The expression on Clark’s face became extremely enthusiastic at this time, and a fist knocked on Luffy’s head, who wanted to save Ace under the noses of Karp and Sengoku, knocking him unconscious.

“Ahahaha, don’t let children see too violent weapons, Marshal of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Karp, I believe that you will be very satisfied with the products we sell.”

Looking at Clark, whose face suddenly changed and looked like a complete profiteer, Karp and Sengoku were a little uncomfortable.

It was only when they knew that Clark, after being in charge, discovered how great the role of money was.

The navy has the support of the giant of the world government, how can there be no economic crisis, but Clark needs to accumulate enough funds from scratch little by little.

And in this world, the hottest and most profitable transactions, of course, belong to items such as arms, after all, even the devil fruit is counted in it.

A well-crafted fast knife on the market is valuable and usually only very powerful swordsmen will have a treasure knife.

And the devil fruit can sell terrifying sky-high prices, after all, this is a shortcut that allows ordinary people to enter the ranks of the strong in the fastest way.

On the contrary, the fiery arms smuggled on the earth, because of the strange relationship between this world and the incredible strength of the strong, are not as enthusiastic as imagined.

However, that was all the same as before, and from now on, Clark will first earn enough money from the arms trade that monopolizes this world!

And the Navy, for now, is the biggest buyer that Clark can pull!

Smiling with Luffy in one hand, who had been knocked unconscious by himself with his armed color domineering, Clark and Snake Ji watched as Sengoku carefully took Ace away from the place and brought him to their warship.

Clark invited Sengoku and Karp to the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates, and showed them the weapons he brought from Nine Snake Island with a smile.

Karp looked at what was Clarked out, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, he always felt that this kid was unreliable, but he didn’t expect him to be so unreliable now!

And the Warring States were directly angry,

“Clark, you bastard, actually want to use the weapons that originally belonged to our navy and sell us to make money~?”

That’s right, what Clark brought to Sengoku and Karp was exactly what Karp and Sengoku considered to belong to the Navy as a pacifist.

This tall ‘pacifist’, standing in front of Karp and Sengoku, brought a huge sense of oppression to the two people.

“Wrong, wrong, Marshal of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Karp, this is not a pacifist, you have to look carefully.”

Sengoku and Karp looked at this body. On the hands of the ‘pacifist’ with a dull face and motionless like a robot, he saw a ball of meat.

“He, he’s the Bartholome Bear!”

Sengoku cried out in surprise, last time the bear followed the yellow ape and the Vegapunk to the Chambord Islands, but then disappeared, and the navy could not be contacted.

Now, he suddenly appeared in front of the two, and he looked like a person who was not a ghost or a ghost, which was really surprising.

“I don’t know, I just know that he seems to have made some deal with your world government before, voluntarily transforming his whole body.

But as you know, Dr. Vegapunk was my subordinate, so after the bear was transformed, it also fell to me.

I thought about it carefully, and I thought that if you could have another reformed Qiwu Sea that is extremely obedient and can be called whatever you want, your chances of winning may be greater.

Well, I came with a slow sincerity, make a price, as long as you bid properly, I will give you control of Bassolomi Bear. ”

The Warring States almost jumped up and cursed at Clark, this is really shameless, Clark, this bastard, actually had the idea of selling the Seven Wuhai to them.

But if you really want to look at it this way, the Warring States really want to pay for the Bartholomi Bear back, one of the seven martial arts seas who completely obey any order, the value is too great!

Especially the strength of this Bartholo Bear is extremely powerful!

Just seeing Clark’s smug face, Sengoku only felt that his heart was dripping blood!

Damn, take the subordinate Qiwu Sea that should belong to them, take advantage of the fire and robbery at a critical juncture of the navy, take it and sell it to them!

“Four hundred million Baileys, no more!”

“Marshal of the Warring States, you are too unkind, on the Chambord Islands, the pacifists who were transformed by Dr. Vegapunk almost almost destroyed the Kidd Pirates and the Hearts Pirates.

The bounties of all the members of their two pirate groups add up, how can there be more than four! No two prices, eight hundred million Bailey, a completely obedient king Qiwu Hai, it will belong to you! ”

He would have been a man from the Navy!

Sengoku roared at Clark in his heart, and raised his hand with an ugly face,

“Clark, don’t go overboard, the bear would have obeyed the Navy’s mandatory summoning order, five hundred million!”

“The five hundred million words are not impossible, but I still have some good things to sell, I don’t know if you want it.”

Sengoku was simply blown up by the lungs of gas, and Bassolomi Bear, who had not been in contact for a long time, actually fell into Clark’s hands, and was transformed by Dr. Vegapunk and lost his self-awareness.

This would have become the first Qiwu Sea to be completely controlled by the Navy, but the Warring States did not expect that the price of getting the bear was such a shame, and the Warring States also paid a price of 500 million Bailey!

“If there is something, you can take it out together!”

“I know that the Marshal of the Warring States must be the most discerning person!”

Clark snapped his fingers, and another neat line of mechanical footsteps sounded on the ship.

Three identical pacifists appeared in the sight of the Warring States.

“Marshal of the Warring States, this is the second generation of pacifists who have been transformed by Dr. Vegapunk, I wonder if you are interested, buy a few?”

“I, I, I’ve never seen someone as brazen as you!”

When he saw these pacifists who were taken from the navy by Clark and Vegapunk, slightly transformed, and then transformed and sold in front of him.

Sengoku finally couldn’t help it and yelled at Clark. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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