The Last Gentleman

Chapter 95: Chicken coop (seventh more)

   Chapter 95 Chicken Coop (seventh more)

  『Jin seems to be very sensitive to this kind of sudden veto... I did have the urge to kill me just now, so I have to pay more attention in the future and try to reduce the situation of vetoing her as much as possible. 』

   In fact, Yi Chen can fully understand Jin's momentary emotional change.

   In the orphanage before his death, most of those children who were abandoned by their parents, especially those who were abandoned after they became sensible, and even children who were abused in their native families, had certain “psychological restricted areas”.

   Once they touch the restricted area, they will change their temperament and even act recklessly.

  A boy who used to play well with Yi Chen, one day he was told by other friends, 'Can you not be like a dog? ’

   He immediately threw the speaker to the ground, bit off his nose and ears, and almost tore off his entire face.

   Later, I learned that the boy was often kept in a kennel by his parents when he was a child, and he was raised like a dog. If there was any disobedience, he would be hung up and whipped.

   As for Kim, the situation may be even worse.

   Yi Chen will definitely pay more attention to this point and try not to touch Jin's "restricted area".


   Now is the time of interrogation,

   For this chicken that appeared suddenly, fast and even talking, it was necessary to pry some more important information out of its mouth.

   Plants bind the chicken's body to prevent escape.

   Yi Chen held his slightly fat body with both hands, and soon detected the diseased substance between the chickens.

  The lesions mainly affect the brain area.

   The brain of this black chicken is no longer limited to the cranial cavity, but continues to proliferate along the chicken neck, making the brain fill half of the body cavity... The size of the brain is comparable to that of a human brain.

   This may explain why the black chicken can speak and think.

  In addition to the brain, the muscles of the chicken legs are very developed, and even a muscle structure similar to flying feathers can be seen on it.

   If it weren't for a person like Jin who has reached the limit of [coordination], the average gentleman really can't catch up with it.

  Except for the brain and drumstick, the rest are normal and not threatening.

   This is Yi Chen's first contact with a diseased animal, and it was unexpectedly safe.

   "Hey! Hurry up and say more information, or my friend will really kill you."

   The black chicken has been so frightened that the cockscomb collapsed, and his whole body was shaking, trying his best to squeeze out the human vocabulary:

   "Mother-in-law knows, mother-in-law wants to talk to you. You can talk about the forest, the village, and that church~ Lol!"

   "What mother-in-law? Where is she?"

   "I'll take you there... My mother-in-law is not under the control of the church, she lives alone in a very secret place outside the village~ Lol!"

   "Did she find other humans before?"

   "No~ Mother-in-law, she is very accurate. Those humans couldn't survive before, but you are different! You killed those... freaks easily at the entrance of the village! Lol!"

   Yi Chen did not continue to question, but turned to Jin who was waiting on the side.

   "Jin, let this chicken take us there... Even if it's a trap, it should be in line with your heart, right?"

  Jin walked over in a blink of an eye and lightly touched the structure of the cockscomb, so frightened that the black chicken almost fried its feathers.

   "Okay! Hurry up and take us to your chicken coop... Don't lie to us."

that's it,

  The roots of the plant wrap around the neck of the chicken like a pet, allowing it to lead the way.

  Yi Chen also noticed that the direction the chicken led the way was diametrically opposite to the direction from which the sense of peeping came before, which meant that there might be someone else who peeked into the battle before.

  The more I walked towards the residence of the ‘mother-in-law’, some other chickens began to appear in the surrounding woods one after another. Some chickens could even fly a short distance, flapping their wings and landing among the very secret branches.

  Yi Chen regards these chickens as the eyeliner of 'mother-in-law',

   If the black chicken’s words are true, the mother-in-law may prefer that ‘patient zero’ is not controlled and occupies an area in the forest alone.

   She lives in isolation from the villagers, silently observing the changes in the forest and village... Of course, her relationship with the church cannot be completely ruled out.

   The specific situation can only be determined after meeting.


  The black chicken leads the two to the so-called 'mother-in-law's residence'

   A huge tree with abscesses on its surface and continuous sap. This tree is at least three times larger than a regular tree.

   "Mother-in-law lives here, come with me."

   The black chicken fluttered its wings and leaped to a creeping crack about half a meter long between the tree trunks, with a feeling of wanting to inhale foreign objects.

  Yi Chen didn't hesitate, took a step forward and put his palm against the tree trunk to make the tree crack wider.

   Under the coat, he squeezed the sap mucus into it.

  The inside of the tree trunk actually corresponds to a "slide", the touch between meat and plants, sending Yi Chen to the mysterious underground area.

   After about fifty meters of spiral descent, he finally fell into a pile of haystacks.

   A large number of yellow chickens soon surrounded him, as if to welcome Yi Chen, a foreign guest.

   Quickly scan the surrounding environment through the vision of the little grape,

  This is a large-scale underground space, hemispherical and covered with chicken feathers of different colors, which seems to play a role in shielding the outside world.

   In general, it can be roughly divided into three areas:

  【Incubation Area】

   Tin chicken coops of different colors are stacked on top of each other and arranged on the side walls. A large number of eggs are hatching in them. The chicks around Yu Yichen come from here.

  【Nutrition Area】

  The living roots extending from the giant tree, each rooted in the body of a large broiler, absorb their nutrients. Once drained, the broilers in the back will quickly top.

   Provides nutrients to the giant tree through such voluntary dedication, supports this underground space, and ensures the safety of the chickens.

  At the same time, the essence sap secreted by the giant tree will also be collected in the nutrient tank, and the hatched chicks can grow rapidly by eating such sap, and grow up in a short period of time.

  If you can grow into a chicken that can talk, walk fast, and have a keen vision, you can get [freedom] and work for your mother-in-law outside.

  If it grows into an ordinary chicken that is useless, it will be labeled as a 'broiler' and join the queue.

  【Home Area】

   is on the other side of the underground area.

  Stove, dining table, fireplace, bed and other basic household items are available.

   An old woman with a slightly chubby figure, wearing a colorful blouse, with a few strands of gray in the dark short wavy head, is sitting on a wooden chair.

   The feet on the ground are not wearing shoes...or can't wear shoes,

   Her paws are structurally normal, but her toes are mutated, growing and covered with dark folds, as well as sharp, curved hooks.

   She was holding a chicken with golden outer feathers in her arms, with a slightly spherical shape, stroking it gently.

   also turned his back and couldn't see his face clearly, which made Yi Chen recall his previous encounter in the attic,

   Just when Yi Chen wanted to take the initiative to say hello,

   'Mother-in-law' turned around, with the same facial features as a human except for the red flesh-like pendant dragged by the chin, and a kind smile.

   "Welcome to my chicken coop, just call me 'Granny Chicken'.

   You guys are really different, you can actually catch [Xiao Pei], he is the fastest chicken in my place. "

   Yi Chen immediately released the vines when he heard this, and let the shivering black chicken Xiaopei return to the mother-in-law.

   (end of this chapter)

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