“Welcome, this beautiful young lady from the Kingdom of Dressrosa, your boss is the big patron of our Nine Snake Island.

Presumably he has already told you in detail how to trade with me.

As long as you have money, Hydra Island can provide you with the most advanced weapons, the most powerful cannons, and the most unscrupulous mercenaries in the world. ”

Clark deliberately bit the money very hard, and saw that the woman in front of him really flashed a hint of color.

It seems that she is not such a simple woman sent by Doflamingo.

However, isn’t it more wonderful, there is some unspeakable contradiction between the bosses and subordinates with ghosts at each end, “four or four-zero”, a little provocation, or provide them with a little convenient conditions, wouldn’t it be possible to earn more?

“First of all, Ms. Viola, let me test the new weapons we will provide to Dressrosa.”

Clark deliberately did not say the name of Doflamingo, the person who did business with him, which made Viola’s psychology can’t help but have more strange thoughts.

Perhaps, through this man, she can take a line, a path that can free her from her current life, and liberate her relatives from the hands of that terrible man.

Ovira’s eyes became more and more enthusiastic as she looked at Clark, but she did not expect that her expression was completely seen by Clark.

“Below, what I will show you is that whether it is to capture a city or use it for defense, it is an excellent weapon.”

Clark asked Vegapunk to command the female warriors of Hydra Island, fixed the weapon battery, and then faced the ship with a vague shadow that could only be seen on the distant sea.

After adjusting the angle, Clark fired the shell with his own hands.

The barrel slammed backwards violently, and when fired, the violent jet force under the impetus of gunpowder quickly flew the round shell towards the sea at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

When the shocking cannon sound exploded, it violently stirred the heart of Viola, who was standing not far away.

What is this thing!

Viola had never seen such heavy artillery fire, and the sound was so violent that she almost didn’t stand up and fell to the ground.

On the surface of the sea, the most limited place that can be seen in view is next to the ordinary-looking pirate ship.

With a loud bang, the cannon fell to the surface of the sea. A terrible wave was set off, and the water splashed high, making the ship shake violently on the undulating sea.

“This kind of power, and such a course, has far exceeded the heavy artillery of the general naval configuration!”

Viola saw it clearly, and couldn’t help but be more interested in the cannon provided by Clark.

“Lord Clark, I am very impressed by this weapon you provided, but now I have a bigger business that I want to talk to Lord Clark alone, I wonder if Lord Clark can give me a chance?”

Viola stared at Clark with bright eyes, and her eyes full of adoration really seemed to be like an idol who had seen fans.

And Bonnie saw Viola’s appearance, she couldn’t help but feel a little disdainful, and actually wanted to sell her hue to talk business with Clark?

“Dr. Vegapunk, such a fort is now arranged in all directions of the island, and only products that are used by even the manufacturer are more easily sold.”

After giving the order and asking Bonnie to receive more people who flocked to admire Clark’s reputation or wanted to come and talk about business, he took the violet-like lady of Drezaros to Hancock’s palace alone.0

Because Hancock rested, there was no one else here except Clark and Viola.

“Miss Viola, now, can you show me your sincerity?”

Faced with Clark’s statement, a hint of hesitation flashed on Viola’s face, and then she immediately became firm.

She didn’t say anything, but suddenly made a dancing pose in front of Clark, and then a pair of high heels on the ground, ticking and stepping on it rhythmically.

Her hands and her dancing posture made her look really like a swaying violet, quietly blooming in front of Clark.

Stepping hard, Viola approached Clark step by step, and her body became more and more seductive.

A drop of fragrant sweat appeared on her forehead, and as her dance became more and more fragrant, the movements became more intense, and more sweat burst out from her body.

This scent is mixed with all kinds of spices that she tried her best to make men lose their minds5.4, and no man can escape under her charm!

Looking at the eyes of the man in front of him, he showed the exact same look as the other men when they saw such a charming dance.

Viola’s heart can’t help but feel a little proud, even if you are strong, you will fall under the unique perfume and dance made by my Viola and become a prisoner under her control!

Men, ahem, it’s all like that.

As long as the woman moves gently, she will willingly become her subordinate and be used by her!

However, she did not see that Clark’s eyes, which seemed to be moved by her just now, had long since recovered their clarity. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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