The Last Gentleman

Chapter 872: Profile

Chapter 872 Personal Archives

Pharaoh Tutankhamun immediately sent people to investigate after receiving the name given by Yi Chen. 3873 people with this name were found from many worlds, but none of them were related to malicious incidents.

He did not question the believer of the evil **** in front of him, but continued the 'information transaction'.

“I will send someone to pay attention to your friend afterwards and contact you if there is any information... Let’s continue trading.

Can you share your experience of contact with evil gods? Although I can directly find here the detailed experience of your previous special training in the virtual world, and even the details of your subsequent imprisonment as a death row prisoner, these things are in my opinion Not much value.

I hope to get a subjective mental journey, especially your mental changes and physical condition when you first met the evil god. Best of all, you can express all the thoughts you had at that time.

This information is extremely valuable. If we can infer the contact method with the Dead Sea Evil God, we may be able to cultivate many Dead Sea believers like Mr. Yi in the future.

If we can provide it, we are willing to give you equally precious information, whether it is a way to contact other death gods or a convenient way to obtain godhead. "

"Can I refuse to answer this question?" Yi Chen's expression was obviously not good-looking.

“Of course you can choose to refuse, that’s your right.

But can Mr. Yi tell you the reason for not wanting to disclose? Is it because you signed some kind of confidentiality agreement with the evil **** or something else. "

"No reason."

“Understood! Let me change the question. After becoming a believer of the Dead Sea Evil God, has Mr. Yi received any direct or indirect guidance from him?”


 “Then how do you understand death?”

“I was just given a kind of guidance. As I get closer to death, my consciousness will go more towards the Dead Sea.

 The deeper the understanding of death, the easier it is to go to the Dead Sea, but it is also easier to die. "

“Is it just guidance? Mr. Yi is really a genius, and he can reach this level with just this kind of guidance training. It would be extremely dangerous to come into contact with that kind of evil god, but I thought too simply.

 You must help us suppress the spread of malignancy. I am personally looking forward to your performance in dealing with malignant carriers. "

Yi Chen didn’t waste time and threw out his questions as a deal:

"What is the current situation? If the conscription factor is not taken into account, how long will it take for the entire main material plane to be viciously engulfed?"

The Pharaoh who was soaking in the golden bath couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression, "Hiss... Mr. Yi's question really hits home! This is a question that involves the core of the world, and the question you just asked is just some surface, and the two are not the same. equivalence.

However, seeing as Mr. Yi that you will be fighting head-on against evil in the future, I will do a little bit of loss-making business.

 If the conscription factor is not taken into account, the entire main material plane will completely collapse in 47 years, and all the gods will fall. "

"So fast?"

“Otherwise, those gods who thought they were superior did not even bother to unite all the plane worlds at first, and wanted to rely on their supposed powerful divinity to suppress evil and create more divinities to control the situation.

As everyone knows, the accumulation, condensation and sublimation of malice essentially come from the proliferation of godhead.

The scales will always remain balanced, and one party's self-righteousness will only add chips to the other party.

Now due to the unscrupulous creation of gods, the situation has fallen into a very bad situation. Even if we start to recruit "indigenous strongmen" from other worlds to help suppress it, it will not have much effect.

 In fact, I personally am not optimistic about the current situation at all, so I chose to retreat after the war to help manage some materials and screen recruits like you, so as to enjoy as much as possible in the last period of time and reduce regrets. "

 “Yeah.” Yi Chen nodded, roughly understanding the situation.

"Mr. Yi, please don't tell me about my 'negativeness'~ and don't be influenced by me. I just have an eye that can see through the truth. I can see more things and understand earlier than those self-righteous guys." Just enlightenment.

However, sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily correct.

 Before something happens, we can't make any conclusions. Maybe Mr. Yi, an existence like you, can reduce the death rate. So be it! Your recruit information has been written.

 Mr. Yi, if you still want to conduct information transactions in the future, please feel free to come here to see me. I wish you a happy killing. "

 As the sand swallowed up Yi Chen, he woke up directly in the testing room.

He and Lorian have already worn an adaptive metal bracelet on their wrists. It is composed of 1024 cubes and can perfectly adapt to the fluctuations of muscles, blood vessels and skin.

 You can call up your identity file by touching the smooth area on the front, and all verification in the "City of Shells" will be done through this bracelet.

Out of curiosity, Yi Chen immediately retrieved his own information.

  ≮Has been officially connected to the main material plane through the conscription system≯

  「Name」: Yi Chen (Y.C)

“Original world”: the virtual world Serial-071 (annihilated) and the unrecorded special world - Lesion*

(*A rare living world with a self-sufficient pure life development system that is not directly affected by the divine system. The world rating is far higher than other worlds of the same size, and it has the special ability of world parasitism. The evaluation of this world is still being updated. middle)

 "Rank": The conditions for accepting "godhead" are met.

 “Competence system”:

①. Followers of the unknown evil **** (encrypted, only available for self-inquiry)

②. Disease carriers (death-related diseases require individuals to control the disease, and any infection in the city is prohibited, otherwise they will be held accountable)

 “Related life”:

①.A polymer of scorching disease and corpses (conforms to conscription requirements)

②. Some kind of parasite with death properties (meeting the requirements for conscription)

③. Living skin (meeting the requirements for conscription)

 「Personal Comment」:

During the recruitment process, Yi Chen concentrated the related lives on himself, defeated four "incarnation carriers" at the same time, and received the recommendation of the Zhenjin Haohua Lung God.

  Behind it is associated with a high-ranking evil **** and possesses the rare divinity of death.

 As early as a few years ago, he assisted the incarnation of Tianzun to deal with a low-level malignant agglomerate (storybook structure).

 The initial value rating of the recruits was given by Tutankhamun (Pharaoh), deputy director of the "Eye of True Sight" inspection office:

 【SSS level (highest)】

①. Enjoying high-level permissions second only to God, you can move freely in 80% of the areas in the City of Shells without basic daily expenses, and an additional 5,000 coins will be provided as monthly expenses.

②. You can quickly travel to related worlds with a malicious value not higher than 40%.

 Worlds with a malicious value between 40 and 60% need to fill in an application form.

 Unless assigned by a mission, it is strictly prohibited to enter a world with a malicious value >60% without permission.

③. Enjoy priority processing rights and selection width for malicious events, and also have strict processing requirements for individuals. If the expected progress is not achieved or malicious events cannot be processed for a long time, the individual's rating will automatically drop and the corresponding permissions will be withdrawn. .


Just as Yi Chen was looking at his message, Lorian's silver hair lightly swept over, and he naturally saw something on it.

“Is everything...all SSS grade? It seems that this kind of rating does not have much gold content.”

“Lorian, if you want to act alone in the future, you should come with me.”

"Oh? This is really not what Mr. Yi would say. Why do you want to team up with me? Have you been brainwashed by William or have you discovered something new?"

“Some ‘traces’ of William were found. That guy should be secretly in contact with evil, just like he used to secretly communicate with Art underground.

The people who know William best in the world are you and me, and we understand him from different angles. It will be more efficient if we look for him together. "

"Oh? Did you exchange information with the inspector just now? You gave William's information."

 “No, they don’t know William’s situation yet.”

 “That’s’s getting more and more interesting.”

 (End of this chapter)

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