When everyone in areas 1 to 10 was driven outside by Dr. Vegapunk’s pacifists.

Satisfied with the strength of the pacifists’ new weapons, Vegapunk, who had successfully tested the strength of the pacifists’ new weapons through the armed ranks of slave traders, returned to the harbor with a large amount of data and several pacifists, a naval warship that Clark had fished out to transport pacifists.

Clark took a deep breath and slowly flew into the air.

The supernova couldn’t understand what he was going to do, only Reilly saw the momentum that was constantly condensing on Clark’s body, and his face changed.

Seeing Renly’s nervous look, Peony couldn’t help but hold Renly’s hand worriedly, and the other supernova couldn’t help but get nervous when they saw Renly’s nervous look.

However, this is also a little clearer about what kind of strength this man who forcibly subjugated them has.

Clark grew taller and taller until, finally, he was floating at level with the tallest crown of this Yarchman mangrove.

His gaze was like a moment, and the hot energy like flames was accumulating, and the clouds in the sky were already slowly dissipating.

After the disaster, the sunlight lifted the thick clouds and evenly sprinkled on Clark’s body little by little, making him look like an angel who had just come from heaven 440 times, shining brightly.

All the light was absorbed into his body by Clark unscrupulously at this moment, and a large amount of energy gathered in his eyes like a volcano about to erupt.

Renly and a group of supernovae only felt that a terrible force that had never been seen before was awakening.

“Quick, quick, this is very precious data!”

On the warship in the rear, Vegapunk was extremely excited to use his instruments to observe and collect the energy around Clark at this moment.

The hollows in the clouds grew bigger and bigger, and more sunlight poured down from the sky without bringing a hint of warmth to the people of the Chambordi Islands below.

It was as if all the light would now converge on this man floating in the sky, making everyone’s eyes involuntarily look at this man.

“Yes is fantastic! This energy is unprecedented! The boss is amazing! ”

Vegapunk danced excitedly, looking at Clark with the same excitement as if he was looking at God.

At this moment, as if some voice sounded in the hearts of all the surviving humans, slaves on the Chambord Islands.

The next moment, it was clear that a silent and terrifying golden light wave burst out from Clark’s eyes, but everyone seemed to hear the sound of the shackles being opened.

The energy was raised to the extreme, and the originally crimson rays had now turned into the most dazzling crimson gold in the refracted air.

In an instant, the golden pillar of light broke through the limitations of everyone’s naked eyes and landed fiercely on the Chambord Islands.

The silent pillar of light, with terrifying energy, stretched downward on the ground, constantly cutting the hard ground.

Countless times Clark shot the slaves freed from the No. 1 population, and suddenly looked at the place where the pillar of light was concentrated.

Large tears suddenly dripped from the face of humiliation, numbness, or despair, and fell to the ground.

The place illuminated by the golden pillar of light was the place where they were captured, and where they were humiliated, deprived of their freedom and all their sinful slave auctions.


Clark was roaring, and countless slaves who felt deeply moved in their hearts were roaring, and they roared angrily, raising their fists.

Even if some of them still have unbroken chains on their hands, even if they still have dog-like collars around their necks that are trapped by slave traders and their lives may explode at any time, they are constantly making their own angry roars.

Clark moved his gaze, and wherever the golden pillar of light could reach, all the sins were nowhere to be hidden!

The earth is being torn apart, and in the face of the fierce energy, areas 1 to 10, supported by the roots of the world’s largest Yarchman mangrove tree, are being divided little by little from the Chambord Islands (AGFE).

The blazing temperature spread over the edge of the cut golden light, and countless slaves, kneeling on the ground, covered their eyes and wept bitterly.

They are witnessing a historic moment, they are witnessing the moment when the place that imprisoned them and made them lose everything disappeared.

It is precisely because they have been deprived of everything that they now know the value of freedom.

As areas 1 to 10 were forcefully separated from the Chambord Islands by Clark little by little, the entire Chambord Islands began to vibrate violently.

Gathering all the solar energy that Clark absorbed at the moment, coupled with Clark’s own energy, the golden pillar of light went directly deep underground, cutting off all the connections between this area and the Chambord Islands.

Reilly, Supernova and the others looked solemnly at Clark, who had captured all the brilliance, and the terrifying movements he was making, and their hearts were shocked.

Such a force can easily sink and destroy a small island, this man is terrible!

With the last bit cut off by Clark, all the efforts cheered, wept bitterly, and cried with joy.

Even though the ground beneath your feet is constantly shaking due to the drastic changes.

Even if the next moment, they may be buried here because of the possible collapse of the entire archipelago caused by a chain reaction, they cannot be stopped, and they will cry to the sky to regain their freedom.

The sea frantically poured into the divided air from the gap, pushing the divided island and the Chambord Islands gradually separated.

At this time, Clark had not stopped his movements, and he flew into the sky sharply, flying higher and higher.

The temperature was dropping sharply, and the frost was draped over his face, but it couldn’t stop his heart from continuing to fly upward.

Standing above this planet that is basically surrounded by oceans, Clark unscrupulously absorbs the huge energy emitted by the sun here.

Just when the supernova were still bitterly feeling that it was a stupid idea to find an opportunity to run away from Clark.

Even larger, more brilliant pillars of crimson-gold light descended from the sky and hit the divided islands, like divine punishment.

The golden energy raged inch by inch on the ground, spreading continuously, and finally completely enveloping every part of this land.

In the golden divine light, the land, buildings, and auction houses that have endured countless sins are all decomposing and melting inch by inch.

The hot energy is melting the ground below little by little into the purest molecules, and the whole island begins to gradually fall apart, and countless substances are swirling, boiling, melting in this light, and finally, returning to dust and turning into nothingness.

A large piece of land completely disappeared from the eyes of all those who were still alive, leaving only a huge pit that was being frantically poured into by the surrounding seawater. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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