“I’ve always felt that there is never a shortage of bold guys in this world, but until now, I finally know what it means to be really bold.”

At the moment when Clark finished saying this, the fleet of ships that had been following them had been led by captured sea beasts and quickly came to the side of Clark’s ship.

“That’s really good, boss, can we open so soon this time?”

The arrogant voice of a group of people, under the depth of this seabed I don’t know how many kilometers, reached the ears of Clark and others through the coating attached to the ship.

These ships are equipped with many weapons, coupled with sufficient personnel and fierce momentum, even in the face of some supernova pirates who have come to the Chambord Islands from all over the world, I am afraid that they will have the power of a battle.

Moreover, under the natural environment of this deep sea, they who are familiar with deep-sea combat have a huge advantage over the pirates who want to dive from the Chambord Islands to Fishman Island, which is 10,000 meters below the sea.

“Yes, before going to Fishman Island to capture mermaids and fishman slaves, we can 06 open here first!”

Abominous Doflamingo, don’t think that without you, my disco will not be able to continue to operate! ”

A voice filled with considerable resentment sounded on Clark’s ship, a slave trader’s ship, led by a sea beast, already parallel to the side of the ship at Clark’s feet.

Then a relatively thin figure, protected by a group of fierce men armed with blood-stained blades and guns still smoking guns, passed through the mulch of two ships and landed on the deck of Clark’s ship.

“Boss, it’s so good, this time the goods are really good!”

After they landed on the deck, the first to face them was naturally loyal, and the first time they appeared, holding weapons and confronting their escort.

And several people of the escort, although the strength is in the last line of all the people on the ship, not a single one really needs their protection.

However, they still stand by their duty and fight on the front lines.

The sexy and serious, tall captain of the convoy, Kirito, the lively and cute and kind daisy, and many members of the escort stood in front of Clark and Hancock, blocking the sight of these people who jumped from the slave ship.

Clark looked at Han Cook beside her, and her body trembled irrepressibly the moment these people boarded the ship.

“Not bad, not bad, really not, as long as I bring back the color of this shipment, I can copy it!”

Almost all his money and fate were gambled on this slave capture.

Once the Chambordi Islands No. 1 illegal zone, the owner of the Kou auction house, Disco toes in a group of subordinates who were seduced by huge amounts of money and drove to follow their actions, looked at the members of the escort in front of him.

They are all white and beautiful, and they have the qualifications of top-level goods, which makes Disco feel that he has really made a lot of money when he comes out this trip.

Originally, on that day, when Draco died in front of him, in his auction hall, under the protection of his men, he really thought that he was completely finished.

Although it was not him who did it, Draco died in his auction hall, such a sin can also make him put into prison under various names, and he may not be able to get out in this life.

Because even Doflamingo, one of the bosses behind the scenes who cooperated with him, in the dark underground world, with terrible power and power, known as the clown JOKER. One of the seven martial seas of His Majesty the King of the Intermediary, abandoned him.

However, it seems that fate has favored him a little.

Before the world government could punish him for his crimes, another war that shocked the world had broken out at the headquarters of the Navy.

Disco, the owner of the population auction house in the No. 1 outlaw area that Clark eliminated, suddenly realized that his last chance was coming after learning the final result of the horrific war.

In the past, when Whitebeard announced that he was protecting Fishman Island, Fishman and Mermaid, which was taken by Whitebeard’s deterrent, are rare resources and are difficult to capture.

Therefore, every fishman or mermaid who is caught will even attract buyers like Draco.

And although Clark, who replaced the number one powerhouse in the Whitebeard world, also announced that he would receive all of Whitebeard’s property,440 until now, that terrifying living legend-level figure has been staying on Nine Snake Island and seems to have forgotten about it.

Disco decided to use all his last money to organize the operation.

As long as he can catch a few fishmen or something, everything lost can slowly return to his hands again!

And this operation was unexpectedly smooth, and when they went into the sea, there was also a pirate ship that was sailing in the deep sea for the first time, and did not know that it used sea beasts to pull ships.

Pirates are also goods in the population auction house, coupled with this natural environment, disco, who feels that he has an absolute advantage, has taken this ignorant pirate ship like a child who came to the new world on the first day as his prey.

“Che, there are actually people who dare to rob this ship, I really can’t think of such a bold guy in this world.”

Boni, who had been lying on the bow of the boat, because there was no sunlight, felt that she had become a lot of withered and had no sense of existence, and finally stood up with her slow and hard hands supporting her body. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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