Ace’s life can be said to be completely held by Karp now.

Karp is facing a fierce battle between heaven and man, whether it is the justice he pursues, or whether he is entrusted to him by his rival and friend, One Piece Roger, and he is important as his grandson’s child, Ace.

Clark doesn’t know what choice he will make in the end, but he knows that no matter what choice Karp makes, Clark will respect him and then rescue Ace.

To repay this stubborn and stubborn old man, Clark has to do it in his own way.

“Let’s go, Bonnie, a Doflamingo has already brought me a great fortune to come, and I would like to know if the other Seven Wuhai are just as interesting!”

There are a total of seven people in the Seven Wuhai of His Majesty, except for the snake goddess Han Cook who has already met, and the Bassolomi Bear who was transformed by Dr. Vegapunk, and the original Qiwu Sea Sea Hero Jinping who was previously imprisoned in the infinite hell of the Advancing City Prison, there are three of the remaining four people that Clark has not seen.

“However, Qiwu Hai also changes very frequently, and Klockdar, who was defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates some time ago, was replaced by the current Blackbeard who used Ace to exchange for the position of Qiwu Hai after the defeat.”

“Hmph, whether it is the Navy or the Seven Wuhai, it is just a pack of wolves dressed in legal clothing.”

Maybe she remembered something, and Bonnie was not ~ interested in the Nanabukai that Clark wanted to see.

“Fuf! It’s a blessing to have our distinguished guest here. ”

Doflamingo was the first to welcome Clark who appeared in front of the Nanabukai who had been specially arranged in the room, while Hancock nodded lightly at Clark as Clark had instructed before.

It’s just that the adoration and love in her eyes can be seen very clearly by fools.

Just now, Clark brought back a huge fortune, which Hancock never expected.

And according to Clark’s previous plan with Vegapunk on Nine Snake Island, and those shocking things she had seen in that top-secret laboratory.

Hancock believes that Hydra Island will become stronger and stronger, and the time when she can have her own hands to take revenge on the guy she dreamed of killing will get closer and closer!

This money can make Nine Snake Island even stronger!

Every step towards her dream of revenge made the female emperor Hancock feel joyful and fulfilled from the bottom of her heart.

How many days have I wandered alone, but now, the enriched mind is filled with happiness.

The rest of the people who have not seen Clark are a little puzzled, with such an arrogant and cold nature as Snake Ji, there will actually be a man who makes her so loved?

Moreover, it seems that this guy is not small, even the always rebellious Doflamingo will actually put on such a posture to greet him.

However, all those present were proud people, and Clark’s words would never take the initiative to talk to him.

And Bartholo Bear, purely like a robot, sat in that place all the time, not moving.

The famous world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, even pressed his hat on his head, his legs were on the table, and the whole person fell asleep leisurely on the chair.

However, Clark can still see from the tense muscles of his whole body that the world’s number one swordsman is not so careless on the surface.

Clark didn’t care, smiled and nodded to Doflamingo, and sat down next to Hancock, and then with a bang, Clark sat on the ground with another ass.

And the sound of the chair scraping off finally attracted the attention of the other Nanabukai present, and Hawkeye took off his hat, and after putting it back on, a pair of sharp eyes looked at Clark, who stood up.

0····· Ask for flowers…

His eyes, which were covered with cold light and seemed to be able to emit a terrible chill like eagles, shrank sharply when he saw the chair that Clark had completely sat on, and the butt prints of the two round piers on the ground.

This man is physically strong!

This was Hawkeye’s first impression of Clark, and the Bassolomi bear on the side was still motionless, ignoring what was happening in the outside world.

…….. 0

There was only one Qiwu Hai with a long neck and a round body like a ball, and Moonlight Moria actually laughed here.

“Do you think it’s funny?”

Clark with a chilling voice jerked beside Moonlight Moriah, who was covering his stomach and laughing loudly.

Moonlight Moriah tightened and opened his eyes wide, but he only saw that Clark, who had just sat opposite him and was holding a small child’s hand, had disappeared.

However, he saw in the little girl’s eyes a look of deep pity for herself.

Moreover, in the reflection of her eyes, Moriah saw Clark who appeared beside her, raised his fist and swung it at his head.

The next moment, a sharp pain was transmitted to the depths of Moria’s mind, and as soon as his eyes were dark, he couldn’t feel anything.

And his huge body directly broke through the door of the room and flew out.

Clark looked at Moria, who was solved by his own punch, and suddenly felt much more comfortable, when there was one less Qiwu Sea, it was more balanced, and the gap between the navy of the second generation of pacifists and the white-bearded pirate group was wide. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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