In the shadows, Hancock heard another burst of noise, which was exactly the same as the cheers of the citizens who had been waiting on the island every time she returned to Nine Snake Island.

Falling asleep again? Or maybe a little nap?

Boyahan Cook was a little puzzled, and then a pain from all over her body immediately made her little face appear with a very pitying pain.

“Lord Snake Ji, you have finally woken up!”

When Hancock opened his eyes, he saw his two younger sisters, looking at him worriedly, but Hancock was now not able to put on his majesty like before.

When she just wanted to drink her two younger sisters away from her, there was another sharp pain, so that she almost didn’t faint directly.

Han Cook, who was run over by a tractor everywhere, his little face was pale, his small hand was holding his head, and he carefully recalled it.

Then she saw the man in her memory who should have made her feel gnashed teeth and wanted to turn him into stone and kick him to pieces at once.

Very strange!

When Clark saw this man, standing beside him with some weakness, avoiding the gaze of his own eyes, he felt a taste of blood connection ~ from this man.

And this strange feeling of closeness soon made Hancock’s resentment against Clark quickly disappear because of the fragments in his memory.

At this time, Hancock always had the same feeling that Clark had become his former self, as if he was the closest person to him, and no matter what he did, Hancock could forgive him.

“You guys, let’s go out first.”

Hearing the rare gentle tone that came from Hancock’s mouth to their sisters, both sisters froze, then glared at Clark unwillingly and walked out of the cabin.

“You, what are you, what have you done to me!”

Although Hancock almost sincerely wanted to fully accept Clark in front of her, believe in him, trust him, and obey him unconditionally, she still gritted her teeth and insisted, not wanting to let herself sink into such feelings.

Clark looked at Hancock with some surprise, this woman is really strong, it has reached this level, and she can barely restrain this abnormality from the depths of her genes.

But unfortunately, this is also useless, from genetic changes, will make you change the whole person from the inside out, no one can resist this change.

Unless, you give up this body of yours and find another body before your soul is completely changed by the change of body.

However, Hancock clearly does not have the ability.

In a short while, the gene control technology from the world’s leading world has completely turned the once arrogant, cold, and narcissistic Han Cook into a woman who will only concentrate on obeying the orders of Clark, who stands at the top of the chain sequence.

Clark did not feel any guilt for the change of such a strong and beautiful female warrior, and chose Nine Snake Island as the first base in this world, which was jointly discussed with Vegapunk.

This place is in the windless zone, and it is difficult for anyone to enter it except for the navy equipped with ships.

Moreover, this place is also relatively close to Marin Fandor, and it is a collision with Clark that will happen at any time in Marin Fandor’s about the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Hancock, go and tell your people that Nine Snake Island is about to usher in great changes, a new era is coming, and from now on, only women’s daughter islands will no longer exist.

Don’t worry that anyone will disobey your orders, because you are the most beautiful woman in this and the world, and everyone will forgive you, right? ”

Hancock bowed slightly and walked outside, and Clark looked at Hancock’s limping back from behind, a little embarrassed.

Clark assured that he did not move his hands and feet when Hancock passed out, but Hancock was carried in his arms twice.

At the mouth of the coast of Nine Snake Island, countless citizens of Nine Snake Island cheered, hugging behind the Nine Snake Pirate Group who was watching Hancock, and a large group of pirate ships appeared together.

But they didn’t have the slightest worry, because their most revered Lord Serpentine Ji was still standing at the forefront.

In their eyes, these are just trophies brought back by Lord Snake Ji!

“People of Nine Snake Island, you have all listened to me, now, I have news to inform all the people of Nine Snake Island…”

0····· Ask for flowers…

When Boyahan Cook sent out the change of ownership of Hydra Island, and a large number of pirates would enter Hydra Island, there was indeed a riot.

However, with the help of Hancock’s fruit ability, most of the commotion was completely and quickly quelled.

Although I don’t know why Lord Snake Ji, who has always hated men, this time it seems to have a big change in temperament, which has brought huge changes to the entire Nine Snake Island, but all this is the order of Lord Snake Ji, no matter how Lord Snake Ji messes around, they will forgive her because she is so beautiful!

Clark did not expect that the influence of Snake Ji on the entire Nine Snake Island was already so strong that they could easily enter the Nine Snake Island.

…….. 0

Taking Vegapunk and the Supernova Nine, she followed Boyahan Cook and her two sisters to the palace, and Snake Ji immediately lost the same cold arrogance as she did when she treated her people outside.

The low-eyed look like a little daughter-in-law made a group of supernova stunned.

But they had seen with their own eyes how arrogant and domineering the female emperor Boyahan Cook was before, and directly faced them and everyone in the navy when they met.

But now, I’m afraid this change is too big!

A group of supernovas only felt that cold sweat broke out behind their backs, and Clark’s unknowingly made a powerful king Qiwu Hai completely change into another look, which is a little terrifying.

They didn’t want to experience this sudden change, and Clark rolled his eyes as he looked at a group of supernovae breaking out in a cold sweat.

As far as you are concerned, you can’t get such treatment, only those who will play an important role in Clark’s Kryptonian recovery plan will have such treatment,

Clark had to make sure he had all these important people in his hands, anytime, anywhere.

This group of idiots, do you still think that they really have an irreplaceable role in themselves, they have all reached this time, and they are still half-hearted one by one, and they are not willing to devote themselves to me!

After mastering such a large team and holding the lifeblood of the entire Nine Snake Island, the female emperor Han Cook, Clark’s mentality is changing little by little. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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