The Last Gentleman

Chapter 86: Ride

Chapter 86

For such support tasks, you only need to reach the [Black Eye stronghold] to get relevant information from the gentleman's mouth that touched the incident in advance from the station, and you do not need to waste time in the city.

Before the departure, Yi Chen still went back to the college,

Inform his first mentor, Professor Qian Bossen, and the mission situation.

After learning that Instructor Belly was in charge of this incident, Qian Busen did not say too much, only reminded one thing:

"The task associated with guestsanani is often accompanied by a large number of killings. I don't have a orchard here, and there is no time for William you to plant to suppress the maliciousness in your heart.

I believe you will not be slavered by killing and can find one of the balance points. "

After bidding farewell to Professor Qian, Yi Chen also immediately went to the deep part of the teaching building and conveyed Belly's words to Teacher Zade.

When hearing this name, Teacher Zade's physical body was slightly undulating, and his words became not as radical as in the past, and even some 'normal'.

"Belly ... Should she be very good now? Her" killing "is the best among our staff, but she cares too much about some unnecessary details, otherwise it should be better than me."

"Well, she is now being a instructor in Westmani."

"Do you cultivate the sister -in -law? This is quite suitable for her."

For a while, Zide seemed to remember some past events, but was quickly suppressed back, spitting out the tongue in his mouth and began to teach the students he appreciated the most.

"I didn't expect you to contact the task of the sister -in -law so soon.

At that time, a large number of killings are inevitable.

You must not exclude the tear internal organs and splattered blood, they are just another way of displaying the body.

Is just helping the group of self -degraded guys to show their 'inner beauty'. After seeing their true beauty, they are often grateful to you.

Go to observe this process,

Enjoy this process,

Go to taste this process.

Slowly transforming the killing into an internal perception, and in the end to tastor yourself ... This will help better understand your own body.

I did nothing, but the structure of observing the corpse increased the number of body grids a little bit.

I believe that you can gain something with your talent.

What the set of **** ‘indulgence and kill’, do n’t think about it at all ... Just need to do what you think is right. "


"Go, remember to kill a few more, but don't give me this former [Master Sword Doctor] shame."


Yi Chen spent half a day and prepared all kinds of materials and pharmaceuticals.

Tie the hairstyle and erected the collar,

Adjust the sleeve hoop and tie,

Adjust the waist and polish the leather shoes,

Crow kerosene lamp hanging on the waist,

Get the black handbox of the imprint of the forging furnace,

The carriage gathering point at the gate of Zion City has no supporting services arranged by the guests, and you need to find a way to go to the place where the task is located.

Jin has already ordered a special carriage here, and it has long been impatient.

"You're slow ..."

"I'm really sorry, it's a little delayed in the college. Gold, this carriage you leased is expensive?"

Yi Chen was a little surprised by the luxurious carriage in front of him, the decorative lines of various dark metals, and the overall sense of concealment.

And there are three improved breeding dark horses responsible for traction. The middle head and horse can clearly see feather muscle distribution, and it feels that it can take off directly.


Compared with the last time I went to the Twilight Clinic, the four people took a lot of the compartment.

Take a look at the door,

There are two soft beds inside,

There is also a three -leaf -lava -carved kerosene lamp on the top to provide lighting for the carriage.

"It's more expensive, but the organization will reimburse some. The remaining part is as long as we complete the task, and the silver coins obtained by the reward are more than enough.

Born in such a world, you must enjoy it,

We may die at any time. If we have to consider the problem of money, it is simply boring.

Come up ~ The destination is a bit far away, we will have to arrive tomorrow morning when we set off now. "


The luxury carriage quickly drove out of the Zion Gate, carrying the two to the [Black Eye stronghold] of Hesse Valley.

The compartment uses special isolation materials and has the highest buffer device. Even if the wheels are crushed between the steep cliffs, they can hardly feel much shock, and the interior is quite quiet.

Yi Chen is sitting on the window, like taking a car in a car,

Jin has taken off the leather shoes and jackets, and the whole person is lying on the bed,

He even unbuttoned the belt, took off the whole trousers, and hung with the jacket on the coat of the carriage.

The two are not fair, but the length and proportion of the long legs and feet are instantly hit into Yi Chen's field of vision, and the latter also avoids it as much as possible.

It's a bit strange,

Even if Jin looks very casual, treats the carriage as his own bedroom.

But she still wore a colorful mask without any intention.

Perhaps a facial organs like Zide are permanently stripped by permanently. There may be very special reasons.

Naturally, Yi Chen didn't ask for this kind of thing.

at this time,

Gold, who had already lay down, suddenly sat up.

"I seem to have slept a little yesterday, but now I can't sleep at all ... Hey ~ William, tell me about your last mission experience or what about your strange things in the college?"

Yi Chen wanted to refuse,

But thinking that Bai was sitting such an expensive carriage, he finally agreed to Jin's request and talked a little about the process of recycling the secret medicine.

The secrets of the clinic cannot be leaked.

"Wow! Do you kill the gentleman who has severe disease ... The guys named Edmond are also very powerful! Next time, I have the opportunity to make me meet with them, maybe everyone can be good friends.

and after? finished? "

When Yi Chen talked about all this is the operation behind the scenes, and met with the Yuexian deity,

When the gold sitting on his bed, when he heard the word open source, he jumped excitedly.

Instantly suppress Yi Chen's limbs and controls it on the bed.

The mask was sticked on him and kept sniffing, trying to smell the smell of open source.

"The task given by the gentleman's hall actually allows you to get in touch with open source patients? It's exciting!"

"I have encountered a small probability event."

Jin seemed to smell a special smell, shaking his fingers in front of Yi Chen:

"Not necessarily ~ It may be a tiny event for others, but William you really exudes a special smell.

Although I can't tell what [Taste], I can understand this taste as a subtle feeling when I first met.

It was this taste that made me full of interest when I saw you for the first time, and it was completely different from other boring guys.

The open source patient may also appear to appear only when he smelled this taste ...

If this is the case, with William's special smell, it may quickly lead to the powerful guy hidden behind. "

Tonight at 12 o'clock this book is on the shelves, it will be updated at 12 o'clock, and it will explode. The book friends remember to support it and give the first sacrifice.



   (end of this chapter)

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