“This is all for absolute justice, as long as you can kill you, get rid of the white-bearded pirate group, and erase the bloodline of the two top criminals in this world, even if it is sacrificed by the navy headquarters, it is worth it!”

The crazy voice of the red dog sounded in all corners of the island, and more and more magma, accompanied by the outbreak of the red dog, drilled out of the ground from various places.

The temperature is rising sharply, and the terrifying magma will instantly turn the entire ground of Marin Fandor into a hell, turning everyone standing on this island into ashes.

But the red dog is the navy after all, and it does its best to control it, and most of the eruptions erupt among the pirates.

Marin Fando shook more and more violently, pirates, navy began to have large-scale casualties, and the red dog this guy in order to achieve the purpose of eliminating pirates, unscrupulous, will not care about the life or death of others.

And in the face of the red dog who is almost incarnated below the island, in the active volcano underground, almost no one 440 has the means to catch him.

“All sin will be completely washed away here!”

The red dog Sakaski, whose ability has awakened, laughs arrogantly, with a touch of cruelty that can take revenge on Clark.

Clark frowned, lifted up Luffy, who had completely fallen into a state of nervous breakdown, and threw him into the hands of Hara Nanabu Kaihei, who protected him.

Then in the blink of an eye, he returned to Bonnie and Hancock’s side, put his arm around their soft waist, and took a few quick steps back.

A huge hole was where they were standing before, and hot magma erupted out, frightening them a little.

Clark frowned, staring at the ground below, the red dog guy, almost completely integrated himself into the bottom of the island, and caused the lava on the entire island to erupt continuously.

Moreover, a huge amount of heat was brewing in the Marin Fandor at his feet, and this guy knew that a little magma could not hurt Clark at all, so he was preparing for a terrifyingly violent volcanic eruption.

“Hold on to me!”

Clark gently faced the two women who were held in his arms, but their backs ached, and rubbed their waists with their small hands, holding them.

On the ground that was constantly erupting, Clark cleverly dodged every eruption that could hurt them, and sent them to the ship that belonged to Hancook docked in the town behind.

“You guys try to stay away from this island, and I’ll come back to you after the battle here!”

As he spoke, an earth-shattering huge explosion erupted on Houyu.

In the rift in the ground that was slashed by Whitebeard to separate the navy and the pirates, a large amount of hot golden lava erupted from there.

The terrible volcanic ash flew into the sky, blocking out all sunlight.

The immense force of the volcanic eruption has caused countless terrifying stones to erupt from the earth’s crust.

Huge stones weighing several tons fell from the sky and smashed the ground, and every impact would make the ground vibrate violently!

The slightest accidental hit by such a huge stone will completely crush people’s bones.

What’s even more terrifying is that the golden terrible lava, rolling down (agfe), like a river flowing out, on the ground, quickly chasing all the evacuated pirates.

Clark could even see that in the midst of the billowing lava river, there was an arrogant sound and a terrible laugh.

Whitebeard’s palms are trembling, he is being entangled by countless navies, and he can’t help the pirates under his command to face such a terrible attack.

And every pirate chased by this flowing river of lava will be quietly and completely swallowed by it, and will no longer make any sound.

Terrible natural disasters are constantly erupting on the island, the smell of sulfur spreads wantonly in the air, and the rapidly rising temperature makes almost everyone sweat.

The pungent smell made many navies and pirates only able to cover their noses to death.

It is still erupting lava rivers, with a terrible power that melts everything, devouring the lives of all pirates.

What made people feel even more terrifying was that the big red hand, which had been huge and terrifying, stretched out from the river of lava and slapped it fiercely on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body composed of flames and lava, little by little, stood up in the magma.

The towering huge body made him several times taller than the previous giant Little Oz, a giant whose whole body was composed of terrifying magma, and easily found a giant standing behind the Navy building, San Juan!

“Ah, discovered?”

Just after making such an exclamation, the lava giant incarnated by the red dog walked viciously on his face with a punch.

The lavaized huge arm, with unparalleled terrifying kinetic energy, easily passed through the body of this vicious pirate, melting his body into a blurry mass of flesh and blood.

And between this move, countless terrifying clumps of scalding lava dripped down and smashed on the ground, killing I don’t know how many people were killed.

With the flow of the lava river under his feet, the size of the red dog is still growing.

“Clark, hurry up and die!”

With the lava replenished by the volcano beneath his feet, the Red Inu now has no fear of Clark.

Awakening to this point, he no longer needed any moves, and his every move carried a terrifying energy like a doomsday catastrophe. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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