Clark feels very passive, and what Sengoku is doing now is like saving ordinary people who were affected by disasters during his time on Earth.

They are trapped in disaster because of their weakness, their lives are in danger, and they hope that a superhero will save them.

And Superman, who can easily do such a thing, has become the savior in their minds.

But in this way, it also brought extremely heavy shackles to Clark’s body on Superman’s body at the beginning.

The world is experiencing disasters all the time, and you will never be able to take care of everyone in the world.

Those who have been saved by Clark regard Clark as a god and are grateful in their hearts.

And people who pray hard in their hearts, but when Superman Clark lacks skills, do not usher in salvation, and finally experience disasters, deep pain, and even disabilities, they will resent Superman in their hearts.

No matter what he does, whether Clark does it or not, with such great power, Clark will always feel inexplicably that there are always many people who want to kill themselves or expel themselves.

More extremely, it is the one that grabs itself and takes its power for itself.

Just like Batman Wayne in Gotham City, he has obviously changed the original plot, and after attracting General Zod’s group, he brought them to a deserted place.

It was only a little bit that the environment was destroyed by the fierce battle, and he actually decided to prepare everything and kill himself because he felt that he had too much power, and he didn’t know if the next moment would cause great harm to the world.

From that moment on, Clark was completely heartbroken for the human beings on Earth in addition to adopting their own parents.

He knew that the earth would usher in a wave of greater crises next, and Steppenwolf would invade the earth and snatch the three mother boxes to destroy the earth.

Witches who arrive from another world will summon terrible things, destroy the entire era of civilization, and return the whole world to the barbaric era of fearing them and worshipping them as gods.

Stark, the military industry giant in New York, will transform into Iron Man, and then make the entire earth full into the interstellar era, ushering in waves of alien attacks.

He chose to leave, you all hate Superman Clark’s words, then deal with the next disaster yourself, anyway, Clark is just a Kryptonian you hate.

After successfully reproducing offspring, the Kryptonians will return to Earth, the place where he was born and raised, and see how you deal with waves of great disasters.

You are determined to drive away the savior who has no ill will towards the earth, then suffer the consequences of not having Clark yourself!

Clark’s body shook for a while, and the resentment and resentment in his heart made a trace of evil in his body, and Sengoku and Karp looked at Clark in front of him with some horror, just now, they felt a terrible breath.

But shaking their heads, the cloak and the armor on Clark’s body, which had just shown a hint of turning black in their eyes, were still as bright as new.

“Is it an illusion?”

Sengoku shook his head with some fear and looked at Clark, hoping that the terrifying scene of the future he had just seen when he was oppressed by that terrifying and indescribable momentum was not real.

“Okay, I can promise you, this is the mission.”

Clark made a point of emphasizing that this should only be a task, and he didn’t want to be held hostage by anyone morally anymore.

“Of course, this is just a task, and after completing it, you will receive the corresponding military merit and remuneration.”

Clark grinned, his smile bright.

“That couldn’t be better!”

“Well, I will ask people to give you the ships to prepare for travel, the permanent pointers for sailing, and I will also tell you the contact information of the informants of the navy in the New World, you prepare for two days, and after two days, start the mission.”

Sengoku took Karp away with a big stride, and he didn’t relax at all about the palpitating feeling that had just arisen in his heart.

After Sengoku and Karp left, many naval soldiers began to run to the ruins blindfolded and work hard one by one.

Clark looked, hey, still a group of old acquaintances, even Karp’s subordinate Kebi was there.

The group was apparently used to Karp making trouble in the naval base, and then came over to wipe his ass and repair the building, just like when they went to the capital of seven waters to catch Luffy.

Smiled and said hello to Kirby, flew out of the place in the blink of an eye, slipped away, and Clark flew to the place where the family gathered behind Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the Navy.

It fell gently to the ground, and although the vibration was also felt here because it was far away from the headquarters, there were no broken cracks on many buildings like in the main department.

When the houses on the island were originally built, they had corresponding seismic functions, and the houses on this side only seemed to have some scattered things that fell to the ground and did not suffer more damage.

In the early morning, many of the families of the naval officers had already packed up their houses, walked out, and began to buy things at the market.

Clark walks in this town full of life and energy, and although he wears a blue close-fitting suit, there are not many mavericks in this world.

His outfit only made people look at it a little more, but it didn’t attract more attention.

This feeling, in fact, is not bad.

“Tina wants to buy this, how much?”

At this moment, a familiar voice came back from the front.

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