The Last Gentleman

Chapter 966: script

Chapter 966 Script

Just when Yi Chen and others fell into the crew,

A square box that cannot be identified or sensed is rapidly sinking from the ring world where the [murderous nightmare] broke out, and is sinking into the lower plane that is completely submerged in the vicious quagmire.

 The world that was once down here has long been overwhelmed by malice,

Either it falls apart, or the whole world is shrouded in haze. There is no "normal" human being, but a certain order is still maintained, a strange order that may collapse at any time.

  The square box representing the crew has been sinking until it reaches deep enough in the plane.

it's here,

Some unknown, even superior power, ignores the obstacles between planes and splices multiple worlds together to build a [super world] with an island structure.

The crew of The Tenth Disaster has a place here, and many movie theaters and video stores have cooperative relationships with The Tenth Disaster.

In the center of this super world stands an endless tall building, higher than the highest mountain in God's Domain. It may be related to a certain disaster, but it is also the stable center of the entire world, monitoring the malicious state here at all times.

Of course, Yi Chen and others on the crew did not know the depth of the plane they had reached, and they were reading the script carefully.

 The script "Halloween's Eve" is newly written by director Michael Carpenter and is divided into five chapters.

 Chapter.1-Return(Chapter 1.Return)

The most common beginning of slasher-themed movies is to use the death of several supporting characters to introduce the return of Halloween [Moonlight Killer-Michael Myers].

However, in order to arouse suspense and prepare for the appearance of the second male lead (Yi Chen), in the last scene of the scene, the blonde girl fled alone into the depths of the forest. She was already dead when she was caught up, and her head was cut off and hung in a tree. On the top, in conjunction with the rotating device of the prop set, it rotates exactly to the angle of looking directly at Miles.

The headless corpse is kneeling on the ground, as if it had been beheaded on the spot, completely matching the short trailer of the convenience store.

 Chapter.2-TheWitch (Chapter 2. The Witch)

The movie uses interstitial narrative, and the timeline goes back to one day two years ago.

Three men and two women decided to go to the old house left by the grandfather of the second man (played by Yi Chen) on the eve of Halloween, which is located in the countryside and woods.

When they were looking for the location of the old house based on the map, they accidentally spied a woman with half-horns and an extremely **** figure in the forest. She was drinking water in the forest wearing only a thin white dress.

Just a glance,

Those two men who obviously already had girlfriends couldn't forget it, but the only single man had no extra thoughts. He was just curious about why the other man lived alone in such a place, and he also noticed something was wrong.

 When they found the old house, there were signs that it had been cleaned inside, but no one was found.

 Finally arrived at the travel destination,

Of course, one of the lovers would not miss such an exciting and unfamiliar scene, but while they were enjoying themselves, the man saw the woman with horns in the mirror during the day, seeming to be secretly spying on them.

 As the plot progresses,

 Everyone met the woman with the goat's horn many times when they were doing activities inside and outside the old house. It was almost certain that she also lived here.

 A few days later, the three men discovered a secret passage hidden under the old house and went deep together to find out.

They soon found a cave filled with various animal entrails and painted with evil symbols, and saw a woman with goat's horns praying here.

When I see such a beautiful body, my desires have accumulated over the past few days and my **** has exploded.

The second male lead was unmoved. Instead, he tried his best to stop the two of them. He accidentally pushed one of them down onto a sacrificial dagger, which penetrated the back of his head and killed him.

 The last person was so frightened that he fled back to the ground and informed the two female companions about Yi Chen's murder.

In order to prevent the matter from being exposed, under the whisper of the woman with the horn, the second man immediately returned to the ground and killed all his former playmates before they could escape in the car.

 The second male actor did not regret having done all this, but was excited because he tasted the taste of killing.

 He dragged the body to the cave of the Sheephorn Woman and disposed of it together. During this process, an inexplicable feeling developed between the two, and they learned that the other person was a witch who had lived in the Middle Ages until now. For some reason, she was imprisoned here and could not leave.

The second man could not live here forever, so the witch fed him her blood. No matter how far apart they were, they could see each other in dreams and do anything in the dream.

 Two years later, the second male lead played by Yi Chen was killed in a convenience store.

The witch in the distance immediately sensed the death of her lover and screamed. She cast a spell at all costs, consuming almost all her energy and the sacrifices collected over the years, and resurrected her lover with evil magic, which turned into an extremely terrifying situation. s things.

Chapter.3-Eve (Chapter 3. The Eve) The timeline returns to the present, which is also the main narrative of the movie, the day before Halloween. In a small town closest to the witch's old house, the townspeople were carving and making jack-o'-lanterns. Little did they know that the killer under the moonlight had already arrived here in pursuit of the scent of the 'rival'.

 A massacre worthy of a cult movie began on the eve of the night.

 Chapter.4-Rainstorm(Chapter 4. Heavy rain)

 At the end of the massacre, it rained heavily.

The police chief of the small town drove the survivors to escape from the town. However, due to the heavy rain, they were unable to see the deer crossing the road clearly. They hit the deer and overturned completely, forcing them to walk through the forest on foot.

Unfortunately, they unexpectedly came to the old house where they lived two years ago.

But not long after they hid in the old house, the standard background music of "Moonlight Panic" sounded, and a bolt of lightning flashed. Miles, the Moonlight Killer, stood in the rainstorm, staring at the people hiding in the old house.

A chase drama in a sealed mansion begins.

Chapter 5-Termination

The massacre in the old house is still continuing. The last person who was forced into a desperate situation unexpectedly discovered a secret passage leading underground and found the cave where the witch was.

Moonlight Killer Miles naturally followed him here, and after killing the last person, he was ready to attack the witch.

crucial moment,

 The resurrected dead arrive for the final battle with Miles.

During the duel, Miles’ almost demonic power was used to cut off the witch’s imprisonment, allowing her to leave this place.

 The heavy rain stopped, and the sound of heavy leather shoes slowly came from the basement stairs and became clearer.

Miles walked out, holding a butcher's knife in one hand and the second male lead's head in the other.

 BGM sounds and the movie ends.


Looking at himself who will die in the end of the script, Yi Chen has no fear at all and is actually a little happy. He thinks the script is well written.

Today’s launch is nothing more than a test of the venue and the tacit understanding between the staff. After all, this is the first time for such a complex script and the addition of many new people.

 After all the operations, it was time to get off work.

Yi Chen and others also received so-called "box lunches", and they looked normal. The director came over at this moment and thoughtfully asked them to keep their lunch boxes and not eat them on the set.

 After all, this is a very precious thing. If you are not careful, it will be eaten by other old members.

 Perhaps he is satisfied with the script, or he admires Yi Chen.

The director personally led the three of them to find a place to stay after get off work... However, just when everyone walked out of the filming location of the crew, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.

The strong and vicious smell hit my face,

 On both sides of the street are bookstores, video stores and game stores, all related to literary media.

All kinds of crawling and twisted residents are moving among the streets. Even if you can see a few normal existences, they will show scary expressions.

 “Welcome to the City of Evil.”

 (End of this chapter)

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