“War Peach Maru, War Peach Pill, quickly watch Dr. Vegapunk, take him out of the Chambord Islands, and quickly return to the headquarters!”

At this time, the extremely nervous yellow ape quickly found the phone worm that had previously protected the captain Zhan Momomaru with Vegapunk, and anxiously contacted the other side.

But when the phone worm didn’t respond for a long time, coupled with Clark’s unmoved in front of him, he didn’t mean to stop himself at all, just standing in place and watching himself call, one of the yellow ape’s hearts fell silent.

“Don’t waste your effort, just come out of the naval headquarters, Dr. Vegapunk can have countless ways to escape from your control.”

The yellow ape took a deep breath, put down the phone worm, and his face completely changed.

“Clark, I will not allow your conspiracy to succeed, even if it is a fight for my life, I will stop your conspiracy, as long as I can stop you for a while, the navy will definitely react and find Dr. Vegapunk!”

There was no longer a hint of cynicism on the yellow ape’s face, and there was no other expression on the frivolous face with many folds.

The yellow ape is really desperate, in order to make up for the mistake he brought out Dr. Vegapunk before!

“Hahahaha, yellow ape, you are simply joking with me, do you think that those navies can block so many human weapons?”

The yellow ape’s face froze, but he did not have any timidity, although the existence of human weapons, it was not comparable to those ordinary soldiers.

However, what came to this place today was not only the human weapon, but also the prototype of the human weapon, the bear of one of the seven martial seas!

This is the last strength of the yellow ape, because those human weapons will definitely not be the opponents of the Seven Martial Sea Bears, and the human weapons created now are only used to deal with the little minions below the level of the pirate team leader of the New World.

They don’t yet have the capital to fight with a real powerhouse like the Qiwu Sea Bear, even if there are far more human weapons than the bear alone.

“It looks like you’re confident, but how long can you hold out, within this area!”

Clark raised his hands, and more fiery energy emanated from his body, more moisture, evaporated and rose in the air, making everything around the yellow ape blurred.

“What are they doing?”

Hiding in the ruins, countless pirates are shivering and watching the battle between Admiral Yellow Ape and Clark.

It’s just that the area filled with water vapor makes the vision a little blurry, and they can’t really see it, the only thing that is certain is that they all see that the yellow ape is now suppressed in it

Clark’s fist punch after punch, with majestic armed color domineering power, knocked on the head of the yellow ape.

And the yellow ape, after experiencing several times turning into a flash, but finally planted on the ground and being held down and beaten, can only honestly maintain its human form, using physical skills and swordsmanship to constantly strive for more time to support under Clark’s hands.

The pirates outside looked very strange, and in the area filled with water vapor, the yellow ape was beaten with a miserable word.

As a natural fruit ability, no one has ever beaten him so miserably, even if it is the senior Karp, the old sea soldier who is extremely domineering in arms, it is impossible to walk him like this, after all, if he wants to escape, no one can stop him.

But in this strange area, the flash of the yellow ape could not flash out at all, and it had been deliberately confined by Clark.

Even if he knew that there was a problem in this place, there was no way to solve it.

“I’m not mistaken, that is the yellow ape of the three admirals, who was actually beaten so badly?”

“You are not mistaken, there is indeed something wrong with the yellow ape now, but you look at the yellow ape’s physical skills and swordsmanship, and it is indeed worthy of the strength of the admiral, but his fruit ability seems to have a problem.”

A group of pirates carefully watched the battle ahead, one by one, their eyes widened, afraid of missing any detail, this is a precious scene of the general yellow ape being violently beaten, ordinary people can’t see it at all!

And the yellow ape is indeed a naval admiral with peak strength, and his physical strength, combat ability, and endurance ability really make Clark appreciate.

Even if he had been rubbed on the ground for so long, in addition to spitting out a lot of blood from his mouth, there was no more embarrassing injury.

Although the natural Devil Fruit ability will be attacked by the armed color domineering energy, this does not prevent them from still recovering their bodies quickly through elementalization.

However, listening to the rumbling sound of hugging began to be heard continuously throughout the island, Clark smiled slightly and stopped the movement in his hand.

The human weapon pacifist began to threaten and surrounded the entire island, preventing any pirates from running out of this place now.

“Yellow Ape, for the sake of our friendship, let me go, I don’t want to kill you.”

If there was one less admiral here, you would have a harder time against the Whitebeard Pirates, and Old Man Karp definitely didn’t want that to happen, right? ”

The yellow ape stood in place with difficulty, panting, looking at Clark who did not breathe in front of him, and the gap in strength between the two sides became more and more obvious.

His ability to flash fruits, whether it is a laser or something else, will inexplicably deviate in this area, but with a fist, he is not Clark’s opponent.

“How the hell did you do it, how did you disable my abilities!”

The yellow ape couldn’t help but ask, looking at the surrounding environment, pointing to this area that was dispersed by water vapor and asking

“What are these, are you a weapon that you specially developed to restrain me?”

Clark listened to the yellow ape’s question, and after a pause, he laughed

“Sorry, Yellow Ape, I didn’t think about making anything special to restrain you at all, I just used the principle of refraction of light.

How about it, have you experienced the power of knowledge, do you want to join me, follow me and Vegapunk, and witness the rise of the Kryptonians again! ”

The yellow ape’s face was complicated, he didn’t know what Clark was talking about, he just felt as if he was despised intellectually despised.

Moreover, this guy never intended to kill himself, he definitely did not kill himself because of his kindness, but also used the power of the three admirals to involve the Whitebeard Pirates!

This man is very likely to intervene in the battle between the navy and the white-bearded pirate group after entering! The yellow ape’s heart was bitter.

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