The Last Gentleman

Chapter 924: container of evil

Chapter 924 Container of Evil

“Congratulations to Ms. Liu Xinzhi for coming to the final selection stage of Miss World. You are the second one to arrive, which is very good!

Also, please go to the backstage dressing room with your agent to prepare for a while, where we have dedicated makeup artists and costume designers who will perfectly dress you up according to your characteristics, so that you can appear on the stage in your best appearance. "

Liu Xinzhi quickly adapted to the teleportation and jumped up happily.

 “Second place? Yeah!

 You two really look alike, but Mr. Yi is more Chinese, and Host William, you are a foreigner. "

William did not answer, but bowed as a gesture of invitation.

When Liu Xinzhi led Yi Chen past him, although Yi Chen didn't make any movement, William felt discomfort coming from his neck.

When Yi Chen completely left the stage area, William couldn't help but reach out and rub his neck, and a strange strangulation mark appeared on his skin.

“The feeling of suffocation was so strong, it was completely different from the previous beheadings. It was like being forced to hang yourself while being addicted to the bottom of the deep sea... It seems that Mr. Yi has learned something new again~ No wonder Catherine lost so quickly.

 Fortunately, I like to hang myself, right? I wonder how the sheep in the old world are doing? "

  This hanging gave William a rare opportunity to recall the past, recalling the first relic of a patient he received during his early mission as a gentleman, the promotion umbilical cord from sister Leni.

Although this umbilical cord is not used as the core object used by William to open source, it has become an important part of the body. It strangles the neck to separate life and death, and builds the basic framework for the Gestalt's body.


 Backstage area.

 When Liu Xinzhi led Yi Chen here,

 A beautiful red-haired woman is already sitting in front of the dressing table in the middle. Her unique face does not belong to Asia.

The iconic tear nevus corresponding to the Tomie phenomenon actually perfectly embellishes the unique birthmark on this woman’s face.

When her face turned around, even Liu Xinzhi was stunned, and even felt a kind of same-sex love that should not exist.

If Liu Xinzhi corresponds to a standard feminine beauty, then the foreign woman in front of her is handsome and has a strong attraction to both men and women.

But Yi Chen, who followed him backstage, had a solemn expression. If this woman was also a contestant, Liu Xinzhi would not be able to win the championship no matter how hard she tried.

The first contestant to arrive at the beauty pageant was none other than Kim Almeida.

 In fact, when Yi Chen first learned about Fu Jiang’s characteristics, he immediately thought of the metal that belongs to the Cancer Palace. The similarity between the two is likely to create a vicious relationship.

Jin lightly wiped his cheeks with his fingers and asked with a charming look on his face,

“Mr. Yi...did you choose this lady?”


“Then I will have to see how powerful the young ladies trained by Mr. Yi can be.”

Yichen observed Jin's demeanor and the "Fujiang will" living among the cancer cells, which had obviously had a huge impact on her.

 “Ms. Jin, is this your own choice?”

“Of course~ Otherwise, can a new phenomenon that has not yet been condensed really invade me? Through the trip to Mishan Temple, I saw the potential for [evil] in William.

 Since there is such a similar evil, why not use it for your own use? "

“Are you using it, or is it using you?”

"Mr. Yi, just watch my final performance. Don't worry, I will consider the friendship between teammates and put the young lady you brought out last."

Liu Xinzhi was naturally a little angry when she heard these words, but when she wanted to step forward, her soles stepped on a soft object. Looking down, she saw that the entire backstage floor was covered with tumors.

 She even felt that she had fallen into a den of bright red sarcoma.

Snapped! The tug from Yi Chen's hand brought her back to reality.

 But the impact of just a moment had already caused cold sweat to break out all over Liu Xinzhi's body. Her instinct told her that it was impossible to beat the woman in front of her. She was not on the same level as her at all. “Go and put on makeup, Xin Zhi.”


A female attendant wearing a clown mask was also responsible for the makeup. In order to reduce the influence of Kim, a closed makeup compartment was specially chosen.

Yi Chen broke into the host’s preparation area alone.

William was carrying a speech and before he could react, he was grabbed by the black and gold collar and pushed against the wall.

William looked timid and kept shaking his hands, "Mr. Yi, calm down! A gentleman should talk but not take action. This is something I inherited from your memory~Don't hit me."

 “What’s going on with Jin?”

“That’s what Mr. Yi saw. I believe Mr. Yi’s eyesight has not diminished, right?”

“She didn’t take the initiative to accept it, otherwise her character wouldn’t be affected.”

William quickly explained, "Of course not. Although Jin was crazy and had many dark memories in her childhood, the Cancer Palace still had a great influence on her thinking construction, especially the Lord.

 She is considered a qualified tumor knight, and she is not complicit in evil like me.

Mr. Yi also saw that Jin’s cancer attributes and her being a leader among women fit perfectly with Fu Jiang’s malignant phenomenon.

 So when she came to this world, she was noticed by the concept of Fujiang, which had been integrated with the will of the world, and was even regarded as a perfect container.

 The "Fujiang Phenomenon" in the whole of Europe was automatically resolved by the arrival of Jin. It all acted on her body, influencing and penetrating invisibly. Because the symptoms and malignancy were too high, she could not resist it at all.

 Even an important literary carrier, the comic book "Fujiang", was proactively handed over to Jin.

It can be said that the "Fujiang" that envelopes this world and was born in this world has chosen gold and is willing to form a symbiotic state with it and change towards a higher [disaster].

Even if I don’t hold this beauty pageant, Kim will absorb all the women and achieve the final state. "

 “Then what is the purpose of holding the beauty pageant?”

“Of course I want to gather you together and let Jin reach the final state faster. Of course... I would like to see other situations arise, such as the changes you brought about, Mr. Yi.

  Unfortunately, as of now, it is impossible for variables to affect the outcome.

correct! The Fujiang incident was your own choice and has nothing to do with me... I am not powerful enough to influence your conscious choices under the eyes of Tianzun. "

Yi Chen quietly savored William's words, recalled the entire beauty pageant process, and suddenly figured something out.

His hand holding the collar slowly lowered his grip, but then he let it go.

 Facially close!

The dark eyes that symbolized death stared at William's pupils with a black hole structure.

 “William, you are deliberately causing chaos...”

“Oh?! Mr. Yi’s eyesight is really good, you noticed all this.”

 “What is your ultimate goal?”

William was no longer in a weak position, he took the initiative to reach out his head, leaned on Yi Chen's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "When Mr. Yi sees through the nature of these gods and evils, he will naturally know my purpose...don't ask me, The process of seeking knowledge is precious!

 In short, please believe me, Mr. Yi.

 I am you, and you are me. No matter how crazy or chaotic my approach is, it is ultimately based on you and me.

Mr. Yi will definitely realize his dream in the end, and all evil will be killed by you! "

 (End of this chapter)

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