And after Clark and Karp and the others’ ships left the Advance City Prison and galloped towards the naval headquarters.

Warden Magellan and Hannibal looked at each other, and the hole in the gate of justice was difficult to repair.

Moreover, they and all the navies stationed here were frightened by the lasers fired by the three pacifists just now.

Such a human weapon, if placed on the battlefield, is definitely a terrifying big killing weapon!

It’s just that they don’t have time to sigh or repair the broken door of justice now, because in the prison, the disappearance of a prisoner has caused an uproar throughout the prison.

“Cut, Sengoku actually dares to yell at me, I have to give him some color to see.”

After Clark sold the pacifist and the transformed unconscious Bassolomi Bear to Sengoku for a sky-high price of two billion Baileys, he returned to the cabin and recalled the look in Sengoku’s eyes that looked at him angrily before, and he was still a little unhappy.

Since they are no longer all the same, there is no need for Clark to maintain too close a relationship with the navy, anyway, Sengoku is also very unhappy to see himself as a vicious criminal who killed Draco.

However, the premise of arms trafficking is that the world must be in a state of turmoil, and Clark also saw that the Navy already had pacifists, so he sold the second-generation pacifists ~ to them.

This would only slightly increase the navy’s chances of victory in the coming war, and would not play a decisive role.

And Clark must want more than this little money, and Vegapunk’s experimental research alone is a huge hole that needs to be invested with astronomical amounts of money.

And Clark, who wants to make a fortune, apparently, already has a better plan, since he can sell pacifists to the Navy, can he also make a move on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates?

Only when the two sides are evenly matched, will they urgently find factors that can help them achieve victory.

At this time, in order to win, of course, they will not care about such a small amount of money.

Clark suddenly felt that if he rescued Ace like this, was he a little too sorry for himself, this is a bargaining chip that can make the spark between the navy and the whitebeard pirate group and decide to die.

At this time, Clark felt that he was a little too unkind, didn’t he just make sure before, first repay Karp’s kindness.

However, at this time, the Kryptonian general Zod, who was killed by Clark before, at the last moment, the angry cry that came out of him echoed in Clark’s mind again.

“Karl, you are a traitor to the Kryptonians, I gave everything for Krypton, but you personally buried all the hopes of Krypton!”

The bitter scream before dying continued to echo in Clark’s mind, and the pair of dead eyes had been staring at him deadly.

Moreover, a piercing chill has been echoing around, and it seems that there has always been a figure full of resentment, looking for himself.

Clark also understood that it was Zod’s. Fiore.

Fiore’s resentment towards herself was extremely terrible, and Clark was not startled by the desperate look in his eyes when he followed her on a time-space jump.

When Clark touched Fiore’s butt, the boat capsized in the gutter, and she kicked out of the wormhole tunnel and came to this world.

“Stinky woman, when I next appear with the Kryptonian spaceship, I hope you will not already be dead.”

After thinking for a long time, Clark slowly closed his eyes, and finally, he finally made a decision.

Walking along the current, Clark’s ship and the warship used by the Warring States to escort Ace all went very fast.

Along the way, Luffy has been looking for an opportunity, wanting to go to the warship and rescue his brother Ace, but unfortunately, there is no chance.

In the end, it was Clark who suggested that when the Navy officially began to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, with the help of the power of the Whitebeard Pirates, he would have a better chance of saving Ace.

When Hancock’s ship finally followed to the port of Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the Navy, looking at this place where he had been for a while, Clark couldn’t help but sigh a lot.

It’s just that according to the previous agreement with the Warring States, Clark had to open his Krypton mask to cover his appearance, otherwise, a world-class criminal who killed Draco openly appeared at the naval headquarters, but it would make the entire navy lose face.

0····· Ask for flowers…

Holding the last trace of guilt for Karp, Clark did not make any more moths, pretending to be the entourage of the snake goddess Boyahan Cook, one of the Seven Martial Seas, and followed her into the office of Marshal Sengoku.

“Marshal of the Warring States, there is movement over there in the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“What, say quickly, where are they moving!”

As soon as Sengoku returned to the naval office, he saw the naval officers who were enthusiastically deducing various possible situations and reported to him.

“I don’t know, Marshal of the Warring States, the basis for our judgment that the Whitebeard Pirates have movement is because all the surveillance ships have lost contact!”

…….. 0

The officer’s answer immediately cast a shadow over the resolute face of the Sengoku, and the joy of successfully bringing Ace back from the prison of Advancing City University was also diluted a lot.

If the Whitebeard Pirate Group does not move, it means that the Navy cannot detect the actions of the Whitebeard Pirate Group in advance and cannot make corresponding deployments according to the enemy’s attack direction.

Sengoku looked at the somewhat heavy atmosphere in the office, and said in a voice full of majesty to the admirals below who showed a trace of fear on their faces.

“Don’t panic! Just use the response plan we have made before, as long as we are fully prepared, we can respond to all changes with the same change.

But everyone must be vigilant enough, our enemy is the most powerful man in the world now, if there is any omission, this war, our navy may usher in an end! ”

The words of the Warring States made the surrounding officers shake their spirits, the enemy is the legendary pirate, and he must always be vigilant.

But they will not necessarily lose, and the navy, which is fully prepared, has enough confidence to win this war.

“Okay, Karp, you go to the finance side to spend two billion Bailey, and then go to him to get those things, Lieutenant General He, please arrange her deployment for the female emperor again.”

Sengoku sent Clark, who was about to shave a large layer of skin from the navy, out of the office with vicious eyes, and in the marshal’s office, the three major generals had basically recognized Clark’s identity. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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