“This, this is also amazing!”

While the pirates were shocked by Urki’s power at this time, they were also curious about the power he was now showing.

It is clear that he was still in a dying state and his life was in a state of danger just now, how did he suddenly become such a form now?

It’s just that the man opposite Ulki makes them feel even more terrible, and on the messy ground destroyed by the power that Ulki unleashed, from the dust in the sky, they can faintly see the figure standing firmly in place.

As if convulsing, Urki convulsed violently, and the final punch of karma was firmly grasped by a palm sticking out of the smoke.

Although Clark’s palm that grabbed his fist looked pitifully small compared to Ulki’s fist, it could only clasp the joints on his fingers.

However, from Ulki’s livid face, as well as the incomparably twisted green tendons on his fist, it can be seen that his current state is not easy.

“To be honest, I would be very disappointed if I only had this little strength.”

A faint voice came from the smoke, and a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the strange monk Ulki, and he felt a sharp pain on his fingers.



The tragic sound of bones being broken was accompanied by Ulki’s screams of pain, and the smoke suddenly billowed together, and Ulki only had time to hold the palm of his hand with three broken fingers, when he saw a leg with a large amount of smoke billowing and kicking at his waist.

Urki was hit by this kick, and the screams seemed to be a broken line, and he suddenly stopped, and then the whole person disappeared from between the remaining three pirates in an instant.

After a few seconds, a loud noise that could be heard throughout the Chambord Islands came from the tree trunks behind several people.


A huge crack appeared in the center of the trunk, and the trunk, which could not withstand such a huge impact, twisted little by little, and fell downwards.

“But, damn it, it’s true!”

Drake looked at the huge falling tree trunk that made the whole island tremble in amazement, and the strange monk Urki, who was kicked away by Clark, was obviously the culprit who broke the trunk.

But just now, the strange monk Urki showed not weak power in front of them, and in the blink of an eye, it would be like being executed, disappearing from front of them, such a power is really terrifying!

“I don’t have the habit of wiping the ass of my subordinates who are too weak, and the subsidiary of Krypton must be a strong one!” If he can survive this, I will make him my subordinate, then, already one has been done, who is next? ”

Clark glanced at the two people in front of him who were now highly nervous, and Clark’s eyes made them feel a sense of unexplained fear from the bottom of their hearts.

“The face has changed again, half alive, half dead!”

Hawkins gritted his teeth and looked at Clark in front of him, he had never felt so humiliated, his fate was completely in the hands of outsiders.

The change in his face is obviously changed by Clark, Clark wants them to live, they can live, Clark wants them to die, they will surely die!

This very unpleasant feeling made Hawkins’ body change rapidly, and a large pile of turf, little by little, appeared on his body, making his whole person taller and more terrifying.

“Devil Descent!”

And Drake on the side, directly began to see huge changes in his whole body, scales appeared on his body, his hands grew sharp hook claws, and his head turned into a huge dinosaur head.

“It is actually a rare animal line fruit ancient species, but such a strength is not enough to resist that man!”

Apu, who was standing upstairs, made a decision in an instant, and had already reduced the number of Urki in a state, and the remaining two people could not be the opponents of that man!

A burst of loud musical sounds was struck by Apu through the various instruments that changed on his body

“Please listen to my battle music! Noise, chop! ”

When Apu started playing music, everyone found him and recognized him.

Clark glanced at him unconcernedly, and then felt a sharp slash slash across his chest.

A violent spark erupted in his chest, and he actually felt a sharp pain in his body.

After Clark actively closed his auditory senses, the pain immediately disappeared, his eyes became red, and hot energy gathered in his eyes.

Before the scorching light was emitted, Jiao Apu, who was standing on the roof, drank loudly again.


A violent spark, directly on Clark’s body, burst out, billowing smoke, and once again buried Clark’s entire person in it.

“What the hell is this ability, I’m really more and more interested in you supernovae!”

However, the sound of safety that shocked all three of them still came from inside, and the red cloak rolled vigorously, and all the exploding smoke and wind waves seemed to be caught by the red cloak, and all of them were thrown out by Clark towards Apu on the roof.

Apu, still beating the beat of battle music, laughed out loud as he looked at Clark safe and sound.

“Sure enough, a person who can defeat the highest combat power of the navy like the admiral, with real skills, is really insightful, I will not play with you, bye!”

Apu directly spread his two feet and quickly ran towards the roof on the other side.

But suddenly, behind him, a terrifying crimson light made the entire sky lose all color.

Apu suddenly felt cold sweat all over his body, and there was a pressing chill that made him feel the terrible crisis of death.

He turned around and saw that the revenant was bursting out, Clark’s eyes still remained crimson, and after a long period of energy storage, scorching rays burst out.


After a violent explosion in the air, the crimson ray quickly pulled away like a slash and swept downwards.

Along the way, all the houses that are blocked, the pirates, are like being cut tofu, easily, from the inside out, blocking the waist and cutting off!

The straw on the huge scarecrow-like monster Hawkins was all ignited and quickly cut from the middle of the body.

And Drake, who turned into a dinosaur, after being swept by the scorching ray, countless scales exploded from his body, his whole body became extremely red, and the whole person was pushed down one house after another by the huge impact force.

For a long time, Clark, who easily destroyed the buildings within a radius of 100 meters, closed his eyes, and these four supernovae were all lying on the ground motionless.

“It’s not good, I him off.”

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