The Last Gentleman

Chapter 85: Survey task

Chapter 85

【Belly Herta】

The senior instructor of the guest Simani has the habit of "collecting fingers". Whether it is human or sick, as long as the characteristic fingers can become her collection.

When his disciples are performing the task, they often please bring back their fingers, if they can satisfy Belle and even get some additional rewards.

Before becoming a instructor, she was also trained in guest Simani,

Coincidentally, Zide is in the same session as her, even in private relationships, and even experienced team experience, but later embarked on a completely different path.

When seeing the disciples trained by Zede, I can't help thinking of some things that year, so that she no longer rejected the young man in front of him.

When Yi Chen came back, she handed a bottle of therapeutic agent and asked, "How about Zide's recent situation?"

"Although he was imprisoned at the bottom of the teaching building, the college would satisfy him as long as he wanted what he wanted. He could even conduct various physical experiments and continue his inquiry of the flesh.

Such treatment made him not care about the "imprisonment".

He is currently not only conducting physical training for me, but also in charge of our lectures of "Pathology". "

Hearing this, Belly's light green eyes flashed a trace of sorrow.

"It is much better than the situation I imagined, but unfortunately ... this guy's eyes are abandoned, otherwise you will definitely go further and will not be restricted in Zion."

"Do you have a good relationship with Teacher Zide?"

Belly shook Yi Chen's eyes to shut up and terminate this topic. "Okay, let's talk about what between you now."

"it is good."

When Yi Chen just sat down in front of the desk, his right hand was directly caught by Belle, and observed the form of the five fingers with a single piece of glasses to read the information contained in it.

"I have worked in the cemetery and never had the maintenance of the hands.

However, the proportion of the finger joints is appropriate, the thickness of the nails is moderate, the blood color is single ... the medium -sized finger is barely okay. "

When Instructor Belly released his hand, Yi Chen quickly pulled back his palm, fearing that the other party would suddenly cut one of the fingers as a collection.

"Don't worry, I won't take the fingers of the living."

Belle immediately opened the second lattice drawer on the right side of the desk.

Take out a stack of black files and take out one of the files after careful selection.

"There are not too many 'troubles' that need to be dealt with recently, only this one is suitable for you."

After receiving the black file, Yi Chen saw a form of task that was completely different from the gentleman's hall. The first line of the file did not indicate the name name, but instead replaced it with keywords.


Keywords: [Forest], [Church], [Survey & Slaughter], [Gray], [Group Action]


SHEPHERD, located in Jose Valley, emerged a number of small groups a few months ago, which was supported by villagers and established churches between the valley.

In the first few months, there was no strangeness. The village still followed the "rules" set by the organization, and the number of crops and meat products they handed in each month increased.

Until two weeks ago, the trees around the village grew crazy overnight, forming a structure similar to the city wall, completely cutting off all connections with the outside world.

Even now it is still growing, affecting the ecological environment of the entire Hessean.

The organization has dispatched a part of the gentleman to the peripheral of Hessey to conduct an investigation of abnormal situations in the forest.

At present, the internal area of ​​the tree wall has been gray-eROSION, and it has a clear trend of gray domain evolution.

Please go to the [Black Eye stronghold] in Joseg Valley, coordinate the gentleman groups where you are there to find out the situation of the village and church groups, bring back key clues, and try to remove the roots of gray.

The corresponding rewards will be given according to the difficulty of the incident.


There is no task name and difficulty, just give action instructions.

According to the geographical books that Yi Chen had previously read,

The so -called Jose Valley is about three or four hundred kilometers away from Zion. It is a valley forest land around the mountains. The vegetation and animals are rich and diverse, accompanied by some primitive village tribes.


With the beginning of the disease, most villages began to decline, and some small villages were "hollowed out" in a few days, and no one seemed to be.

Only a small number of large villages remaining still exist, but the population is still decreasing.

Until due to the organization's intervention, the relevant [rules] were formulated for the village, and the villagers finally could avoid diseaseization and death to a certain extent, and barely lived in the village.

The village pays 10%of animal husbandry and crop products to Zion every year in exchange for the indirect asylum of gentlemen.


Yi Chen lowered: "The new life church ... are the number of people and related situations clear?"

Belly raised her long legs and polished her fingernails with a knife.

"I will not provide such boring and tedious information here, wait for you to reach the black -eyed stronghold, and then ask the gentleman who is responsible for investigating the matter.

However, the group of people is really wasteful, and it has not been able to solve this matter for such a long time, forcing us to arrange for personnel to support them.

If the two of them did not come today, this task was given to others. "

At this time, Jin suddenly threw a strange question:

"Instructor, is there a gentleman in this forest or village?"

"There are two gentlemen teams who have completely lost contact when they conduct internal investigations through the tree wall. I don't know if I die."

"Loss of contact ... interesting."

The problem of gold is only this, and even a little excited.

Yi Chen also has some considerations and needs, "Can you provide us from the [rules] of the village of Shebolt to us."

"Related rules you can go directly to the gentleman's hall to receive a copy. If you don't want to waste time, go directly to the black -eyed stronghold, there must be relevant rules for filing there.

If there is no problem, you can set off now. "

Jin hadn't been sitting, and pulled Yi Chen's sleeves to drag the door.

at this time,

Instructor Belly suddenly added: "Think of one thing, gold ~ you go out first.

I talked to William alone, after all, he was the first time he went to perform the task as us. "

"All right."

Kim wondered his little hand and said goodbye to Yi Chen.

Wait until the secret door closed,

Yi Chen only felt that his tie was dragged and pulled towards the desk.

Instructor Belle's face is almost posted in front of him,

"I just deliberately remind you that some of the little guys in the Jin team, even the gentleman who is one larger than her, will be injured and not hurt lightly. The most serious death is already dead.

She sometimes performs extremely uncontrollably,

The area you touched this time has been deeply gray, and it may even be transformed into a gray domain in the process of your investigation. If she has an impulsive behavior that is regardless of consequences, there is a tendency to actively touch the risk of death, and you need to take the initiative to curb.

If you can come back intact, you can support the two for a long time in the future, and I will also support it.

Kim is one of the talents I have ever seen [Graphy Hand Talent]. The only thing I lack is 'controllable' ... I hope you can become the most important "control gear" in her body. "

"Since I choose to cooperate with gold, I will do my best."

"Um ~ There is another thing, I have time to give me a greeting for me, if the guy remembers me."

"No problem! Ms. Belly, do you know what is going on with his eyes?"

"Once deep in the gray domain, the painful price paid for this guy regardless of the consequences ... But because of his madness, including the rest of me, he survived.

Don't talk nonsense! Go and set off. "

   (end of this chapter)

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