gears.

  If the gears don’t speed up, according to the current operating mode of the circus, we still have enough time, enough for us to collect the “fear” that makes the tent fully grow.

   But if the gears start picking up, there simply isn't enough time.

  Before the circus can achieve a qualitative change in fear, world turmoil will strike, and all our efforts will be in vain.

   To this end, we will make changes today. Moreover, according to our current level, it is sufficient to support such reforms.

  The main purpose of the reform is to increase the collection speed of fear and improve the qualitative change process of the circus. "

   Say it,

  The boss's black hair began to flow towards the table, and a scaled-down circus tent was woven on the spot.

  At the same time, they made hand-made models of the main members present and arranged them neatly in front of the tent.

   "According to our current absolutely safe collective operation mode, the collection rate of phobias is always limited~ so I decided to "split" the circus by each department. "

  The circus tent on the table was cut (unevenly) like a birthday cake and presented to the models of different chiefs,

   Spread out to different parts of the conference table.

   Then push different chiefs and their deputy to different positions on the desktop.

   "At that time, each chief will carry a tent with the same specifications as his department, and disperse, wander, or fix in different places in the old world to perform the performances he is good at, and to accommodate fear.

  In this way, the speed of fear acquisition is increased. "

  As soon as this remark came out, half of the people present showed surprised expressions, while the other half seemed to have expected it and remained silent.

  At this time, someone on the conference table also raised his hand and was the first to ask a question. It was Nash, William's deputy, who used to be the director of Pokerface.

   "Boss, if we want to split the circus into departments and perform freely. How to ensure the quality of the performance?

  If some of us perform poorly and use despicable means to attract fear under the banner of a circus, it can be said to be a devastating blow to the reputation we have worked so hard to build. "

  The boss responded patiently, "The chiefs here are all the elites I have carefully selected, and the quality of the Sabbat tonight has reached an unprecedented height...I believe that you will not let me down.

   Moreover, the tent is a part of me, and I will observe everything in the dark.

  If someone really badly discredits the circus or does something that violates the rules, I will personally intervene. "

  Nash continued to ask, "In addition, if it is separated, the secrecy of the circus will inevitably be greatly weakened. If a certain department is targeted by the source area, or even completely encircled and the tent is broken, what should we do if the fear passes?"

   "This is one of the risks that reform must bear, and it is also a security issue that the chiefs need to consider. This question should be asked of the chiefs present, how to achieve high-quality performances, fear of being captured and not discovered."


  Nash didn't ask any more questions. He still had a heart for the circus, and this sudden change made him a little uncomfortable. The most important point is that the theater built by him is just about to get on the right track, and it will be reformed before even having a formal performance with William, which is really hard to accept.

  The boss continued: "After the divisions are separated, each department needs to reach the rated fear collection target every month. If the fear collection target cannot be reached for two consecutive months, I will consider removing your tent authority and reclaiming your chief title, or merging you into other well-run departments.

   In addition, if you feel that you are short of manpower, you can also recruit under the name of the circus yourself, you only need to pay attention to the quality and safety of personnel.

   Between different departments, if they think it is appropriate, they can also conduct joint performances to improve the efficiency of fear collection.

   As for you, you don’t have to be limited by the current positions, you can try to create some other, high-quality alternative performances, as long as they fit the theme of the circus.

   All in all, I ask everyone to cast a net of fear at all costs, preferably not in one place, but in a traveling show.

  When the collection of fear reaches its goal, everyone will end their journey and return to the headquarters. At that time, I will give you corresponding status and rewards according to your contributions. "

  The boss's speech is over. This kind of reform made everyone present have different ideas.

  William also recovered from his astonishment. He did not expect that the circus, which has always been strictly managed, would make such a huge change. However, this is actually a good thing for him. This kind of freedom, combined with William's relationship, may be able to make his 'theatre' bigger and stronger in his own name.

   Even put aside the essence of theater, and developed an independent circus that fits its own characteristics.

   "Boss, when will this reform be implemented?"

  Art rarely took the initiative to ask questions, and he seemed to want to separate out alone to do something big.

   "When William realizes the mass production of instant noodles, he will start to implement the separation plan.

  During this time, you can make good preparations and choose in advance the location of the old world that you will go to later. "

   At this moment, William suddenly raised his hand to ask a question.

   "Boss, I have a question... The performance shouldn't be limited to the old world, right? Fear is an innate primitive emotion of all conscious beings, so it can be collected in the human world, right?"

   “Sure, just make sure you hit your performance goals every month.

   It’s just that [World Infection] has not yet been completed. The circus tent belongs to me. Once you pass through the passage, it will be weakened, and it is not even enough to support the tent. You should pay attention to this. "


  Nash immediately panicked when he heard William's question, "Boss, are you going to perform in the human world? I'm a standard silver circle patient, what should I do if I can't get through?"

   "No, I'm just asking~ Mainly stay in the old world.

  When you encounter irresistible troubles, or it is difficult to meet the monthly performance requirements, think about the past, just as a backup method, don't worry. "

   "Oh~ I'm too stupid!"

  William's focus is still on the old world, after all, there are more contacts here, and it is more likely to recruit performers suitable for extreme performances.

  In addition, William may also use the banner of the circus to approach some dangerous locations to try to perform, so as to attract fear and talent.

  And speaking of actor training, William is also preparing to apologize to someone. If the apology goes well, it may be possible to perfectly integrate theater, performance and "month".

   "By the way, it's been so long~ Lorian should have calmed down, right?"


   are far away, hidden on the moon deep in the clouds of the human world.

  The old cold and dead moon seems to be different,

  In the clinic building at the core of the moon,

  Two youths of the same age sat opposite each other in the dean’s office,

  The cool flame of the hearth flickered with their cheerful conversation,

  In addition to the moonlight falling into the window, there is also a thick misty mist around, like a dream.

   Ah Choo!

  The silver-haired youth suddenly sneezed, as if an acquaintance was talking about his name, which made him feel sick.

  (end of this chapter)

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