“What, what, Ace, he’s going to be executed!”

Luffy immediately acted in place for a while, and then immediately became resolute,

“I decided, I’m going to save Ace, he’s my brother, I can’t sit idly by, Clark, can you lend me a boat!”

“Stop, rude man, you actually dare to shout at the leader!”

Boyahan Cook watched Luffy shout at Clark anxiously, his eyes directly radiated a chill, and he took a tall step and lifted her slender thighs, about to kick towards Luffy’s body.

“Stop, Hancock, don’t treat our guests so rudely.”

Hancock heard Clark’s voice and immediately withdrew his slender thighs and stood behind Clark again, meek like a little daughter-in-law.

“I can help you Luffy, but do you think you can really save Ace from the three admirals and countless naval elites?”

This is a war, a huge war unprecedented in this world, can you protect yourself or even achieve your goals in this war? ”

Luffy clenched his teeth and clenched his fists,

“No matter what, Ace is my brother, I will definitely not sit idly by.”

Clark raised his head and let out a long breath, the determined expression 06 on Luffy’s face was really a little dazzling.

“It’s really like, old man Karp, your family is one sex.”

The old man’s hearty smile and eclectic look completely coincided with the determined boy in front of him, very strangely, and these two guys were stubborn tempers.

“I can promise you, Luffy, but you must cooperate with my actions.”

“Really, it’s great!”

Clark looked at Hancock with just a look, and Hancock immediately understood the message in Clark’s eyes, and after shouting, let people take out the phone worm that the Navy headquarters had contacted her before.

“Hey, Moxi Moxie, is anyone over there?”

On the other side of the telephone worm, the telephone worm that was directly connected was quickly transferred to the hands of the Marshal of the Warring States, which was a telephone worm that Qibukai specialized in talking to the navy, and the important information in it was not something that ordinary navies could listen to.

Sengoku took the phone and heard Clark’s voice coming from the other side, and immediately gritted his teeth.

This bastard, after doing such a shocking thing in the Chambord Islands, ran to the Nine Snake Islands, one of the Seven Martial Seas, the Snake Emperor Ji!

And how could such a telephone worm, which was specially used to allow Qibukai to communicate with the headquarters of the Navy, be in the hands of this guy!

“Oh, is it the Marshal of the Warring States, hearing your familiar panting voice, I seem to feel that Old Man Karp has completely angered you again.”

“Clark, why did the Boldes do such a thing, why did they betray the Navy!”

In the entire office, almost everyone heard the terrible anger in the battle atmosphere, and now that Lieutenant General Karp was not here, no one dared to touch the mold of the Marshal of the Warring States.

In the entire room, only the heavy snort of the Marshal of the Warring States remained.

“Defection? No, Marshal of the Warring States, misunderstood, not defection, but withdrawal! The concept of the Navy was very obviously at odds with mine, so I chose to withdraw from the sea.

Sengoku was silent for a while, and asked in a serious tone,

“Is it about Draco?”

“Yes, that’s right, Marshal of the Warring States, I’m a person, I hate this guy the most.”

Like those high-ranking federal officials on the earth, they are in high positions, but they do not care about the people’s livelihood, but only want to protect their own interests.

When the bad guys appear, use yourself as free labor, and when there are no bad guys, try to master your own power.

Even use the power of fishing boats to guide the people to overthrow themselves, to expel themselves from the earth, or to subject themselves to so-called congressional legislation, so that they can henceforth accept their supervision.

Are you kidding!

I’m Clark, the most powerful Kryptonian, the superman Clark!

“But worry, Marshal of the Warring States, although I left the navy, it does not mean that I am on the opposite side of the navy, you see, in the Chambord Islands, I have a good way to let the yellow ape live.”

Everyone in the office immediately turned their attention to the yellow ape, and the yellow ape gritted his teeth for a while, and he couldn’t wait to fight Clark for three hundred rounds.

Just thinking of Clark’s terrifying combat ability, the yellow ape was deflated again, and his proud speed had no effect in front of Clark.

And the silence of the yellow ape was also regarded by others as his acquiescence, but no one laughed at him.

Among the three major generals, whether it was the red dog or the yellow ape or the green pheasant, they all knew how terrifying Clark’s combat power was, and none of them dared to easily say that they could withstand Clark’s powerful attack.

“So what are you trying to do now talking to me with Boyahan Cook’s phone worm?”

“It’s very simple, I am now wanted by you in the whole world, and I have nowhere to go, so I have to join a legal pirate organization like His Majesty Qiwuhai, which has been stipulated by your government.

And our Lord Snake Ji, when he was compelled to be summoned by you, wanted to take a look at the central person who caused this big event, Ace, and I am familiar with you, so Lord Snake Ji asked me to talk to you. ”

Sengoku doesn’t believe any word Clark says now, and the ghost really believes that you have defected to Snake Ji!

With Clark’s current bounty amount, plus Clark killed three Draco, which force now dares to take Clark under his command at will?

Unless someone is impatient and wants to provoke the attack of the admiral, and the world government is constantly encircling and suppressing!

“Is it just you and Snake Ji?”

“That’s right.”

“If the Marshal of the Warring States can grant our little request from Lord Snake Ji, 440 I am willing to appear in Marin Fandor with Lord Snake Ji to help the navy face the most powerful man, the Whitebeard Pirate Group.”

Sengoku didn’t know how long he was silent over there, but he said slowly for a while.

“I will have Karp wait for you at the Advance CityU Prison, and I hope you can get on your way as soon as possible, but, Clark, you have to disguise yourself and don’t let anyone know that our Navy has cooperated with you.”

“I really thank the Marshal of the Warring States for his generosity, rest assured, no Draco will be able to recognize me.”

Oh, in that case, let me give you another message to the Marshal of the Warring States, Vice Admiral Mole is now trying to row back to the navy headquarters from the windless belt alone, I think you better send a ship to pick him up. ”

Clark, who hung up the phone worm, smiled slightly, this matter has already become, when the time comes, he will be mixed into the team of Qiwu Hai, if he wants to rescue Ace, he can be more surprised, and take the lead.

At this moment, Clark suddenly saw Hancock looking at him with sincere trepidation,

“Chief, this is really too polite, I, how can I be called that by you, Chief!”

Looking at Hancock, who was a little shy in front of him, Clark said in a seductive tone,

“Not necessarily, Hancock, work hard, maybe you can really become my lady.”

“Great honor!”

Being able to get such attention from the leader, Hancock was almost fainted in surprise. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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