What a terrifying force this was, it was so easy to completely seal this entire area!

“This, ahhhhh

A navy with a somewhat weak body couldn’t help but sneeze coldly.

In the sky, volcanic ash obscures the sun, leaving the ground without sunlight and the temperature is constantly dropping.

Underground, the terrible ice that completely sealed the lava is releasing a huge chill, making every navy feel cold from the depths of their hearts.

The heat that had just heated the entire island due to the volcanic eruption seemed to disappear in an instant.

A biting wind blew gently, and everyone couldn’t help but shiver.

The drastic change in temperature in the blink of an eye made almost everyone a little uncomfortable.

At this time, under the attention of everyone, Clark floated little by little, slowly floating from the crack in the ground where he got it.

At this moment, everyone was watching, and the red cloak behind Clark flew gently, fluttering and independent.

“It’s so handsome!”

On the sea, on the boat of Nine Snake Island, Hancock looked at the flying Clark with a mesmerized face, and there was only endless longing in his eyes.

On the side, Bonnie smacked her tongue in dissatisfaction, and Bonnie would not be surprised that Clark did anything surprising or eye-catching.

The butt was beaten once in public by someone, and the face was gone, and Bonnie had already looked down.

All in all, Bonnie was definitely not surprised by the power Clark displayed, absolutely not!

Important things must be emphasized many times, and you must not let yourself become this brainless guy next to you!

Bonnie glanced at Han Cook defiantly, and felt that she was suddenly able to find many advantages in IQ.

Unexpectedly, Hancock was also staring at her, looking at her, his eyes were fierce, and his face was grim.

“Hmph, what are you doing looking at me like this~!”

There was no sudden jump in his heart, Han Cook’s expression really put a lot of pressure on Boni, but he still provoked Han Cook very unwilling to admit defeat.

Hancock looked at Boni viciously, and his footsteps were almost quickly attached to Boni’s face.

“Joelle Bonnie, you have remembered to me that as the chief’s subordinates, in the future, they must take the chief’s orders as their own will, and they must absolutely obey the chief.

If you show me anything again, you show disrespect to the leader, don’t blame me for being rude!

Don’t think that the chief spoils you, you can be ashamed, even if you will be punished by the chief, I will teach you a lesson! ”

Hancock’s gloomy voice frightened Bonnie fiercely, but he was not a person who was afraid of things, his hands were on his little man’s waist, he did not back down at all, and his cheeks were tightly pressed against Hancock.

“Don’t think I’m Bonnie going to be afraid of you, you can come if you have the ability!” See who teaches whom! ”

At this time, above Marin Fandor, with the appearance of Clark, whether it was the navy or pirates, they knew that this war was finally coming to an end.

That terrifying man finally passed this station, and from then on, the king was at the apex of the whole world, and no one could provoke his majesty again.

The huge naval headquarters was regarded as nothing by him, the terrifying volcanic eruption was easily frozen by him, and the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, was defeated in his hands.

The Navy’s strongest combat lineup successively broke the sand in his hands, and the three generals representing the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters who originally shocked the pirates of the entire New World were vulnerable in Clark’s hands.

And now, one of them, the admiral of the admiral, the red dog Sakaski, has also come to the last moment of his life in the eyes of almost everyone.

Sakaski, the red dog who stood up from the ground in embarrassment, looked at the undisguised cold killing intent in Clark’s eyes, and felt as if his limbs were about to be completely frozen.

“I will not fail, I am just, justice will not fail!”

Like a defeated dog, the red dog let out a crazy roar at Clark at the end, and he resolutely turned his arm into terrible lava again in front of all the navy.

The leather shoes clicked on the ground continuously, and the red dog launched a charge with Clark low in the last moments of his life.

With the dark five fingers together, Clark stepped forward fiercely, stepped heavily on the ground, clenched his fists, and quickly like lightning, shattered the heart of the red dog who charged and waved his fists with a punch.

The red dog Sakaski’s body softened, plopped, knelt on the ground with both legs, and then his head also fell.

His arm changed back to its original form, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his chest.

This deviant navy, which has been implementing the idea of eliminating all evil, in the name of absolute justice, at this moment, lies quietly on the cold ground, and there is no longer any life.

And in the whole process of Clark killing the red dog, a full hundred thousand naval elites, plus two other admirals, and Marshal Sengoku.

They all just stood in place dumbfounded, looking at the body of the red dog who fell there with an ugly face, and did not dare to make any more sounds.

Clark’s one-man power, apparently already at this time, was extremely strong, making the entire navy have great horror and awe for him.

No one dared to oppose Clark’s decision, did not dare to stop Clark’s actions, and in the face of absolute power, the number of navies was just a paper tiger.

In the face of decisive forces, no matter how high the power, no matter how high the status, no matter how terrible the world government, it seems to be so fragile! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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