It turns out that this kind of thing always comes and goes.

After Clark grabbed a huge sea king to use as food to improve his diet, two more sea kings emerged from the sea, angrily waving their huge bodies and rushing towards the warship.

Looking at the scene of Zhang Teeth dancing and dancing claws, the dark clouds seem to be the end of the world, and I have just seen Clark easily lift the sea kings from under the surface of the sea, and the naval soldiers say that they are no longer afraid of such a scene.

Sure enough, seeing two sea kings surging with huge waves, he felt that he was likely to have no way to eat the meat of these three huge sea kings before following Karp back to the naval base.

And if you want to be able to eat delicious seafood all the time, Clark already has an idea!

He took a deep breath, the powerful air pressure swirled in his lungs, and the powerful force inside his body compressed the air to the extreme.

Facing the direction of the attacking Sea Kings, Clark stood on the warship facing the sea in front of him and exhaled a deep cold breath!


The extremely cold wind blows the surface of the sea, causing it to quickly freeze.

The thick layers of ice crystals completely froze the entire sea surface, and the white ice surface continued to spread out towards the front under the urging of the cold air.

Even standing behind Clark, even if the sun was still shining just now, making people unable to mention the sunny weather, these naval soldiers seemed to suddenly come to another season the next moment, feeling a complete chill.


The ice used the pen Neptune to swim much faster, quickly turning the waves set off by the Neptune into ice together with their huge bodies.

And Clark slowly took a deep breath after blowing this cold breath, looked at the frozen sea surface and sea king behemoths in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

“Now you can eat fresh seafood.”

The soldiers on the naval warship fell on the deck together, unable to get up for half a day, and after a while, they exclaimed.

“So you just want to eat frozen seafood!”

Half a day later, the main island of the navy, Marin Fandor, is the headquarters of the world navy and a sacred place in the hearts of sailors all over the world!

There is the legendary highest combat effectiveness of the navy, the existence of the three major admirals of the navy, the legendary hero Vice Admiral Karp, and the Warring States of Buddha, who used to be comrades with Karp and is now a marshal.

The strongest naval elite in the world is gathered here, and often a colonel-level officer of the headquarters is sent out, and he can have the ability to compete with the highest commander of the four seas division.

At this moment, near the watchtower of the naval headquarters Marin Fandor, he is responsible for guarding the situation in the surrounding sea area and preventing anyone from attacking the naval headquarters.

Although since more than twenty years ago, the only daring sea thief, the golden lion, broke into the naval headquarters Marin Fandor, was taken by the legendary hero Karp and the Warring States of Buddha, who was still a general of the Warring States at the time, and imprisoned in the Navy’s Advance City Prison, no one dared to offend the majesty of the Navy headquarters.

After so many years of calm and waves, the naval soldiers in charge of security have long been relaxed.

After all, where else would anyone dare to break into the naval headquarters like this, unless he didn’t have long eyes.

Bored soldiers in charge of vigilance gathered together to chat, and suddenly, a naval recruit ran over in a panic.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, there is an emergency!”

The group of naval soldiers stood up one by one in a panic, looking at the sea level in the distance, there was a small ship that was galloping towards the naval headquarters at a very high speed, and behind the ship, there were three huge terrifying figures also galloping at a very high speed behind.

“Out, something has happened!”

The unprecedented great excitement hit the hearts of these guarded naval soldiers, and the three terrifying huge figures brought a great shock to the hearts of these garrison soldiers who had never seen such a terrible scene.

“Sound the alarm, sound the alarm quickly! There are Sea Kings following behind the naval warships, preparing to attack the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor! ”

Through the telescope, the naval soldiers easily identified the three huge figures following the naval ship in front of them, which were Sea Kings.

It’s just that the navy soldiers are a little surprised that the three huge sea kings seem to have something strange.

However, at this time, the naval warships and sea kings were attacking the naval headquarters at a strange speed, and they did not have time to think about anything more, and quickly notified the other personnel one by one.

Then, when the headquarters of the Navy heard the sirens that had not been heard for many years, one by one they froze for a while, and quickly became excited.

“How many years have I not encountered someone storming the headquarters of the Navy, a terrible thing that is rare in ten years, it is very exciting!”

A group of naval soldiers gathered in the base in front of the headquarters excitedly, watching the behemoth that was getting closer and closer, and they couldn’t help but get excited.

Finally, you can encounter such a good thing that makes people’s blood boil and can make meritorious achievements at the headquarters of the Navy!

Twenty years ago, the story of naval hero Karp and Sengoku fighting the golden lion at the same time threw it into the big prison, and now it excites the soldiers!

Only soon they discovered that something was wrong, this naval warship was Vice Admiral Karp’s ship, and in front of the ship, there seemed to be a figure!

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