Looking at the body of the yellow ape stopped, Clark showed a strange smile on his face, he reduced his speed, reduced his strength, and fought with the yellow ape for such a while, and what he had been waiting for was this sentence.

From the beginning of learning the Six Styles, Clark kept an eye on it, especially when he learned that the iron blocks in the Six Styles could strengthen the body’s defenses.

And when he learned from Karp that armed color domineering can greatly improve people’s defensive power and attack power, and even attack elementalized natural devil fruit abilities, he understood Karp’s routine.

However, I understand that I understand, but my heart is a little responsive, do you let Tina, such a beautiful young lady, learn to be domineering, and then learn to be domineering with armed colors, and the final purpose is to turn your little sister into a pure black big steel plate!

Although the young lady in this state will indeed not be pierced by Clark’s power, but you let Clark face a body that is hard as iron, and the skin of the whole body has become darker than Lord Bao, how do you make him feel like it!

And when using iron blocks, the whole body is hard and motionless, which is simply an inflatable doll made of steel.

Therefore, to solve such a problem, it is necessary to let the little sister become more and more powerful in physical strength without using iron and armed color domineering, and try to be proficient in paper painting and unload her physical strength.

And if you want to strengthen the strength of Miss Tina, in addition to the normal persistent exercise of becoming a strong person, of course, there is also a way to take shortcuts.

Clark learned a lot about this world, including a very powerful mysterious scientist in the navy with five hundred years of science and technology beyond this world.

This Vegapunk is incredible, he is known as a scientist who has been leading the world for five hundred years, and he is the only man in the world who thoroughly understands the Devil’s Fruit.

And not only that, he is also exceptionally proficient in machinery, and he also has a very large involvement in biotechnology.

Such a talent, because it was too terrifying, was arrested by the government at a young age, and now he is a scientist working for the world government.

Those who are half a step ahead of the world are called geniuses, and those who are one step ahead of the world are madmen, and Vegapunk is simply like a scientist who has traveled back from the future, such a talent, Clark values very much.

However, he did not have the qualifications or capital to contact Vegapunk.

The Marshal of the Warring States still has a certain suspicion and resistance to himself, and will definitely not help him, although Old Man Karp is a naval hero, but he has almost no contact with Vegapunk, and he can’t help.

Moreover, Old Man Karp may not be able to help him introduce this scientist who is closely protected by the world government and navy.

But if it is the naval general who will be able to help him pass something, then the situation is different.

If the Navy University needs Dr. Vegapunk to help make a small improvement, or make a small request or something, I believe Vegapunk will gladly agree.

Moreover, it is not Clark who directly contacts Vegapunk, nor will it cause resistance from the world government.

If Clark uses something in his life genes to trade with Vegapunk and let him help Tina evolve at the level of the essence of life, it is believed that Tina will soon become stronger.

At first, Clark did not intend to leave too many traces of Kryptonian in this world, but now, as the days of living in this world become longer and longer, Clark’s heart is becoming more and more comfortable, and it is inevitable that some small changes will occur.

For example, simply in this world, slowly let the entire Kryptonian race revival.

Then, Clark hurriedly threw the idea out of his head.

No, this will not work, the facts have proved that the previous Kryptonians used the Book of Life to prescribe the social system, as well as the method of each member’s class, which was wrong.

Such a society of Kryptonians, after the peak of its prosperity, was chosen by the Council itself to self-destruct, otherwise, how could the Kryptonians with the ability to travel through the universe all nest on their home planets and all wait for death!

He is the last hope of Krypton, and it also proves that it is more appropriate for Kryptonians to take the road of natural production.

“Yes, of course I can help you!”

Clark’s hand was pressed behind his ear again, and the scene that Tina and Karp and the yellow ape had just seen appeared in front of them again.

Looking at the armor that appeared on his body like a miracle, even if they had seen it once, they were still a little shocked, Clark’s armor showed that his identity was not simple at all.

“See for yourself, as a Devil Fruit ability, you are already very strong, however, I have no experience in the application of Devil Fruit ability, but I can provide you with these things.”

Clark pressed lightly on his mask, and a huge space projection appeared in front of Tina Cap and the Yellow Ape, and a huge dark black battleship appeared in the projection.

Everyone only saw a huge hole appear at the point of the spacecraft, and a huge bulge extended from the inside of the spacecraft, aiming at the planet below.

The scarlet energy cannon port constantly gathers huge energy visible to the naked eye in space, and the escape of this huge energy alone makes the electric field around the cannon port abnormally distorted.

Then, a beam of energy light larger than the largest naval vessel, instantly hit the ground and hit the ground fiercely.

The entire planet began to change color instantly, and the terrifying scarlet like a sea of blood quickly spread, completely splitting the entire planet from the outside to the inside, little by little.

“Can you provide me with something like this?”

Several people who had been completely shocked by this terrifying scene looked at the scene in front of them blankly, and the yellow ape took a long time to come to his senses, and his eyes looked at Clark with great expectation.

Such a weapon is really scary, obsessed, and expected!

Clark nodded embarrassedly at the screen and replaced it with a small device attached to his arm

“Hahaha, wrong and wrong, not this thing, what I want to show you is this small device, which can help you quickly accumulate more light energy, and make your energy more concentrated emitting device.”

But well…”

Clark met the yellow ape’s expectant face and laughed inscrutably.

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